The Limited Times

The diversity of Banderazos

10/10/2020, 3:51:44 AM

Christianity believes that they are organized by hidden and evil forces. Most of those who go are anonymous heroes who give their all and ask for nothing in return.

10/09/2020 4:25 PM

  • Clarí

  • Opinion

Updated 10/09/2020 4:25 PM

On Monday, on the day of diversity, thousands and thousands of Argentines, throughout the country, intend to demonstrate the degree of massiveness of their calls and the plurality of their claims and demands.

It will be the banner of diversity


And it promises to be massive, because that is what the temperature of social networks indicates.

Hundreds of creative messages fly and go viral calling for unity in diversity.

The movement is so spontaneous, autonomous and multisectoral that each individual becomes a diffuser and communicator of their hope and their protest against the Fernández government in general and against Cristina in particular.

She is often the target of shouting and banners.

“Argentina / sin Cristina”

is the song that appears immediately after the national anthem or the San Lorenzo march.

The giant inflatable rubber doll is never missing with Cristina dressed in a prisoner's striped suit and two engraved numbers that are almost an editorial.


678 of the stigmatizers

and agitators of Diego Gvirtz and the


, the date on which they assassinated the prosecutor Alberto Nisman.

Lately dozens of identical but smaller dolls have appeared, circulating among the people.

It is impossible to record all the slogans that summarize the reasons for the celestial and white concentration.

But there are two that stand out for their massiveness and the degree of acceptance they have had.

I speak of

"The Hour of the Patriots"


"We are Free



In line with the diversity of the day, the participation of all those who for some reason have been affected, humiliated or destroyed by the dire decisions of this government is expected.

There is almost no social sector that is not angry and angry


The virtual posters call out “workers and entrepreneurs;

agricultural producers and regional economies;

teachers and students;

traders and manufacturers;

retirees and gyms;

hotels and tourism agencies;

influencers and families;

doctors and patients;

nurses and firefighters;

bus drivers and taxi drivers;

financiers and savers;

technological and artisans;

artists and scientists;

bar owners and waiters;

porteños and provincials;

judges and prosecutors and finally those hardest hit by rampant insecurity: police and crime victims. "

All of these groups have reason to complain.

All these Argentines were slapped by some drama that came from the government.

Everyone is fed up with everything, but basically with the state's boobies, the kleptocracy that goes unpunished and the desperate search for impunity for Cristina.

"Let them all go", one of the slogans of the banners.

Photo Juano Tesone.

This phenomenon of the banderazos is the most important, challenging, creative and torrential novelty that politics has.

It is a popular and republican movement that is leaderless and self-driving.

Like all alluvial structures, it is difficult to classify.

They do not go to the basic units or party committees.

Its territory of militancy is the networks, the innovative neurons and the streets


It is a peaceful, courageous and multi-class tsunami, although with a strong presence of the middle class chosen as an enemy by Christianity.

It is so great the dimension that it houses in its bosom, like any movement, sectors that sympathize with the conservative right, with the political center or with the social democratic center left.

They do not have a supporter shirt.

On the contrary, they have their sympathies and antipathies for certain opposition leaders.

They celebrate and thank those who, on a personal basis, join and accompany the caravans and criticize very harshly the cold breasts that always have an excuse to shut up and look the other way.

These people are the vanguard of the fight for freedom and the Republic.

And they advance with the leaders at the head or with the head of the leaders.

Whoever does not manage to decipher or underestimate such a transformation of the ways of doing politics, will be left on the side of the road, pedaling through the bureaucracy of the offices or in the miniature of the perks.

It is an original move that may have some precedent in the outraged in Europe and is multiplied every day with a horizontal assembly operation, without leaders or bosses.

There are many groups and each one contributes its own.

For now they do not compete and they help and complement each other.

Among the most active are Banquemos, Campo más Ciudad, Equipo Republicano, Now More Than Ever, Argentines abroad, Self-convened Citizens, Rebellion of the Mansos, Guardians of Change and Gorillas, an

ironic genius to exorcise the typical insult of populists.

For many reasons, journalistic coverage is aimed at large urban centers, but another characteristic of the banderazos is their federal presence even in the smallest towns of our blessed Argentina.

