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【Two sessions in 2020】 The agenda of the National People's Congress announces the fifth item in the "Hong Kong version of the National Security Law"

5/21/2020, 2:50:29 PM

The third session of the 13th NPC will be held in Beijing on May 22. Tonight (21st), the National People's Congress held a press conference in the press conference hall of the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.

Instant China

Written by: Wang Zhaoyang

2020-05-21 21:30

Date of last update: 2020-05-21 22:42

The third session of the 13th NPC will be held in Beijing on May 22. Tonight (21st), the National People's Congress held a press conference in the Press Hall of the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. The spokesperson for the conference, Zhang Yesui, answered questions from Chinese and foreign reporters on issues related to the agenda of the conference and the work of the National People's Congress.

Zhang Yesui released nine agendas for this conference. The fifth item is the "Review of the Proposal of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress to submit to the" Decision of the National People's Congress on Establishing and Improving the Legal System and Enforcement Mechanism for the Maintenance of National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (Draft) ".

Regarding the specific situation of the bill, Zhang Yesui said in response to a reporter ’s question that national security is an important cornerstone of Anbang ’s determination of the country, and safeguarding national security is the fundamental interest of people of all ethnic groups, including Hong Kong compatriots. : Establish and improve the legal system and enforcement mechanism of the Special Administrative Region to safeguard national security. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is an inseparable part of the People ’s Republic of China, and the National People ’s Congress is the highest organ of state power. According to the new situation and needs, the National People ’s Congress exercises the powers conferred by the Constitution, establishes and improves the legal system and enforcement mechanism of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region from the national level to safeguard national security, and adheres to and improves the system of one country, two systems.

Zhang Yesui, spokesman of the National People's Congress and chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National People's Congress, said at a press conference that the 13th National People's Congress actually has 2,956 deputies, and 2902 deputies have reported to the congress. He said that more than a year after the Second Session of the 13th National People's Congress, a total of 47 draft laws and draft decisions were reviewed and 34 were approved. The supervision work has been carried out around major reform and development tasks, played the role of representative, and made new progress in contacting representatives and serving representatives.

Zhang Yesui, chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National People's Congress. (Screenshot of the movie)

Zhang Yesui said that the 7-day parliamentary session of the People's Congress will open on the morning of the 22nd and close on the afternoon of the 28th. Three plenary sessions will be arranged.

Zhang Yesui released the agenda of the conference. The fifth item of the agenda is "Review of the Proposal of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress to submit to the" Decision of the National People's Congress on Establishing and Improving the Legal System and Enforcement Mechanism of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to Maintain National Security (Draft) ".

"Hong Kong 01" was previously informed that the "Hong Kong version of the National Security Law" mainly targets four types of behaviors, including subversion of state power, secession of the country, terrorist activities, and interference by external forces. Terrorist activities are not covered by Article 23 of the Basic Law. Among the 7 points listed in Article 23 of the Basic Law, treason, incitement to rebellion, and theft of state secrets are not covered by the "Hong Kong version of the National Security Law."

Other agendas include:

First, review the government work report; Second, review the implementation of the 2019 National Economic and Social Development Plan and the report of the 2020 National Economic and Social Development Plan, and the 2020 National Economic and Social Development Plan; Third, review the 2019 Central and Social Development Plan The implementation of the local budget and the report on the draft central and local budgets for 2020, and the draft central and local budgets for 2020; Fourth, to consider the proposal of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress to consider the "Civil Code of the People's Republic of China (Draft)"; Six, Review the work report of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress; 7. Review the work report of the Supreme People's Court; 8. Review the work report of the Supreme People's Procuratorate; 9. Other matters.

At the press conference, the reporter was asking questions. (Screenshot of the movie)

Surging news question: We are concerned that after the outbreak of the new crown epidemic, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress made a decision to comprehensively ban illegal wildlife trade and excessive consumption of wild animals. May I ask, what special considerations and practical significance does this decision have? Another point, after this, the NPC Standing Committee meeting not only discussed the contents of the draft Biosecurity Law, but also conducted a preliminary review of the revised draft of the Animal Epidemic Prevention Law. Therefore, we would also like to ask, how will the National People's Congress strengthen the legal guarantee of public health in the future?

