The Limited Times

Humiliation is the new center Israel today

10/5/2020, 8:08:48 AM

Millions of square meters of employment and trade are planned to be built in the coming years in the cities of the lowlands | Real Estate Magazine

Millions of square meters of employment and trade are planned to be built in the coming years in the cities of the lowlands

  • Boston Business Center in Rishon Lezion of the Itzik Tshuva Group and Bar-Av


    Imaging: 3DVision

Produced by the Department of Special Supplements

Those who try to leave the lowlands in the morning are experiencing traffic jams that last more than an hour, and the situation is expected to worsen with the increase in population.

The huge traffic jams that stretch for miles daily into Tel Aviv and Gush Dan have made the country realize that there is a real need for new thinking.

Millions of square meters of employment and trade are planned to be built in the coming years in the cities of the lowlands, to serve the residents of the area, which is booming. The new employment areas will allow to get to work quickly and save endless traffic jams to the Tel Aviv area.

The population in the lowlands will grow by 40% in the next decade.

The roof agreements will lead to the addition of tens of thousands of new housing units, including about 20,000 in the Zrifin complex.

Beer Yaakov is expected to quadruple to about 100,000 residents.

In Ramla, another 7,500 housing units are planned, in Lod 17,000 will be added, in Modiin another 11,800, in Yavne 12,700.

In all these cities there is a great shortage of commercial and office space.

Among the employment areas planned to employ these residents, there are several particularly large ones: In the Zrifin complex, which was recently evacuated from the base where it operated, development work has begun on the land, on which a new SAR and 1.5 million sq.m. employment and commercial areas are planned (in Beer Yaakov and Rishon Lezion).

Near the Nesher Ramla plant and the Gezer and Modiin regional councils, they plan to establish a new employment area of ​​1.6 million square meters. In the Science Park in Rehovot, another 600,000 square meters of employment are planned in Tamar B. Park.

The Modiin municipality has realized in recent years that it cannot remain a sleeping city, and is building thousands of square meters of offices and commercial space in the new employment area, as well as in Yavne, Ness Ziona and Airport City, located on major arteries and near train stations.

With the help of real estate expert and former chairman of the Chamber of Appraisers, Ohad Danos, we surveyed the new prominent employment areas in the South.

Zrifin Complex: Significant Growth

Ayala Towers in the Zrifin complex of the Ayala Agam company // Imaging: Evilev Media

The completion of the evacuation of the Zrifin camp made it possible during the past year to begin work in the field.

The master plan of the complex intends to establish 1.5 million square meters of commercial and employment space in the coming years, which will make it the largest employment area in Gush Dan. In addition, about 17,000 housing units will be built on the municipal-divided area between Beer Yaakov (70%) And Rishon Lezion (30%).

The first complex to go on the market is associated with Beer Yaakov, a local council that is expected to increase its population fourfold in the coming years to about 100,000 residents, which will create a great demand for employment, trade and leisure.

The master plan for the entire area also includes the expansion of Assaf Harofeh Hospital, which is a major anchor in the area, alongside buildings with a mix of uses.

The planned changes in Beer Yaakov will lead to significant changes in the center of urban gravity and in the character of the city, which will become a major player among the cities in the center.

Along with the development of urban infrastructure, a new employment and commercial area is expected to be built, combined with housing, which will constitute the new city center.

Residential buildings, commercial areas and public and employment buildings will be built in a strategic location near major traffic arteries, which will allow maximum accessibility via Road 431 connecting Road 6, Ayalon (20), Road 4, Road 44, the train station in Beer Yaakov and BRT tracks.

Ohad Danos: "For those looking for an investment with potential for significant growth, Beer Yaakov can be an adequate answer. The planned mix between residential and employment and commerce is optimal, and the planned scope is a critical mass worthy of all uses being a focal point and symbiosis."

The first project in the Zrifin complex will be launched in the coming months by real estate developer Ayala Agam. It includes two 17-story office towers with commercial space on the ground floor.

Eitan Levy and Jackie Suissa, owners of Ayala Agam: "The new project is located at a strategic point in the municipal area of ​​Beer Yaakov. The city will continue to develop in the coming years. City offices, cultural centers and municipal services will move there, in addition to housing, commerce and employment. "The approval of the plans and the high accessibility, we recognize great potential here. In a few years the whole area will look completely different, and as there has been a significant increase in value in places like Einav Complex in Modi'in and Science Park in Ness Ziona, we expect this to happen in this complex in Beer Yaakov."

Streets: Trade and Research

Rehovot stands out in the field of employment thanks to the TMR A. Park, better known as the Kiryat HaMada Park, but another employment area currently has great potential.

It is called Tamar B Park and is located east of the northern entrance to the city, a direct continuation of the Ness Ziona employment park.

