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US election 2020: Trump takes action against Biden results - who is currently ahead?

11/5/2020, 3:44:41 AM

Who is ahead? A question that the 2020 US election will boil down to. Here you will find updates on the status of the last few states.

Who is ahead?

A question that the 2020 US election will boil down to.

Here you will find updates on the status of the last few states.

  • The

    2020 presidential election

    * will take place on November 3rd.

  • On election night there are

    interim results

    for individual states and thus also for the entire USA.

  • We keep track of all the news and answer questions like: “

    Who is ahead?


Update from November 5, 4.20 a.m.:

The long

election evening in the USA

has so far not resulted in any further breakthroughs in the counts.

However, the focus is clearly on

Georgia, Pennsylvania and Arizona


In the former states, Joe Biden is catching up with Donald Trump every hour - in Arizona, however, Biden's lead is decreasing at the same time.

In all three cases it is still unclear whether the chases to catch up could culminate in a turning point.

In Georgia, however, a decision is approaching: A reliable

result is


in the next few hours


Should Trump lose here, his presidency could practically be history.

Biden is only missing any other state to complete the victory.

Update from November 4, 9:58 p.m.: In





, the Republicans have called the courts to obtain an interruption in the vote count.

There is not enough transparency in the polling stations, argues Donald Trump's campaign team.

Both states can be of great importance for the outcome of the 2020 US election.

Update from November 4th, 9:19 p.m.:

Very slowly, a lead for Joe Biden became apparent in the course of the count.

As long as the last few states are not counted, Donald Trump still has a very realistic chance of winning the election.

The US is still waiting for

Alaska, Nevada, Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina


Update from November 4, 8:20 p.m .:

Wisconsin is counted and just goes to Joe Biden.

However, it is uncertain whether the result will last in this important swing state.

Donald Trump's campaign team had already announced that it would


a recount in



Update from November 4th, 7:56 p.m.:

The interim result in


is now so clear that the electoral division is considered certain.

In this state, Biden gets three electors and Trump only one.

In Maine, unlike many other states, not all electors have to go to a single candidate.

2020 US election: the results in Wisconsin leave many questions unanswered - who is currently ahead?

Update from November 4, 7:16 p.m.:

In the interim results of the 2020 US election, the state of


with ten electors will initially not be counted if the count determines Joe Biden as the winner.

The Trump camp has announced it will request a recount.

This emerges from a written statement by campaign manager Bill Stepien.

Update from November 4, 6.43 p.m.:

In the 2020 US election, the decision will be on the state of



20 electors are chosen there - and the decision is still open.

A current report from Lucerne County (over 300,000 inhabitants) now dampens hope that a decision will soon be made here.

It is believed that the count in the county can last until Thursday morning (local time), reports CNN.

Update from November 4, 5:35 p.m.:

According to




Joe Biden can set himself


from Donald Trump.

The Democratic presidential candidate currently has 49.5 percent, incumbent Trump 48.9 percent.

Biden would thereby


16 voters


It is still very scarce in the US states of Georgia, Nevada and Wisconsin.

Update from November 4, 2:40 p.m

.: The 2020 US election will remain exciting.

A victory by

Donald Trump


Joe Biden

now seems to depend mainly on six larger states.

The announcement of the result could be delayed even further, as some states still accept postal ballot papers for several days if they are sent in time.

But how tight is it currently in the contested states?

According to


, incumbent Trump currently has incumbents in Pennsylvania * and Georgia *.

In contrast, challenger Biden leads in Arizona *, Nevada * and Wisconsin *.

In Michigan * both candidates are on par.







Joe Biden







Donald Trump














Counted out







Update from November 4, 12:51 p.m.:


Biden is assigned to Arizona,

only seven other states with a specific assignment are missing.

As things stand,

Nevada and Wisconsin


just go to the Democrats


That would be 16 more electoral votes plus eleven Arizona electors for Biden.

That would not be quite enough for a majority.

Donald Trump is currently ahead of Biden


Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Alaska and Michigan


However, Trump has a lead of just 64,000 votes.

And especially the more democratic counties like Wayne County are still missing.

So it remains a thriller who wins the presidential election.

Update from November 4, 11:32 a.m.:

And again something has


in the 2020 US election.

The new interim result:

Hawaii goes to Joe Biden with four electors


Biden is also




and AP has already assigned it to him.

Biggest surprise,

Wisconsin tipped over


With just 0.3 percent, Biden now leads here.

That was probably due to the Milwaukee County votes that are currently being counted.

Interim results of the 2020 US election: This is how the missing states are currently distributed

Update from November 4, 9.28 a.m.: Arizona is now officially considered democratic


This means that 11 electors go to Joe Biden.

However, according to the current situation in

Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Georgia,

Trump is


Should he be able to decide all states for himself, that would ensure victory for him.

In Pennsylvania so far, 74 percent of the vote has been counted.

For example, 1.4 million absentee votes are still missing here.

Trump is currently leading here with over 55 percent.