Zhang Yesui: Since the outbreak, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress has performed its duties in accordance with the law and acted swiftly. It has mainly done four aspects of work: First, it issued the "Decision on the Comprehensive Prohibition of Illicit Trade and Edible Wildlife". Second, consider the draft of the Biosecurity Law and the revised draft of the Animal Epidemic Prevention Law. Third, deploy and initiate legislation and amendments to strengthen the public health legal system. Fourth, publicize and interpret the epidemic prevention and control laws to provide legal support for epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development.

China currently has more than 30 laws related to the protection of the rule of law in public health. These laws have generally withstood the test and played an active role in this epidemic exam, but there are also some shortcomings and deficiencies. Next, an important task of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress is to further improve and strengthen the public health rule of law security system through legislation and amendment. The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress has formulated a special plan and set up a special working class. The plan is to formulate 17 laws to be revised this year and next, and 13 laws to be revised in due course. The focus is to improve and perfect the newly drafted Biosecurity Law for approval during the year; to revise the Wildlife Protection Law and to submit it for review in the second half of this year; to complete the revision of the Animal Epidemic Prevention Law as soon as possible; to revise the border health and quarantine law; Laws such as the Law on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases and the Law on Coping with Emergencies should be carefully evaluated and revised in a targeted manner.

The press conference site. (Screenshot of the movie)

China's military expenditure per capita is only equivalent to one-seventh of the United States

Fuji TV Japan asked: I would like to ask about China's defense budget. At the 70th anniversary parade last year, many new weapons and equipment were displayed, and the aircraft carrier Shandong served. However, the outside world has repeatedly expressed concern about the lack of transparency in China's military spending. China's defense budget has increased every year. How much will the budget reach this year? In addition, the negative impact of the epidemic on China's economy is inevitable. Will China's defense budget be reduced correspondingly compared to last year? If not, why?

Zhang Yesui: China pursues a defensive national defense policy. Regardless of the total amount, per capita, or proportion of GDP in China's national defense expenditure, it is moderate and restrained. From a global perspective, China's defense expenditure accounted for about 1.3% of GDP for many years, which should be said to be much lower than the world average of 2.6%. If compared with the largest military spending country, the total amount of China's defense expenditure in 2019 is only a quarter of it, and per capita is only one-seventeenth of it.

According to the Budget Law of the People's Republic of China, the national defense budget is reviewed and approved by the National People's Congress every year. Since 2007, China has submitted military expenditure reports to the United Nations every year. It is clear where the money comes from and where it goes. There is no such thing as "hidden military expenditure".

People's Daily reporter asked questions. (Screenshot of the movie)

People's Daily asked: This meeting will review the draft civil code, the public has high expectations for this. I would like to ask, what impact will the compilation of such a civil code have on China's economic and social development and the lives of ordinary people?

Zhang Yesui: Codification of the Civil Code is a major legislative task determined by the Fourth Plenary Session of the Eighteenth Central Committee of the Party. The codification work takes "two steps". The first step is to formulate general rules of civil law. This work has been completed in 2017. The second step is to compile and compile, and eventually merge with the general rules of civil law to form a unified civil code. Since August 2018, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress has reviewed and revised several sub-drafts several times, forming a draft civil code and submitting it to this conference for deliberation.

There are 7 chapters with 1260 articles in the draft civil code. The seven series are the general rules series, property rights series, contract series, personality rights series, marriage and family series, inheritance series and tort liability series. In the process of compiling the Civil Code, it has publicly solicited opinions through the Chinese People's Congress Network 10 times, and received a total of 1.02 million opinions and suggestions from 425,000 people.

