The Limited Times

Hong Kong version of the National Security Law | Chinese Liaison Office: only for a very small number of criminals who endanger national security without hindering freedom of speech

5/22/2020, 7:05:00 AM

The National People ’s Congress meeting opened this morning (22nd). Wang Chen, deputy secretary general of the Standing Committee of the National People ’s Congress, officially introduced the National People ’s Congress on the establishment and improvement of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ’s legal system and national security The Decision of the Implementation Mechanism (Draft), which covers seven major points, including the establishment of a national institution by the central government in Hong Kong, and the chief executive ’s regular report to the central government. A spokesman for the Liaison Office said that the draft is a necessary move to plug the loopholes in Hong Kong ’s national security laws and a fundamental solution to ensure the stability of “one country, two systems”, which fully embodies the central government ’s strong will and determination to maintain national security, and Resolutely safeguard and care for the overall interests of Hong Kong and the fundamental well-being of Hong Kong compatriots. The spokesman also pointed out that a small number of political activists attempted to speculate on Hong Kong, kidnapped the interests of 7.5 million Hong Kong people, and insisted on forcing Hong Kong to a dead end. In this regard, the central government will never sit idly by, and believe that they completely underestimated the central government ’s maintenance of national security and maintenance. The overall situation of Hong Kong is stable and the determination and will to safeguard the fundamental well-being of Hong Kong compatriots.

Political situation

Written by Peng Zhuowei

2020-05-22 14:59

Last update date: 2020-05-22 14:59

The National People ’s Congress meeting opened this morning (22nd). Wang Chen, deputy secretary general of the Standing Committee of the National People ’s Congress, officially introduced the National People ’s Congress on the establishment and improvement of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ’s legal system and national security The Decision of the Implementation Mechanism (Draft), which covers seven major points, including the establishment of a national institution by the central government in Hong Kong, and the chief executive ’s regular report to the central government.

A spokesman for the Liaison Office said that the draft is a necessary move to plug the loopholes in Hong Kong ’s national security laws and a fundamental solution to ensure the stability of “one country, two systems”, which fully embodies the central government ’s strong will and determination to maintain national security, and Resolutely safeguard and care for the overall interests of Hong Kong and the fundamental well-being of Hong Kong compatriots.

The spokesman also pointed out that a small number of political activists attempted to speculate on Hong Kong, kidnapped the interests of 7.5 million Hong Kong people, and insisted on forcing Hong Kong to a dead end. In this regard, the central government will never sit idly by, and believe that they completely underestimated the central government ’s maintenance of national security and maintenance. The overall situation of Hong Kong is stable and the determination and will to safeguard the fundamental well-being of Hong Kong compatriots.

The Hong Kong version of the National Security Law: The Third Session of the Thirteenth National People's Congress was held in Beijing on May 22. (Reuters)

A spokesman for the Liaison Office of the Communist Party of China stated that since the storm of illegal occupation and neutralization, the Hong Kong opposition and the radical separation forces in Hong Kong have repeatedly broken through the bottom line, putting the “zd2 one country, two systems” practice under severe challenges and seriously threatening national security. Some people openly advocated Hong Kong independence, clamored for armed nation-building, constitutional plazas, fighting for the United States, insulting and burning the national flag, tarnishing the national emblem, and impacting the central government agencies in Hong Kong and the SAR regime. The degree of destruction has been escalating and the characteristics of local terrorism have emerged. These actions have seriously affected Hong Kong ’s homeland security, political security and public safety, and the Hong Kong law and the lives and property of citizens have been seriously threatened. Hong Kong is facing the most severe situation since the return, and the one country, two systems train is facing The danger of derailment. "

The spokesman also pointed out that for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, maintaining national security is the proper meaning of "one country, two systems", and is a required question rather than a multiple choice question. The original intention and mission of "one country, two systems" is to maintain national unity and maintain Hong Kong's long-term prosperity and stability, both of which are indispensable. Since the reunification, the system of the Special Administrative Region has been established and operated effectively, and has achieved remarkable achievements. At the same time, new problems and challenges have also been encountered. In terms of major principles concerning national security, real risks are particularly prominent. According to Article 23 of the Basic Law, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region has undisputed constitutional responsibility for maintaining national security.

