The Limited Times

"Israel is not prepared for a confrontation with Hezbollah" Israel today

9/11/2020, 10:13:47 AM

| the Middle EastSheikh Naim Qassem, Nasrallah's deputy to Hezbollah's secretary general, was interviewed and said he did not anticipate a battle between Israel and his organization in the near future • "Israel is deterred from Hezbollah" In an interview with the Russian satellite channel in Arabic, Russia Al-Yom (RT), Hezbollah's deputy secretary Hassan Nasrallah, Sheikh Naim Qassem, referred to his organization

Sheikh Naim Qassem, Nasrallah's deputy to Hezbollah's secretary general, was interviewed and said he did not anticipate a battle between Israel and his organization in the near future • "Israel is deterred from Hezbollah"

In an interview with the Russian satellite channel in Arabic, Russia Al-Yom (RT), Hezbollah's deputy secretary Hassan Nasrallah, Sheikh Naim Qassem, referred to his organization's tensions with Israel on the northern border. Qassem estimated that despite recent events in the border area He does not anticipate a military confrontation between Israel and his organization in the near future, he said, due to "the fact that Israel is deterred by Hezbollah and does not want to go to war with the organization."

Ganz in the Northern Command: "Whoever examines us - will meet a very high capacity for action" // Photo: Tal Oz, spokeswoman for the Ministry of Defense

According to Hezbollah Deputy Secretary-General Qassem: "Israel is sunk to its neck with the outbreak of the corona plague and is not prepared to go to a military confrontation with Hezbollah.

The deterrence we created vis-à-vis Israel makes it difficult for it to make a decision to attack Hezbollah.

The deterrence equation we set up proves itself. "

Sheikh Naim Qassem reiterated the equation set by Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah, according to which any Israeli action against the organization would provoke a similar response - meaning that harming Hezbollah operatives would harm IDF soldiers: "Our responses to Israeli aggression are intended to deter .

We have a responsibility to the people of Lebanon. "

Qassem also referred to the continued presence of Hezbollah in Syria and the assistance provided by the organization to the Syrian army and the forces loyal to President Assad in his war against the remaining rebels in the country.

According to Sheikh Qassem, his organization was preparing to dilute Hezbollah forces stationed in Syria due to the fact that Syrian army forces have managed to occupy and liberate large areas seized by rebels during the country's civil war in the past decade: " Hezbollah's presence. "

Nasrallah's deputy also stressed that as early as 2017, the organization made a decision in principle to withdraw most of Hezbollah's forces from Syria and that the move has been gradual since then: "Our presence on the ground in Syria is intended to allow a gradual and safe return of civilians to normal life." They were destroyed and expelled from Syria. "

However, Qassem stressed that if the rebels in Syria continue to try and undermine the security of civilians and the stability of President Assad's regime, then "it is not impossible that we will send to Syria again the best of our fighters to help our allies."

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