Update from November 4th, 7:22 am:

And again two states can finally be assigned.


is now considered safe for

Republicans to



Rhode Island, Joe Biden

got a clear victory for the Democrats with

59.2 percent

to 39.3 percent according to CNN information.


Minnesota goes to the Democrats with 53.3 percent


But there is still no clear winner, even if, with Texas, the favor of the hour is more with Donald Trump.

 It now comes down






Wisconsin in



2020 US election: what were the results for 2016?

Update from November 4th, 6:35 a.m.:

According to Fox News,

Iowa also

applies decidedly.


state goes to US

President Donald Trump


53.4 percent


Joe Biden got 44.8 percent.

Even the

Swing State Florida

seems now finally for

choosing Trump

to be.

According to Fox News, the US President has

51.2 percent of the vote


47.8 percent go to Joe Biden.

Interim results of the 2020 US election: Texas and Swing State Ohio go to the Republicans

Update from November 4, 6:01 a.m.:

According to the CBS, it currently looks like

Trump Ohio has won


Trump is currently clearly ahead.

53.3 percent to 45.2 percent

for Joe Biden.




, now seems largely decided.

After even Joe Biden was in front here in places,


was able

to win the Republican state.

88 percent of the votes have been selected and Trump is



52.1 percent to 46.4 percent


Update from November 4, 5:06 a.m.:

Trump won in Missouri and Utah, while Biden was victorious in New Hampshire.

However, these interim results do not allow the choice to tip in one direction.

The US is still waiting to see what happens in big swing states.

The interim results of the US election leave many questions unanswered: Waiting for the swing states

Update from November 4th, 4.41 a.m.:

In the USA the results of many

swing states

are still missing


The current stalemate between Trump and Biden, in which both candidates are still close to each other and at the same time far from the majority, can therefore resolve within a short time.

Since it is sometimes about differences of less than one percentage point, in states like

Ohio it

should not be

clear until the end of the count who is ahead.

Early projections with a clear winner are not possible in many places.

Update from November 4, 3.49 a.m.:

In addition to the presidential election, the focus in the United States is on the 2020 congressional election. For the House of Representatives, it seems clear who won the election.

The Democrats can count on another majority.

Update from November 4, 3:22 p.m.:

If it were up to the number of



, Donald Trump would currently be in the lead.

As for the


, the candidates are still close together in the interim result.

Both Trump and Biden have passed the number of presumably 100 electors, but are still far from a necessary majority.

Update from November 4, 2:46 p.m.:

Donald Trump won the election in the US state of Arkansas.

This will give him six more voters for his possible re-election.

Overview of the Interim Results of the 2020 US Election - Who Is Up?

Update from November 4, 2:20 a.m.:

According to the news agencies AP and dpa, Joe Biden currently has a little more electorate behind him than Donald Trump.

Accordingly, the following states have so far been decided for one of the candidates in the US election.

Joe Biden:

Virginia, Vermont, Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Illinois, Rhode Island and the federal capital Washington DC

Donald Trump:

Kentucky, West Virginia, Indiana, South Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Alabama, and Mississippi

Update from November 4, 1.57 a.m.:

Joe Biden wins in Virginia and Vermont, Donald Trump wins in Kentucky and West Virginia.

The distribution of the


is therefore

16:13 for Biden


This snapshot says little, however, because the

majority for the election victory is 270 voters


Update from November 4, 1:40 a.m.:

After Kentucky was booked as a clear victory for Trump at the beginning of election night, there are now doubts.

Newer numbers suddenly showed Biden in the lead.

The outcome is still open in this state.

According to the US media, Trump won another victory in the small state of West Virginia.

Update from November 4, 1:17 a.m.:

As expected, Joe Biden has taken the state of Vermont for himself.

The small state only appoints three voters.

Who will be ahead in the 2020 US election?

Trump gets the first states

Update from November 4th, 1:10 a.m.:

These are the first interim results of the 2020 US election and therefore no preview of the final result.

Nevertheless, Donald Trump can look forward to the start of the election evening.

In Kentucky and Indiana, according to CNN, there is a clear answer to the question: who is ahead?

After the first constituencies counted, it looks like Trump can win the states ahead of challenger Biden.

Update from November 4, 0.28 a.m.:

So that you know exactly when the intermediate results of the US election will arrive in the most important swing states, we recommend that you take a look at the US election schedule *.

The count begins hour after hour in other states.

Interim results of the US election are imminent: who is ahead?

Update from November 4, 0.01 a.m.:

In the first states, the first polling stations have now also closed.

There it will first be found out how long the counting of the votes will take.

Update from November 3, 11:13 p.m.:

The first

polling stations

in Kentucky * and Indiana * close at midnight German time.

From then on, an increasingly precise interim result for the US election 2020 will emerge for hours.

The closings of the polling stations in the various states proceed from this point on every hour and sometimes every half hour.

Who is ahead can change several times over the course of the evening in the presidential election.

The results of the 2020 US election: Almost 100 million votes were cast in advance

Update from November 3, 6:03 p.m.:

Almost 100 million US citizens have already voted by letter or in pre-opened polling stations, as reported by the

US Elections Project


However, due to the unusually high number of postal voters and the associated lengthy counting, it is still unclear whether the winner of the

2020 US election will

be determined on election night.