Tamar B Park will include another 600,000 square meters of employment, commercial and office buildings. The park is in the process of approving allocation tables, as a complex procedure of distribution of rights between the landowners is underway.

According to Danos, "The municipality is currently working on the continuation of the industrial park to the east. This is a plan that is expected to make the area a major attraction for high-tech and biotech companies, which have symbiotic relations with the Weizmann Institute and its researchers. From the strongest employment areas in the lowlands. "

In the area, which covers 616 dunams, more than half a million square meters of main employment, commercial and research areas are planned. "There is no doubt that Tamar B. Park will be an important turning point for the continued branding of streets as a city of science and culture," concludes Danos.

Entrepreneur Lior Bardugo, chairman and owner of Bardugo Group, which initiates and establishes, among other things, residential complexes in Rehovot, believes that the current plan is saturated with commercial and employment areas. For the great demand for housing in the area.

Regiment: Strategic location

Significant progress has recently been reported in the promotion of the Regam Employment Park (a temporary name derived from the names of the partner authorities - Ramla, Gezer, Hevel Modi'in). The heads of the authorities agreed with Remi to establish a joint directorate for the park, after struggles between the authorities.

It was agreed to transfer an initial budget from Rami for the establishment of the administration, which will begin the planning work and go out to tender for execution.

The new employment park is expected to be built in the border triangle, near the Eagles Interchange.

The park has excellent transportation accessibility from Highway 6, Highway 40 and Highway 431 and near Ben Gurion Airport. An Israeli train station is expected to be built in its center.                       

The plan was submitted to the district committee, which is expected to take effect after the objection procedure is completed.

The new complex will be spread over 1,128 dunams and will allow the construction of office buildings up to 9 stories high, logistics warehouses, a hotel, an academic complex and student dormitories.

In total, there is potential for the construction of 1.6 million square meters. The construction of the park is expected to provide work for about 20,000 people.

“Once again we are witnessing the immense importance of having a strategic location with excellent accessibility to major arteries,” Danos notes.

The new employment park is expected to be a critical mass of real estate properties, competing with those of the older neighboring cities. In addition, it will be another step in making Highway 431 one of the most important arteries in the economic and commercial life of the Central Region. "

Yavne: Close to home

Another city in the swing is Yavne, which is expected to grow by about 50,000 residents and the construction boom in it is at its peak.

Hotamal approved the Yavne East plan for the construction of a new residential neighborhood of 12.5 thousand housing units, along with an urban center that includes a train station, transportation center, public institutions, parks, employment complexes, commercial and residential areas on an area of ​​about 3,500 dunams.

The new neighborhood connects to the existing construction in the city and creates an urban continuum between the parts of the city through a level separation from Road No. 42 and the railway.

The employment center is accessible and close to the train station with a capacity of about 160,000 square meters of employment (including knowledge-intensive industry and offices), about 10,000 square meters of commerce, and other commercial fronts in the neighborhood of about 5,000 square meters. All of these will be highly accessible. To residents.

"Although Yavne's employment area will be built on a smaller scale, it is precisely the relatively small amount of designated areas that makes it unique to the residents of Yavne and the surrounding area," Danos explains.

"This area will be part of a new planning concept, which states that commercial and employment areas near the residential area should be combined, thus allowing residents a better quality of life - living, working and spending time in the same area. Carrying value here is guaranteed for the brave and visionary."

Alef Compound: An Alternative to Tel Aviv

BSR 1K from BSR in the 1000th complex // 

Imaging: Totem

In western Rishon Lezion, construction has already begun to establish a new employment and commercial center that dominates the city's last land reserves west of Ayalon - the Alef complex.

The area covers about 1,700 dunams and will include 1.75 million square meters for employment and trade for about 100,000 workers, 5,500 apartments and 120 dunams of parks.

An unusual mix of uses is being set up in the 1000 complex at a national level.

To date, land has been successfully marketed for the establishment of about 700,000 square meters of employment for some of the largest companies in Israel, including Phoenix, Discount, Rogovin, Praszkowski, Amot, Jtlv2 and other companies. A unique, modern visitor center has been opened in Israel.

The construction of the 1000 complex is led by the Rishon Lezion Municipality and the dedicated administration established several years ago to include the construction, marketing, management, sales and the relationship between the developers and the local authority.

In fact, a new metropolitan city is being established with 100,000 people to work in it, more than 22,000 people to live in 5,500 housing units, including dormitories and sheltered housing.

For the first time in Israel, tens of thousands of people will be able to live and work in the same place.

The northern complex (A) is special for the construction of offices, and the rights in it belong to the Rishon Lezion Municipality.

