The Limited Times

The New Method of Coaching in Israel | Israel today

4/16/2020, 10:47:28 AM

Stress and Self-Criticism - Out, Relaxation and Peace - None

Stress and Self-Criticism - Out, Relaxation, and Peace - None

  • Health training


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Closure days make us change our habits with a new and unfamiliar routine. There is no congestion on the roads, the children stay at home and do not go to school and we are in one space only with the small family. "This situation gives us a lot of time with ourselves and a lot of peace that we lacked," says Galit Lavi, a dentist and health coach. "Instead of falling into black bile and sacrifice, take a few breaths and realize that there is a change here that can bring an opportunity with it. It is important to meditate, go out as much as possible, read, learn, admit what we have, eat healthy and do sports."

These principles are just part of a new trend that is already growing worldwide and is in its infancy in Israel - health training. This is not a diet menu or a tough training program, but a comprehensive personal training program that puts mental and physical health at the center of the stage.

Lavi ministers from Kfar Sirkin have been studying and practicing health training for a number of years, a profession that is likely to be highly sought after by the Corona epidemic as people begin to realize that it is possible to prepare healthier food, which can reduce tensions through breathing and meditation and maintain a more natural life.

"Health training is actually a process of comprehensive health change. The reasons for seeking such treatment are very diverse, from a disease like diabetes or heart disease to those who want to do more sports or dietary change," Lavi sings. "I am a medical professional, and for my job I come to the patient as an expert, when he has to listen to my advice and get it. However, in the world of health training, the specialist is the person who comes to care. The method falls into the coaching field, the difference is that in health training we help the patient find The motivation out of his powers, and thus channel the way that suits him. "

Lavi Shrim talks about the difficult way that led her to choose health training, and says that, "My whole life I was interested in the soul and went through a lot of courses on it. I found health training when I lost my dad and felt I had to find myself a healer of great sadness that filled me. I began to explore, and discovered a whole world Of amazing tools. "

Healthy communication with the environment

The person undergoing such treatment is Liora (56) from Tel Aviv. "I wanted to improve my communication with the environment and understand my motivations, so my urge to start training apparently had nothing to do with health," she says. "In the initial conversations, the question came up about what health includes and we went over all kinds of parameters, some physical, some related to self-expression and communication with the family. Unlike what it used to be to think that health is solely related to the body, I realized that health is a much broader concept than physical condition."

What was different about other treatments you did?

"I've been to all sorts of methods and workshops and many times I've felt there being pressed against the wall or being led to the edge to get out of the depth. This is actually the opposite, the treatment is from a very empathetic, non-judgmental place, there is room for listening and compassion. There is also no cynicism, which was new to me Because in our world, I was asked to recall cases where I experienced success or cases where I felt good about myself, as opposed to other methods in which to look for the dark places where we experienced unsuccessfulness. In health training, look for the positive points, such as how to rise from a crisis to connect to forces. Internal and Strengths. "

How is the change you have undergone in your care?

"In a conflict with people, I had a tendency to think I was right, and with treatment I learned to look inside and think what I really thought about the situation. Instead of blaming, I learned to say what I feel or need, so it's easier for people to treat me pleasantly because they're not under attack, so the goal Mine has been achieved. "

From nurse to coach

Mali Levy from Rishon Lezion has been a nurse by profession for 27 years and for about a decade she has been managing the heart surgery department of Assuta Ramat Hachayal Hospital. She came to health training by chance. "Looking in depth and focusing on what exactly I love, I found out that meeting with confused, anxious people who ruined their world in one day is where I need to get into the picture. My challenge is to make them the reality they see in their eyes, to show them The bright side of the matter is the light that can be seen through the black. When they come out with a smile and hope I am happy and feel that my destiny in the world has been achieved in these moments, "she says.

"Being a nurse gives me a lot of background and knowledge about health and achieving health, I have over the years acquired tools that are with me and help me to give the best response. In health training there is no do's and don'ts, the navigable way between the person and the coach is the magic that is re-created every time until achieved. Trainee’s goal and purpose, ”Levy shares.

