The Limited Times

All the recipes for Mimuna | Israel today

4/14/2020, 12:19:24 PM

This year we will celebrate the Mimuna holiday in a limited format • You can celebrate the holiday properly with the recipes that will set you a colorful table of recipes

This year we will celebrate the Mimuna holiday in a limited format • You can celebrate the holiday properly with the recipes that will make you a colorful table

The Mimuna celebrations will be marked this year in a limited format throughout the family. If you do not have a Moroccan grandmother with authentic recipes, you can celebrate the holiday properly with the recipes that will make you a colorful and delicious table.

Filmed / Courtesy of Solica, ewa safi restaurant


1 pound of flour

2 tablespoons of yeast

Tablespoon of salt

Half a tablespoon of salt

700 grams of water.


Mix the yeast flour, sugar and salt together for a few minutes. Then add the water gradually until slightly dough is obtained, allow the dough to rest for about an hour. Then make about 50g equal balls and open the dough with a little oil (not olive) for the circles the size of the pan you fry the emitted.

Lightly fry on each side and preferably remove absorbent paper.

Chocolate Mousse and Peanut Butter / Oral Kimchi, Poppina Restaurant

Materials (8-10 servings):

350 dark chocolate

325 Peanut butter

750 sweet cream


Sky in Ben Marie chocolate and peanut butter until fully dissolved.

Beat cream into very firm cream and fold with the rest of the mass.

Drip into cups and put in fridge.

You can decorate with chopped peanuts and caramelized banana or other toppings to your liking.

Oral Kimchi's dessert // Photo: Haim Yosef

Gluten-free dates and crackers // Mickey's name

With us in the family after the week of Passover, my mom would make the sweet for Mimuna: Pharmacies, jams and lots of cookies. Of all of them, I chose to continue making the date candy and crackers, today my daughters also enjoy preparing it with me on weekends.

Materials for about 100 sweets:

120 g (1/3 cup + spoon) honey

100 grams (1/2 cup less spoon) of Demerara sugar

200 grams (1/2 package less 2 tablespoons) paved dates in the vacuum

100g (1 cup) walnuts

100 g (1 cup) roasted pistachios

100 grams (1 cup) roasted hazelnuts

100 grams (1 cup) roasted almonds

100 grams (1 cup) pecan nuts

Slightly minced nutmeg

1/2 teaspoon minced cinnamon

Slightly ground cardamom

Pinch of salt

For coating:

140 grams (1 cup) sesame seeds

70 grams (1/2 cup) full sesame seeds

Prepare the mixture and refrigerate: Bring honey and sugar to a boil in a saucepan and add dates, stir to a uniform mixture and remove from the stove.

Add the remaining ingredients and mix until evenly blended.

Transfer the mixture to the refrigerator for about 30 minutes.

Designers, observers and freezers: Mix in a large, flat plate the two types of sesame seeds.

Remove the mixture from the refrigerator and divide it into 4 rolls 4 cm in diameter. Dip each roll in sesame. Wrap the rolls in plastic wrap and roll each roll in baking paper. Transfer to the freezer for half an hour. Transfer to refrigerator until served.

Slice and Serve: Slice the rollers into 1/2 cm thick coffees and serve. Keep in the fridge for up to 10 days. It is advisable to keep as rolls and spread as needed.

Made by Mickey's Mimuna name // Photo: Daniel Lila

Grandma's Marzipan Cigars by Chef // Chef Einav Azaguri, Nordoy Coffee and Nordinho Coffee

For dough:

וס cup of oil

וס A glass of water

350 grams of flour

Pinch of salt

Half a teaspoon of baking powder

A tablespoon of sugar

Mix water and oil with a sprinkler in a bowl until you get a white liquid.

Add the dry and knead to soft but not sticky dough. Leave for two hours in the fridge but preferably overnight.


400 grams of bleached almonds ground to powder

400 grams of sugar

The spoon is glowing

2 whipped egg whites

Put all the materials in hand with respect to a uniform mass. Create a kind of small "kebabs" 1 inch long by 5 inches long.

Make small balls (2 cm in diameter) from the dough and digest it, place in each round of the dough almonds and roll like vine leaves - from the inside walls and then from the side next to you.

Fry in oil and absorb on absorbent paper.

Make honey syrup made from:

1 cup of honey

Half a glass of water

2 lemon zest

Heat the syrup and cook over low heat for 10 minutes.

When the cigars are cold soak them in the syrup when it is lukewarm.

enjoy your meal .

The Marzipan of Einav Azaguri // Self-photography

Home Marzipan // Chef Oshri Saffroni, Hotel Anyway


3 cups of almonds

4 almond almonds Mr.

1/2 cup powdered sugar

2 tablespoons amaretto (almond liqueur)

2 tablespoons lemon juice


Soak the almonds and bitter almonds in lukewarm water and refrigerate overnight.

Peel the almonds and lightly dry in a towel, grind the almonds lightly in a food processor, connect all ingredients and grind for a uniform paste.

Divide the mass into 4 equal parts and each portion forms a 2 cm diameter roll. Wrap in plastic wrap, transfer to refrigerator for one hour and cut into diagonal rolls every 4 cm.