Plots were sold to the Discount Group, which will build its new headquarters, to Praszkowski and Amot, which sold half of the project to Migdal Insurance Company, as well as to Rogovin and the JTLV Foundation.

Praszkowski will build a 22-story office tower complex with a commercial plaza and an underground parking lot, which will be built on about 9 dunams at an estimated cost of NIS 480 million.

The tower will rise to 22 floors and includes 53.4 thousand square meters of offices for rent only and commercial areas of 1,400 square meters.

Praszkowski recently acquired additional land in the 24-dunam complex.

The scope of the transaction is NIS 166 million.

The company intends to build a long-term rental residential complex.

Haim Karadi, CEO of Praszkowski: “The business center of the 1000 complex sets new standards in transportation solutions and public space planning.

Even now, the 1,000th complex is attracting attention from many companies, which see it as an alternative to Tel Aviv.

The managements of Israeli banks, health funds and corporations are already examining beyond the compound. "

The Besser Group is setting up an office complex that is being marketed these days.

BSR 1K are two office towers and a 3-story building with a commercial square in the center.

The project is located in the northeastern part of the 1000 complex with maximum accessibility to Ayalon Road, Road 431, the Israel Railway Station and the future light rail.

The private landowners were concentrated in Complexes B and C.

Compound B has rights to build about 600 apartments and several hundred thousand square meters for construction. Complex C includes residential rights privately owned by hundreds of land rights holders, who are awaiting approval of the consolidation and division tables.

The complex constitutes the most significant land reserve for the development of the city.

It enjoys a significant location advantage due to its proximity to the Moshe Dayan train station, to future light rail lines, access to main roads including Roads 20 and 431, which comes directly to the complex, close to the two main arteries of Rishon Lezion - Sderot Moshe Dayan / Rehavam Zeevi and Sderot Rabin, and due Its proximity to the beach.

Adi Brock, CEO of the 1000 Complex Administration: "Within three years, we sold about 700,000 square meters to offices, in a city that previously had 2.5 million square meters for employment.

It should be remembered that the entire employment area of ​​Herzliya Pituach is 900,000 square meters, Ramat Hachayal less than 400,000 square meters, so our success is impressive.

"We are an employment alternative to Tel Aviv and its suburbs. Our advantage is the large plots and the planning flexibility, which make it possible to build not only towers but also campuses, which suit today's needs, including high-tech companies. This will be the most accessible complex."

The Mayor of Rishon Lezion, Raz Kinstlich: "The 1000 complex is a pioneering model for mixing advanced uses between employment, commerce and housing. It will significantly improve the quality of life of residents and increase employment in the city. Transport accessibility combined with geographical location made the complex the most attractive in Israel. The business sector expresses great confidence in Rishon Lezion. "

Rishon Lezion: On the way to Boston

Boston Business Center in Rishon Lezion of the Itzik Tshuva Group and Bar-Av Company // Imaging: 3DVision

The Itzik Tshuva Group and Bar-Av (formerly SCG) are currently establishing the Boston Business Center in Rishon Lezion - a commercial and business center with an investment of NIS 250 million, designed by architect Ilan Pivko.

The center is located near the Golden Mall and the Cinema City complex in Rishon Lezion and will include a commercial ground floor with an area of ​​approximately 4,000 square meters, and above it 7 office floors with an area of ​​approximately 13,000 square meters.

In addition, parking lots will be built for the benefit of the island in a total area of ​​about 9,000 square meters. All areas in the business and commercial center will be offered for sale.

"Rishon Lezion is today the fourth largest city in Israel," says Itzik Tshuva.

"Boston Business Center will provide a variety of commercial and employment areas in an accessible and convenient location, close to Ayalon lanes and the light rail station."

Ness Ziona: Business Campus

Office complex of the Yuvalim Group in Ness Ziona // Imaging: Yuvalim Group

Yuvalim Project A campus for businesses of the Yuvalim Group in the Ness Ziona Science Park, which covers an area of ​​32,000 square meters, including 4 buildings with 6 office floors above a commercial floor and about 20,000 square meters of parking basements, which will be built around an inner park.

The offices in the complex are offered for sale in units starting from 50 square meters.

The project is planned by architects Moti Kasif and Uri Barali from the firm of architects Barali-Levitsky-Kasif.

The Ness Ziona Science Park borders the northern part of the Rehovot Science Park.

The area is currently undergoing a development boom and transportation changes, which will connect it to Road 431. The complex is located close to the Rehovot train station and will enjoy easy access to all parts of Gush Dan.

Itzik Baruch, owner of the Yuvalim Group: "Today we see more and more established companies choosing to purchase the office space, instead of continuing to pay rent, since this is not only long-term stability for the company's needs, but also an investment channel that can be used in the future. , With yields of 6-7% ".

Produced by the Department of Special Supplements

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