The Limited Times

Covid: Mexico, 5,263 cases in 24 hours

10/10/2020, 7:39:44 AM

Mexico has recorded 5,263 cases of coronavirus and an additional 411 deaths caused by the disease in the past 24 hours, the Guardian reports. The new data bring the overall toll of infections in the country to 809,751 and that of victims to 83. (ANSA)

(ANSA) - ROME, OCTOBER 10 - Mexico has recorded 5,263 coronavirus cases and a further 411 deaths caused by the disease in the last 24 hours: the Guardian reports.

    The new data bring the total toll of infections in the country to 809,751 and that of victims to 83,507.

    According to the counts of the Jhons Hopkins University, Mexico is the ninth country in the world by number of cases after the USA, India, Brazil, Russia, Colombia, Argentina and Spain and Peru.


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