That is why many times the crowds that surround the great stained glass window of the Buenos Aires Obelisk or the Patio Olmos in Córdoba stand out.

But few have registered Don Edgardo Rovea.

"My soul alone," he

said and appeared with his impeccable idolized flag, the banner that Belgrano left us.

His poncho is light blue with white trim and he has the shield of the Argentine Republic on his chest.

He rides a green tractor that is not of the latest generation and participates in the flags standing at the door of the police station of a small town in Santiago called Icaño.

I confess that I did not even know of Icaño's existence.

And much less of this patriotic laburante named Edgardo.

Icaño, was founded in 1892 and has around 2,000 inhabitants.

It was born with native peoples and developed with European immigrants, many of them Jews.

Otto Wolff was one of the pioneers.

The Berkoff cinema-theater was the first in the province.

It seems like a place forgotten by God but there is Edgardo with his flag, his chinstrap and a brown dog that accompanies him on those roads of dirt and hope.

For years, citizens were being asked for greater commitment and participation.

That the good, the honest and the capable join the political struggle is the only way to recover its best transformative content.

There's no other way.

If they do not occupy those places, they will be covered, as until now, by many incapable, corrupt and blackmailed.

Today, those Argentines left the comfort of their homes.

They no longer comment on the politics they watch on television.

They want to star in it.

Coronavirus in Argentina Buenos AiresCovid19 Covid 19 Quarantine Flag of the Obelisk Protest against national government Photo Juano Tesone - FTP CLARIN JUA_9787.jpg Z JTesone

They understood that with the complaint from their home, it is not enough.

They don't want anything too extraordinary.

A serious and reliable country, with equal opportunities, absolute freedom, without thieves of any kind and less than state robbers, and without authoritarian mafias.

Many political leaders or well-known figures announced that this Monday they are going to join, in a personal capacity, the ocean of citizens.

Luis Brandoni, Maximiliano Guerra and Alfredo Casero

who are never missing.

Patricia Bullrich, Elisa Carrió, Fernando Iglesias, Waldo Wolff, Alvaro de Lamadrid, Hernán Lombardi, Luis Etchevehere, are some of those that I was able to register on the networks.

But there will be many more, of course.

Without partisan speculation or eagerness to appropriate the event.

Accompanying and trying to understand what is new and then trying to represent it fully.

I comment on something personal and not so much because it has to do with this wonderful job of journalists that I love so much.

Like them, I don't have partisan shirts.

I do not defend political groups.

I am absolutely independent.

But I'm not neutral either.

I try to always be on the side of the victims and never the victimizers.

And I defend values.

Cristinistas, who always have conspiratorial views of life, believe that these banners are organized by

hidden and evil forces and very powerful


The truth is that there is everything, even people with whom I do not share certain cultural views.

But most of them are anonymous heroes who give their all and ask for nothing in return.

That they take hours from their work or their study to make their contribution.

They do not seek a job in the state nor do they want to be professional politicians.

They are Argentine all-terrain and all generosity.

They love the meritocracy

and culture of effort that they learned from their parents and grandparents.

One of them is called Pablo Demarchi.

He lives in Embalse, in the department of Calamuchita, in the heart of the Córdoba mountains.

He is not an oligarch or a millionaire.

Banderazo against the government of Alberto Fernández in front of the presidential residence of Olivos.

Photo Marcelo Carroll

He is under 40 years old, earns his living as a university professor, and has a degree in advertising.

He joined the fight for his ideas during the war that Cristina declared to the field with the 125. Pablo deeply understood the concept of diversity.

Different but together.

Different but united.

And he wrote the republican creed with which I feel deeply identified.

That kind of lay prayer, of our father from Argentina that we dream of, represents me.

And I think it synthesizes the dreams of the vast majority of Argentines.

I share it for you to share it too:

I believe in equality before the law.

I believe in the independence of the powers.

I believe in Congress as a temple of democracy.

I believe in justice as the guarantor of freedom.

I believe in the men and women of my country, and in the Constitution that establishes their rights.

I believe in freedom of the press, of opinion and of business.

I believe in private property.

I believe in the right to privacy and to work.

I believe in the punishment of the corrupt and respect for the honest.

I believe in these principles and I swear only to submit to them.

In them, and for them, I declare myself free ”.

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