The Limited Times

The EU in Caracas

10/12/2020, 12:15:45 AM

European diplomatic action is essential for the Venezuelan democratsThe Vice-President of the Commission and High Representative for Foreign Policy of the EU, Josep Borrell, last week in Brussels DPA via Europa Press / Europa Press Venezuela is plunging by leaps and bounds into a dramatic economic, political and human rights crisis. Millions of people have had to flee the country in recent years due to the inept, corrupt and oppressive management of the Chavista

The Vice-President of the Commission and High Representative for Foreign Policy of the EU, Josep Borrell, last week in Brussels DPA via Europa Press / Europa Press

Venezuela is plunging by leaps and bounds into a dramatic economic, political and human rights crisis.

Millions of people have had to flee the country in recent years due to the inept, corrupt and oppressive management of the Chavista regime, recently accused by a UN investigation mission of gross human rights violations.

Faced with such a scenario, the international community cannot remain indifferent and must try to facilitate a way out by opening the way to political solutions with the available means: on the one hand, a diplomatic action that helps the Venezuelan democrats to advance in the reestablishment of conditions, precisely, democratic;

on the other, the prospect of sanctions that hit the regime without affecting citizens.

Don't be naïve: given the Chavista regime's record, it is extremely difficult to make significant progress.

But there is no doubt that nothing will happen without effective involvement of outside actors.

For this reason, the EU initiative, led by the Vice President of the Commission and High Representative for EU Foreign Policy, Josep Borrell, to facilitate a peaceful and democratic solution in the country is more than justified.

The release of a hundred political prisoners and the invitation to international observation by the United Nations and the EU in the next legislative elections by the Nicolás Maduro regime, although insufficient, were measures that represented a basis for trying to negotiate.

Unfortunately, as could be feared, Maduro has not released more political prisoners and, despite the recommendations made by the UN and the requests of the EU, he has insisted on keeping the date of December 6 when guarantees are not given for allow transparent elections and with the required equality of conditions among the candidates.

In addition, the National Constituent Assembly - a parallel parliament exclusively made up of Chavismo - approved a law on Thursday that grants Maduro unlimited powers to sign contracts with national and foreign oil companies.

In other words, it puts without the possibility of any control in the hands of the president an essential sector for the battered Venezuelan economy.

In this situation there are basically two options.

The first is to consider any dialogue attempt to redirect the situation as sterile, thus resigning itself to Maduro holding elections without the proper democratic conditions.

This vote, yes, will be completely delegitimized, but it will add social tension and greater institutional chaos in a country that urgently needs to enter a path of understanding.

The second is to exhaust the possible avenues that, without compromising the principles of respect for the rights and freedoms of Venezuelans, persuade the regime of the need to postpone the elections and try to achieve adequate conditions for them.

And that is the path chosen by Josep Borrell.

The strategy is justified.

The EU can and should play a leading role in seeking, through diplomacy, formulas to put an end to the drama in Venezuela once and for all.

Maduro's enlistment will not end if it is not through action by the international community that seeks effective and credible measures to redirect the situation.

And Europe must take up this challenge, especially at this time when the US does not play this role.

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