Home marzipan // Photo: Afik Gabay

Banana roti made from dough // Chef Meidad Stabinsky (Asian Bucket Hod Hasharon)

The rotary dough comes from Southeast Asian Muslim kitchens, and is eaten in its original form without filling or sweetening, as breakfast, or as a supplement dipped in steaming curries. Its most prevalent form has been followed by the waves of tourists washing the coast of Thailand, and the result - a marvelous one. Here is an easy recipe to make in any home. With the addition of the vinegar to the dough, you get an elastic dough that is easy to prepare and does not require long swelling.

For dough:

½ kg of white flour

10 g salt (half a teaspoon flat)

12 g 5% vinegar, (1 tablespoon)

250 ml water at room temperature.

Level A'

* Put all the dough ingredients for 5 minutes, until the dough is pleasant and smooth.

* Make a large ball cover and let the dough rest for 10 minutes.

* Then cut the dough to form ping pong balls, cover the towel and let the dough rest for about 20 minutes.

stage B'

* Arrange a piece of parchment paper on a work surface, grease it lightly.

* The dough ball is flattened on it, and with the help of greased hands, open the dough into a thin sheet, just as the dough rolls out. For hardeners, the dough sheet can be covered with another sheet of baking paper, and shredded using a rolling pin.

Step Three

* Slice a ripe banana into half a cm slices and mix in a bowl with one scrambled egg.

Step Four

* Heat as wide a teflon pan as possible on low flame, and grease with a fair amount of corn oil

* Turn the dough sheet over the pan with the sheet of parchment paper facing up

* Gently remove the parchment paper, and pour the banana and egg mixture onto the center of the dough.

* Carefully using forceps, fold the four corners of the dough inward so that the banana filling and dough pan are overlapped.

* Tighten down with tongs or spoon and continue to fry until golden dough

* Turn the dough over and fry on the other hand

* Repeat until golden and crispy dough is obtained on both sides.

* Pour the dough into a serving plate with its side folded down

* Top with concentrated milk and serve warm.

* Can be varied with Nutella chocolate, shredded peanuts or coconut or honey, each to taste

Banana roti from emitted dough // Photo: Niv Kochav

Crocombush Spine // Chef and culinary advisor Uri Rotenberg

For dough:

1/2 kg white flour

25 grams of yeast

300 ml water


Mix well well, and let it cover for about an hour

The dough comes out sticky

In the meantime, make caramel:

Melt a cup of sugar on a low-frying pan and stir until smooth

Heat deep oil in a saucepan, form small balls of sponge dough and fry for about two minutes per ball (balls multiply)

Remove the pellets from the oil and place them on the caramel with only a small portion of the ball touching the caramel (the peeler acts as a glue)

You start to build a tower from the cone-shaped balls as the tower stands stud

Sugar powder can be sprinkled over everything or pour jam over.

Peanut Butter and Chocolate Snack // Olga Tochcher, a vegan confectioner and blog owner "The Secret Ingredient"

Ingredients for 18 balls:

180 ml (3/4 cup) soft smooth peanut butter

80 ml (1/3 cup) natural maple syrup |

80g (1 pack) Instant Vanilla Pudding

Coating and decoration:

150 grams of dark chocolate

2 tablespoons oil

preparation method:

Prepare the balls: Place in a large mixing bowl the peanut butter and maple butter and mix well with a prey.

Add the instant pudding and mix well with a spatula until a uniform and sticky mass is obtained. Refrigerate for about 10 minutes.

Roll out walnut sized balls from the mass. Refrigerate for 30 minutes.

Prepare the coating: Melt the chocolate on Ban Mary or in the microwave. Add the oil and mix well until a smooth, glossy coating is obtained. It is advisable to watch the balls while the chocolate bowl stays on Ban Mary (the balls are frozen and they will cool the chocolate and make it hard). If you use the microprocessor, heat the chocolate occasionally.

Dip the chocolate balls and transfer with a fork onto a tray lined with baking paper. Refrigerate for about 20 minutes, or until chocolate settles.

Transfer the chocolate residue to a perfume bag and decorate the balls.

Store in an airtight container in the fridge.


You can replace the instant pudding with almond flour or coconut flour. Gradually add until a soft and sticky mass is obtained.

You can decorate the ready made peanut butter balls.

Peanut butter and chocolate snack "The secret ingredient" // Photo by Olga Tochcher

Locomeds // a poetic song

A light recipe for Greek donuts dipped in homemade honey syrup you can't stop eating


A spoonful of dry yeast

1/2 2 cups warm water

4 cups flour

Half a cup of sugar

Whole lemon zest

2 eggs

1/2 teaspoon salt

Honey syrup:

3 cups sugar

2 glasses of water

Half squeezed lemon

For submission:

Cinnamon / shredded pistachios

preparation method:

Put all the dough ingredients in the mixer bowl and mix with medium speed with a guitar hook until a smooth, sticky and slightly liquid dough is formed. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and swell until doubled in volume.

Meanwhile, make the syrup-

Put the sugar, water and lemon in a saucepan over the gas and boil. Then reduce the heat and cook until thickened and a light caramel color is obtained.

The fryer

Heat oil for frying in a wide saucepan, and when hot oil takes 2 teaspoons, and a small bowl of oil, dip the teaspoons in the oil and form small donuts and put in the hot oil. Fry until golden in all directions. Remove from the oil to a bowl with absorbent paper and cool slightly.

Prepare the prepared donuts in syrup generously, sprinkle over some cinnamon and serve.

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