The Limited Times

Deadly Day in Spain: 838 Corona Dead | Israel today

3/29/2020, 10:42:24 AM


Spain records a new tragic record for the number of dead per day • The number of infected persons increased to 78,797 • Authorities increased enforcement and prevented residents from leaving the country home

Spain woke up to another day of counting the dead, when state authorities announced Sunday that 838 people died last day as a result of the Corona virus. This is a new and tragic record in the number of patients a day, when only yesterday the state set a record when it stood at 832 dead, but already managed to "break" it.

The country's overall death toll from the country has now risen to 6,528. Meanwhile, the Spanish Ministry of Health said that the number of patients had increased to 78,797 compared to 72,248 the day before.

Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez announced in a televised speech Saturday night that all non-essential workers must stay home for two weeks, saying workers will receive their regular pay, but will have to complete the hours when they are not working later. This is the latest government move to fight the corona virus that will last at least until April 9.

Police also increased patrol and enforcement, stopping buses and cars to check on passengers for a reason to leave. Schools, bars, restaurants and shops selling non-essential items have been closed since March 14, and most of the population remains home to try to slow the spread of the virus.

Spain is trying to cheer on the figure whereby 2,891 people recovered in the previous day, and a total of 12,248 were able to successfully deal with the virus. On the other hand, the number of hospital admissions in the kingdom last night reached 40,630, of which 4,574 were undergoing intensive care.

More on:

Spain has passed China with the death toll

Spain: The quorum of the dead from Corona almost doubled in the day

Italy: An Israeli tourist dies from Corona

According to data from yesterday, the centers of the virus, in a larger gap than the others, are the Capital of Madrid, with 21,520 patients and Catalonia, where there are 14,263 patients. Basque Country - 5,136; In Andalusia - 4,277; In Castile and Leon - 4,791; And in Bastia La Menashe - 4,512.

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