Civil law is a law that adjusts civil relations. The Civil Code is an encyclopedia of social life, a legal collection of people ’s rights, the life and work of every citizen, and the establishment and operation of every enterprise are inseparable from the civil law. It is the long-cherished wish of several generations of New China to compile a civil code that belongs to the Chinese people. Over the past 40 years of reform and opening up, China has successively enacted a number of separate civil laws, and the civil law system has been gradually improved. At present, socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, systematically integrating, revising, and compiling the civil law norms formulated in different periods, adapting to the development of the times, conforming to the national conditions of China, reflecting the wishes of the people, and promoting the modernization of the governance system and governance capabilities and serving the economy High-quality development and safeguarding the fundamental interests of the people are of great significance.

Sing Tao Daily reporter asked questions. (Screenshot of the movie)

The National People's Congress is completely necessary to exercise the powers conferred by the Constitution

Sing Tao Daily Question: One of the agendas of the three sessions of the 13th National People's Congress adopted by the General Assembly preparatory meeting you mentioned just now is to review the decision of the National People's Congress on the establishment and improvement of the legal system and enforcement mechanism of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to maintain national security draft. Excuse me, what considerations does the National People's Congress put on this agenda?

Zhang Yesui: National security is an important cornerstone of Anbang's determination of the country. Maintaining national security is where the fundamental interests of people of all ethnic groups in the country, including compatriots in Hong Kong, lie. The Fourth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Party clearly stated: Establish and improve the legal system and enforcement mechanism of the Special Administrative Region to maintain national security. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is an inseparable part of the People ’s Republic of China. The National People's Congress is the highest organ of state power. According to the new situation and needs, the National People ’s Congress exercises the powers conferred by the Constitution, establishes and improves the legal system and enforcement mechanism of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region from the national level to safeguard national security, and adheres to and improves the system of one country, two systems.

As for the specific content of this agenda, please pay attention to the plenary meeting tomorrow morning.

CCTV reporter asked questions. (Screenshot of the movie)

CCTV ’s question: With the escalation of the new coronavirus epidemic in the United States, some members of the United States Congress have proposed a number of bills related to the epidemic. Some of them accused the Chinese government of being responsible for the spread of the US epidemic, and some even suggested that the United States should Responsibility and claims from China. May I ask the spokesperson, how do you view these proposals? At the same time, how will China respond to these bills proposed by US lawmakers?

Zhang Yesui: The accusations against China in these bills are unfounded and seriously violate international law and international relations norms. We firmly oppose these bills and will give a firm response and countermeasures based on the deliberation of the bills.

Since the outbreak, China has effectively controlled the epidemic and safeguarded people ’s lives and health by paying tremendous and painstaking efforts. With an open, transparent and responsible attitude, China promptly notified WHO and relevant countries of the epidemic information, released viral gene sequences and other information as soon as possible, and made its best efforts to carry out international anti-epidemic cooperation, which was widely recognized by the international community And praise. These are facts, and facts are facts. We will never accept any discredit or attack.

I have noticed some recent media reports, and I believe everyone has also noticed. These reports indicate that the epidemic has occurred at multiple points around the world, and the timeline for the emergence of some cases has been continuously advanced. I believe that as time goes on, the situation will become more and more clear. Virus tracing is a serious scientific issue. Scientists and medical experts should conduct scientific research and draw scientific conclusions based on facts and evidence. It is neither responsible nor moral to cover up your own problems by transferring responsibility. We will never accept any abuse and claims.

Viruses are the common enemy of mankind, and overcoming the epidemic requires science, reason, solidarity and cooperation. We hope that in this fight against the epidemic, rationality overcomes prejudice, conscience overcomes lies, more responsibility and less political manipulation. Focusing on prevention and control and strengthening cooperation can effectively control the epidemic and save more people's lives.

The conference site. (Screenshot of the movie)

US Consumer News and Business Channel (CNBC) asked: Since the outbreak of the New Coronavirus outbreak in the world, some countries have proposed to relocate some overseas companies to their home countries for the sake of maintaining supply chain security. Is there any evacuation of foreign-funded enterprises in China? Will this practice of changing the industry chain accelerate the process of counter-globalization? May I ask the spokesman, how do you see the trend of economic globalization and global governance in the coming period?

