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US election campaign: Joe Biden attacks Donald Trump over "superspreader event"

10/30/2020, 5:53:48 AM

The corona pandemic is escalating in the USA. A few days before the vote on a new president, challenger Biden attacked incumbent Trump because of his major campaign events.

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Trump's rival Joe Biden

Photo: Luis Santana / dpa

In the important state of Florida, Joe Biden and Donald Trump had another long-distance duel in the presidential election campaign (read the SPIEGEL cover story here).

In view of the persistently high number of corona infections, the Democratic candidate attacked the president sharply.

Its major events are "super spreader events" at which Trump not only distributes viruses, but also discord in the country.

Biden performed in front of a small crowd in Coconut Creek Village near Miami - the visitors had come in around 200 cars.

They always had to stay close to their cars in order to comply with the rules of distance.

The former Vice President took Trump's corona policy harshly to justice: "He says the end is coming, that (the virus) will go away. That we will learn to live with it. No, he expects that we will learn with it to die, "Biden called to his followers.

Trump was giving a campaign speech in Tampa at the same time.

At the event, as in the past few days, thousands of people were huddled together in front of the stage - many of them without masks.

Trump mocked that the Biden events were not so small because of Corona, but because nobody wanted to go.

"I think how many people come, that's the ultimate poll - and based on that, we'll win on Tuesday."

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Trump speaking in Tampa

Photo: Ivy Ceballo / imago images / ZUMA Wire

Elections will be held in the USA on Tuesday.

In most surveys, Biden is ahead - also because of the dissatisfaction with Trump's handling of the Corona crisis.

The pandemic killed more than 225,000 people in the United States.

Trump claims that his crisis management may have prevented millions of deaths.

Biden accuses Trump of failure, accusing him of being responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of US citizens.

On Thursday, John Hopkins University reported more than 90,000 new infections per day in the United States for the first time.

The rural areas in the north and in the center of the country are particularly affected.

Regardless of the situation, Trump ruled out new, far-reaching restrictions on public life in the United States.

"We will never do a lockdown again," he announced, referring specifically to the restrictions announced in Germany and France.

Biden repeatedly accuses Trump that he still has no plan to combat it, even more than half a year after the start of the pandemic.

Icon: The mirror

as / dpa

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