Levi believes that each process is as much a part of her training as the trainee's. "In one of my trainers, it was a matter of difficulty finding the calm, quiet and joyfulness of a new life they were in. During our conversations she learned to relate to the little things of everyday life, she began a process of thanking for what she has, of aspiring for the things she wants while Taking actions and creating a vision to achieve them. The process was lovely. " 

Change the language

Lavi Shrim says: "One of the amazing things I learned in coaching, and which I pass on, is the change of language. My goal is for people to drop this whip that we are underneath constantly, to bring out the despair of processes of change, to take out the struggle, the regrets, the criticism. Self, and put compassion and hope in their place. "

She says, "We often want to make a change in our lives, and even if we try a thousand times and fail, we have to keep trying. In the process of health training, we try to understand what the objections are. Sometimes in therapy we realize that people say to themselves phrases like 'you will never succeed' And realize that someone used to say this to them in the past and they repeated it and internalized, so the language change is significant in this treatment. The practice actually takes from the worlds of mindfulness, positive psychology and motivational method. This is a way that is tailored to each patient individually, each therapist has lots of tools and we together find what Best suited for the person to make the best change. "

Lavi Sharim talks about a significant change she has practiced. "One of the major changes one of my trainers underwent was finding calm, tranquility and health after releasing objections around compulsive eating. He came to me after trying lots of unsuccessful diets, and with my listening to him, and continuing to listen to his body, along with work and tasks throughout The process, 

body and mind he managed to lose 25 pounds. The most important part for me was when he was able to bring calm to his life.

How do you measure your successes? 

"We are taught less to measure successes and to start with very small steps. There are always results in this process, but they are not always what we hoped for from the beginning, because during the course of the training, we do a number of things in parallel, enough that one gives himself compassion for everything he does and then he has a lot more Someone who wanted to lose weight in the beginning, sometimes realizes that he may not have lost weight but has learned to live with what is there and to admit it. Usually, once we lower objections and live in peace with ourselves, it is much easier for us to go to life. For example, there is something much bigger that has changed. 'Should' lexicon '.

Lavi Sharim states that, "The process is non-therapeutic, we are not authorized to enter psychoanalysis. If there is a psychiatric condition we recommend going to a qualified physician. Sometimes we can conclude that we do the training but send the patient to a naturopath, nutritionist or fitness trainer." 

The change in Neve Tirza

Anat Leitzer of Mazkeret Batya is a social worker who also studied health training. "Social work interferes with the biopsychosocial of a person and connects them to the environment. My added value as a social worker is the broad knowledge base I have in health and social care on mental and social processes that influence human behavior. Training allows me to take responsibility for the patient. About his life and make a change, ”she says. 

What are your highlights for health training?

"At the beginning of training, the trainee is taught to create a map of the areas of life that are important to him, including their level of satisfaction, and after the trainee has created a map, they help to mark the destination he / she wants to reach. .

In addition, Llyther explains that there are three basic rules that follow the innovative method. The first is to ask questions: "A question mark should be put at the end of a sentence, to question whether the way the trainee is going is the best way for him, is there another way? Examine the alternate ways with the understanding that all paths lead to the same goal, but the path must be chosen. The most important thing to me, is that each one works his own way, the other is extracting the solution and the answer from the trainee himself: what is right for him, what is right for him, an important emphasis that we as humans are very difficult to implement, because the perception is that when we give advice in our experience, In this case, the practice will be to learn to listen to one another and pause the immediate response. And, in other words, to see half full glass. Most of us tend to see half empty glass. It is important to keep in mind what we gain from the process and not those around what we lose. " 

Lytler shares a significant process that went through and says: "As part of the internship, we chose to contribute to the community and perform a group training process for prisoners at Neve Tirza Prison, during which it became clear that the process had a great effect on some of the training, but he further influenced and taught me about myself as a woman and coach."

During the training, Leutzer learned that even in a rigid and sizif, where there is seemingly no choice, what is good and right for us can be chosen. "The prisoners learned to appreciate the good things in their lives in prison as well, they chose what was right for them in terms of food, even when the choice was very limited. For example, one of the prisoners wanted to quit drinking her coke and drink water, and at the end of the process she was proud of the change she made. That she was missing during her life. "

Leitler adds, "The prisoners purchased tools to help them survive in prison. They reported using guided imagery, sedation, word picking and good language use. Lee had a significant lesson in preventing judgment and accepting everyone as it is, and that's what health training actually teaches us to come back For a simpler and more relaxed life, this is the real health. " 

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