The last polling stations do not close until 7 a.m. CET, but the first interim results from the USA can be expected as early as late Tuesday evening and in the early morning hours.

Update from November 3, 12:01 p.m

.: The first results for the US election are there, because the village of

Dixville Notch

in the US state of

New Hampshire

* has


the US election

, just like in previous years.

As the?

The village has only five residents who are eligible to vote and they cast their votes within five minutes just after midnight local time

(Tuesday 6:00 a.m. CET)



five votes went to the Democrat Joe Biden


In the neighboring town of


it was a little different.

Here, too, a vote has already taken place.

Trump received 16 votes and Biden only five


This is of course not an interim result for the US election, but it is the start of a long series of counts that night.

All interim results for the 2020 US election: Joe Biden versus Donald Trump - who is ahead?

First report from November 3rd:

Munich / Washington, DC - On November 3rd, the Americans elect their head of state - the

President of the United States


Joe Biden or Donald Trump?

Who is ahead in the 2020 US election and what do the

interim results



This news ticker offers you the current status live on election night.

USA: who is ahead?

The intermediate result of the 2020 presidential election

Strictly speaking, there

will of

course be more than two candidates in the

2020 US election

: In addition to the large parties, several small parties have

presidential candidates



However, a victory against Republicans and Democrats is virtually impossible.

Similar to Germany, the


for the

2020 US

election are obtained from the post-election surveys.

After visiting the polling stations, Americans are asked who they voted for.

The first

interim results,

however, come after the closing of the polling stations and the ballot counts for the respective state.

November 3, 2020, 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. (CET):

US polling stations open

November 4, 2020, 12:00 a.m. (CET):

Closure of some polling stations in the US states of Kentucky and Indiana (depending on time zone)

1.00 a.m. (CET):

Closing of polling stations in the US states of Georgia, South Carolina, Virginia and Vermont and closing of some polling stations in New Hampshire, Florida, Indiana and Kentucky (depending on time zone)

1.30 a.m. (CET):

Closing of polling stations in the US states of North Carolina, Ohio and West Virginia

2.00 a.m. (CET):

Closing of polling stations in the states of Alabama, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Missouri, New Jersey, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, and Washington DC, as well as some polling stations in North Dakota, Michigan , Kansas, South Dakota and Texas

2.30 a.m. (CET):

Closing of the polling stations in the US state of Arkansas

3.00 a.m. (CET):

Closing of polling stations in the US states of Arizona, Colorado, Louisiana, Minnesota, New Mexico, New York, Texas, Wisconsin and Wyoming, as well as some polling stations in the US states of Michigan, Kansas and South Dakota

4.00 a.m. (CET):

Closing of polling stations in the US states of Iowa, Montana, Nevada and Utah and some polling stations in Idaho and Oregon

5.00 a.m. (CET):

Closing of polling stations in the US states of Hawaii, California and Washington, as well as some polling stations in Idaho and Oregon

6.00 a.m. (CET):

Some polling stations in Alaska are closed

7.00 a.m. (CET):

All US polling stations are closed

Joe Biden vs.

Donald Trump: who is ahead?

Social media surveys want to provide answers

The race for the first office of the state takes place between

Joe Biden

* and

Donald Trump


But -

who is ahead?

Live on election night you will find all interim results of the 2020 presidential election summarized in this ticker.

US election 2020: How do these interim results come about?

How meaningful are they?

The question of when the end result will be determined cannot be answered in one sentence.

That is why the

interim results

are particularly

important information

for many


The reason for this is the

electoral system of the USA

. * On November 3rd, the Americans vote for so-called voters.

These voters meet in December and elect the

President of the United States of America



final result

of election night is usually announced in the morning hours of the following day.

From five o'clock the media in the USA will be allowed to declare an

election winner

, since at this time only the votes of the state of Alaska are missing.

Strictly speaking, there is always only one interim result at this time.

In Donald Trump's first election, the result came around 8:30 a.m., while Barack Obama's first election victory was announced around 5 a.m.

Video: Interim results of the "swing states" in the US election 2020 particularly relevant

The "swing states" play a special role.


in which there is no a priori tendency to vote for Democrats or Republicans.

They can also



for the outcome of the

presidential election in



Therefore, one of the most important questions regarding the US election interim results is: Who is ahead in the contested states?

2020: When does it stop saying “Who is ahead?” But “This is the new President of the USA”?


remains to

be seen whether

a result can be expected

in the

2020 election year

directly after election night.

It is expected that Americans will increasingly vote by letter due to the corona pandemic in the USA *.

The evaluation of these votes also takes a certain amount of time.

So when does it stop saying “

Who is ahead?

"But" This is the new President of the USA "?


official result of the election

will be announced after the electors meet in December.


inauguration of the President

will take place on January 20, 2021, if there is no re-election.

(jey) * is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editorial network.

List of rubric lists: © MANDEL NGAN / AFP

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