The Limited Times

Donald Trump after the US election: the squatter

11/6/2020, 8:20:41 AM

The majority of Americans voted for Joe Biden. But Donald Trump has mobilized more voters than ever and does not want to leave the White House. Everything about the Zitterpartie and its consequences - the SPIEGEL cover story.

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Photo: Cover illustration: SAMSON for SPIEGEL

This Thursday he is as he has been so often in his almost four years as president: insulted, angry, toxic, cynical, but above all: He is there.

Donald Trump steps up to the lectern in the press room of the White House and throws fabricated allegations of "election fraud" around.

"If you count the legal votes," says Trump, "I can win easily. But if you count the illegal votes, I lose."

He won the election with "historical figures".

I'm not gone, that's his message.

And he knows himself that it won't go away that quickly.

Why should he?

In this chaotic, nerve-wracking election, he received five million more votes than in 2016, around 48 percent of voters voted for him - and many of them are fans, some of whom idolize him.

Even if he should have lost this election to his challenger Joe Biden, for which there are indications on Thursday evening but no certainty, one thing is certain: Donald Trump will definitely remain an important figure in American politics.

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