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The spokesman pointed out that in the past 23 years since the reunification, the SAR Government has made continuous efforts to this end. However, under the obstruction of the opposition, the relevant legislation cannot be completed so far, making Hong Kong a rare "non-defense" area in national security in the world. Closing the risk loopholes of Hong Kong ’s national security by means of national legislation and establishing and improving relevant laws and enforcement mechanisms are an urgent need to maintain the security of the “one country, two systems” system and an inevitable requirement for improving the systems and mechanisms related to the implementation of the Constitution and the Basic Law .

Some people in Hong Kong colluded with the international anti-China forces and Taiwan independence forces to stubbornly oppose the central government's comprehensive governance

The spokesman emphasized that the current severe and complicated situation in Hong Kong has an important relationship with the lack of national security legislation since the handover. Some people in Hong Kong colluded with international anti-China forces and Taiwan independence forces in an attempt to promote Hong Kong to become an independent or semi-independent political entity. More and more Hong Kong compatriots are soberly aware that these people ’s behavior is not a matter of democracy, a little bit less, and the development of the political system a little bit slower, but it is to stubbornly fight against the central government ’s comprehensive governance and impact the constitution of the Special Administrative Region. The ruling system fundamentally destroys one country, two systems. After the remarkable results of the recent fight against the new crown epidemic in Hong Kong, all sectors of society eagerly hope that Hong Kong can unite and start again. This is the aspiration of the people and the strength of Hong Kong to continue to move forward. Without a harmonious and stable environment, how can there be a home to live and work in peace and contentment?

The spokesman pointed out that a small number of political activists attempted to speculate on Hong Kong, kidnapped the interests of 7.5 million Hong Kong people, and determined to drive Hong Kong to a dead end. The Central Government will never sit idly by. They completely underestimated the determination and will of the central government to safeguard national security, safeguard the overall stability of Hong Kong, and safeguard the fundamental well-being of Hong Kong compatriots. The Central Government has the greatest responsibility for safeguarding the constitutional order of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the greatest responsibility for safeguarding national security, and has the greatest concern for safeguarding the fundamental interests of Hong Kong and the fundamental well-being of Hong Kong compatriots. It has taken decisive and effective measures to strengthen the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region It is imperative for the administrative region to maintain the national security system barrier, as a matter of course.

The adjustments of Xia Baolong and Luo Huining have opened a new situation for Beijing to change its thinking of governing Hong Kong. (AFP)

Only for very few people suspected of endangering national security crimes

The spokesman also pointed out that the relevant national security legislation of Hong Kong is aimed at acts that endanger national security, such as splitting the country, subverting the regime, organizing terrorist activities and interfering with foreign and foreign forces, and targeting the very few people suspected of endangering national security. The freedom of speech, news, publication, and assembly enjoyed by citizens in accordance with the law is not interfered with, daily life will not be affected, and property safety will continue to be effectively guaranteed. The central government will always adhere to the principle of one country, two systems, and earnestly protect the rights and freedoms enjoyed by the general public in accordance with the law. When performing its duties of maintaining national security, it will strictly comply with legal provisions, comply with legal authority, and follow legal procedures, and will not harm all legitimate rights and interests.

The Liaison Office said that it is conceivable that the opposition and local radical separation forces are out of anti-China chaos in Hong Kong, and they will inevitably spread rumors and discredit and create fear with alarmist and routine tactics. The general public must clearly understand their essence, and must see the determination and confidence of the central government to maintain one country, two systems, and believe that national security is guaranteed before Hong Kong can develop better.

The spokesman emphasized that the central government ’s policy towards Hong Kong has always been to ensure the correct implementation of "one country, two systems" and to ensure the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong. Only when the foundation of national security is solid and the overall situation of society is stable can we solve the deep-seated contradictions such as economic and people's livelihood, give full play to the system advantages of "one country, two systems", and win more room for development for Hong Kong.

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