Zhang Yesui: Economic development has its inherent laws. The current pattern of the global industrial chain is the long-term comprehensive effect of various factors. The results of the joint efforts and common choices of enterprises in different countries are not the ones that can be changed at will. Economic globalization is in line with historical trends. The global pandemic of this epidemic will definitely have a complex impact on globalization in many ways, but it will not reverse the historical process of globalization.

In general, although the epidemic has affected foreign-funded enterprises in China, there is no large-scale withdrawal of foreign capital. China ’s comprehensive advantages in using foreign capital have not changed. Foreign investors continue to be optimistic about China and their confidence in long-term business development in China has not changed .

In his opening speech at the 73rd World Health Assembly, President Xi Jinping proposed to strengthen international macroeconomic policy coordination, maintain the stability of the global industrial chain and supply chain, and try to restore the world economy. China will continue to adhere to multilateralism, maintain trade and investment liberalization and the multilateral trading system, and promote the reform and improvement of the global governance system.

Xinhua News Agency reporters asked questions. (Screenshot of the movie)

Question from Xinhua News Agency: 2020 is the year when China will build a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, and it will also be the year of decisive battle to overcome poverty. However, affected by the new crown epidemic, GDP fell by 6.8% in the first quarter of this year. May I ask the spokesman, how do you view the situation of China's economic and social development this year? Can the established goal of poverty alleviation be completed on time? What kind of work will the NPC do?

Zhang Yesui: In 2020, the rural poverty population under China ’s current standards will be lifted out of poverty, which will be an event of great significance to China and humanity ’s poverty reduction. The new crown epidemic has caused a serious impact on China's economic and social development, and the order of production and life. It has also brought new difficulties and challenges to poverty alleviation. For example, poor laborers are prevented from working outside, the production and operation of impoverished households are impaired, assistance work in villages is restricted, and poverty alleviation enterprises and projects are delayed in resuming production and so on.

With the full implementation of these measures, the losses caused by the epidemic will be minimized. The goal and task of getting rid of poverty must be achieved on schedule. The National People's Congress and its Standing Committee will focus on legislation and supervision related to poverty alleviation, while continuing to play a role as deputies to people's congresses at all levels to contribute to the decisive victory of building a well-off society in an all-round way and combat poverty alleviation.

Bloomberg reporter asked questions. (Screenshot of the movie)

Bloomberg question: In recent months, we have seen the contradiction between China and the United States highlighted. The two sides have intensified conflicts on a series of issues, including the New Crown Outbreak, financial markets, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and trade issues. Excuse me, what do you think of Sino-US relations? Especially after the epidemic?

Zhang Yesui: The virus knows no borders and no race. During the joint anti-epidemic process, all sectors of the American society actively donated money and materials to China. Various sectors of the Chinese society also donated and supplied a large amount of medical supplies to the US. The health departments and prevention and control experts of the two countries maintained close communication and cooperation. As the largest developing country, the largest developed country, and the top two economies in the world, China and the United States have very close economic and trade ties and personnel exchanges, and the two countries have extensive common interests. History has fully shown that Sino-US cooperation will benefit both sides while fighting will hurt both sides. Cooperation is the only correct choice.

At present, China-US relations are at an important juncture. The key lies in upholding no conflict, no confrontation, mutual respect, and win-win cooperation. If the US respects China ’s social system and development path, treats China ’s development and strategic intent rationally, and commits to constructive dialogue with China, it will benefit the mutually beneficial cooperation between the two countries in various fields and on regional and global issues.

If the United States adheres to the Cold War mentality and implements a strategy to contain China and damage China's core and major interests, the result can only be to harm others and harm itself. China does not cause trouble, but it is not afraid of things. It will unswervingly defend its sovereignty, security and development interests. A stable development of Sino-US relations conforms to the fundamental interests of the two peoples and is also generally expected by the international community. At present, cooperation in combating epidemics and restoring the economy are top priorities, and maintaining the stability of the international economic and financial markets and the openness and security of the global supply chain are in the interest of all parties.

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