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Local elections in Bavaria 2020: what does the district administrator do? How does the election work?

3/15/2020, 11:49:51 AM

The district administrator represents the district externally - it has a dual function. The most important information about this office and the district election in brief.

The district administrator represents the district externally - it has a dual function. The most important information about this office and the district election in brief.

  • On March 15, 2020 , the 2020 municipal election will be in Bavaria.
  • The district councilors who are at the head of each district are also elected.
  • As a district administrator in Bavaria, you have a dual function .
  • We send you the most important stories from your * region once a week in our free, local newsletter. Register and receive all information about the election on Monday morning at 6 a.m.

Munich - The district administrator is at the head of his district and is directly elected by the population in Bavaria. He or she has a dual function : as head of the district administration and head of the state part of the district office (also: "lower state administrative authority"). A few examples of state tasks that a district administrator performs in this function:

  • Legal supervision of municipalities belonging to the district
  • Motor vehicle registrations
  • Granting of building permits

He is subject to the official supervision of the district president . At the same time, the district administrator, as an election official, is also head of the district administration, which in many federal states is also called the district administrator. In Bavaria, however, the term district office is used.

District administrators in Bavaria: What are the tasks in this office?

Citizens expect their district administrator to be present in the district, that is:

  • comes to important events
  • Patronage takes over

A district administrator is also responsible for:

  • the daily business in the district administration
  • to draft the guidelines of municipal development
  • to draw up statutes for each financial year

The members of the district council then decide on the features of municipal development, but the district administrator introduces the guidelines to the district council. The office of district administrator thus promises a lot of political freedom to act. A citizen's decision, for example, must not exist on matters that are legally incumbent on the district administrator.

The district administrator convenes the district council within four weeks of the election. In urgent cases, he can also convene him for extraordinary meetings . He or she is also authorized to make urgent orders and conduct business that cannot be postponed. The district levies taxes and has to plan its economy carefully - it can only take out loans if otherwise would be economically senseless.

Local elections 2020 in Bavaria: Who can vote in the district election?

Who can act as district or district administrator

  • is at least 18 years old
  • EU citizen (German citizenship is required for district administrators)
  • has been in the constituency for at least three months (this usually means the place of residence)

Important: Each prospective district council must be proposed by a party or group of voters who nominate him as a candidate. There is one further restriction on the candidacy for the district administrator: only those who are not older than 67 at the beginning of their term of office can be elected.


This is how the parish and district parliaments work in Bavaria

© Munich Mercury

An absolute majority is required for the election to the district administrator. If no candidate receives this majority, the two candidates with the highest number of votes will be run for the ballot. The same rules apply here as well.

Local election 2020 in Bavaria: Our "cheat sheet" for the polling station


Cheat sheet municipal election Bavaria 2020

© Munich Mercury

For election day, we recommend that you download and print out our cheat sheet for the Bavaria 2020 local elections as a PDF.

All results of the 2020 local elections in Bavaria will be available on Sunday, March 15, 2020 at In advance you will find detailed reports on candidates, lists and all current developments.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.


List of rubric lists: © picture alliance / dpa / Armin Weigel

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