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US election 2020: Biden's “blue wave” rolls over Trump in the morning - Trump son appalled with appeal to father


Will Joe Biden become the new US President or will Donald Trump move into the White House for another four years? In our live ticker there is all the news and current developments.

Will Joe Biden become the new US President or will Donald Trump move into the White House for another four years?

In our live ticker there is all the news and current developments.

  • Live ticker

    for the

    US election 2020

    *: Here you will find the latest information and the results.

  • In addition to the

    US President

    , the

    new Congress

    will also be

    elected - as well as the governors and parliaments.

  • Projections and

    results from various US states are

    constantly coming in


    And the "

    swing states


  • You can find an overview of the election results in the individual US states in our overview.

Update from November 6th, 10:35 am:

Now the Democrat Joe Biden has


his competitor Donald Trump in the state of



According to


, Biden is now ahead with 917 votes.

Update from November 6, 9:33 a.m.:



the race for victory is getting closer and closer.

According to CNN,

US President Donald Trump is

currently only a



665 votes

over his Democratic challenger

Joe Biden


If Trump loses this state and its 16 electors, an election victory would be a long way off for him.

Update from November 6, 7.49 a.m.:

After a speech by US President Donald Trump that was shocking for many observers of the election, the race for the White House continues to heat up on Friday morning (as of 7 a.m.).


lead continues to shrink in 





 According to CNN,


is only 1,267 votes behind in Georgia and just 18,229 in Pennsylvania.

Update from November 6th, 12:26 am:

The choice of words in the


thriller about the


presidency has reached a new level.

Donald Trump


is responsible for this


The son of the incumbent president wrote via Twitter that it would be best for America if Donald Trump entered the "total war" surrounding the election.

He had to expose "all the fraud".

He also listed that the votes of the dead and people who would no longer live in the respective state were counted.

"It's time to clean up this mess and stop looking like a banana republic," said Trump Jr.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump Sr. has announced a statement.

You can follow this here in the ticker.

The best thing for America's future is for @realDonaldTrump to go to total war over this election to expose all of the fraud, cheating, dead / no longer in state voters, that has been going on for far too long.

It's time to clean up this mess & stop looking like a banana republic!

- Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) November 5, 2020

Update from November 5, 11.43 p.m.:

Kathy Boockvar

, Secretary of State in Pennsylvania, does not want to give an estimate yet of who will win the state in the eastern United States.

The counting is still ongoing.

Less than

350,000 votes

are still to be counted at this point in time.

Depending on how close the result is, a


could be

named that night (local time).

Boockvar says most of the votes on

Election Day have

already been counted, but also many postal votes.

More votes can still arrive by Friday, for example from


from overseas who are postmarked on November 3rd.

She cannot say how many there will be.

She also said: "It is good that we have a high turnout." The counting process is very safe, no matter which way Americans voted.

Update from November 5, 10:25 p.m.:

The Democrat

Joe Biden

has just gone to the cameras for a short statement and emphasized once again that all votes must be counted.


is sometimes a bit complicated and requires patience.” But this


has been proven for many decades.

Additionally, once all the votes are counted, Biden believes he will win the election.

He was already optimistic last night.

US election 2020: preliminary final result in Pennsylvania in the next few hours?

Update from November 5, 9:57 p.m.:

It is not yet clear who will be US President in the

near future

- Joe Biden or Donald Trump.


Pennsylvania there are

indications that there could be a preliminary result at night (local time).

According to the official website of the state of Pennsylvania, 370,000 votes have to be counted there.

Kathy Boockvar

, Secretary of State in Pennsylvania,

will shortly

make a statement on this.

In the last few hours, Biden has been able to catch up in the state,


according to



still leads with around 107,000 votes (as of 92 percent counted).

US election 2020: Georgia with numbers update

Update from November 5, 9:29 p.m.:

In the US state of


, over 47,000 votes still have to be counted.

The election manager of the state, Gabriel Sterling, just announced in a press conference.

However, further postal votes can still be received by Friday, especially from soldiers stationed abroad - provided they are postmarked on November 3rd, election day.

"We said from the start that the counting process would take time." You then have to review the whole process and confirm that everything was correct, said Sterling.

"It is important that only legitimate votes


into the



Georgia has traditionally voted Republican.

According to


98 percent of the votes

are currently

counted, with

Donald Trump

leading with just under 13,000 votes.

US election: Trump lawsuit dismissed in Michigan

Update from November 5, 7:54 p.m.:

In several states, Trump wants to sue the further vote count after election day on Tuesday.

Now one

lawsuit has been dismissed

: in the US state of Michigan.

Trump and his team had called for the vote count to be stopped immediately until his representatives had "meaningful" access to the count.

The Michigan electorate is already credited to Democrat Joe Biden.

99 percent of the votes were counted.

2020 U.S. election: Nevada count continues

Update from November 5, 7:33 p.m

.: Joseph Gloria, election officer in

Clark County

, Nevada *,

just stepped in

front of the press and described the counting process.

In short: there are more votes and so many postal votes than ever before.

They also have a procedure to prevent double voting, i.e. once by postal vote and then again in person, but that also takes time.

Las Vegas

is also in Clark County


It is therefore very populous - on the one hand exciting for the outcome of the election and on the other hand there is a lot to count.

The good news: the count is uneventful and orderly.

The bad: According to the election officer, it will probably drag on at least until Saturday, if not until Sunday.

Update from November 5, 6.43 p.m.:


is one of the four states that are still particularly fierce.

But in Allegheny County, the counting of votes has now stopped.



reports, the parties have agreed because of a legal dispute that 29,000

postal votes

that have already been received will

not be counted until Friday after 5 p.m.

Falsely printed ballot papers that had to be reissued to some voters were contested.

5 p.m. is also the point in time from which no further postal ballot papers are accepted for the count, as long as they have been sent before the

polling stations



Trump also had a first

small success

in court, but it should not be decisive for the election: The judiciary in Pennsylvania decided that election observers of the Trump campaign could be closer to follow the vote in Philadelphia.

According to


92 percent of the votes

are currently


Donald Trump

is ahead with 50.3 percent to 48.5 percent for Joe Biden.

But his lead is slowly shrinking.

Quirky appearance by Trump team - Grenell with wild accusations

Update from November 5, 5.47 p.m.:

Representatives of the Trump team, including

Richard Grenell

, none other than the former

US ambassador to Germany

, have

just stepped


front of the camera.

They announced a lawsuit.

According to the speakers, an urgent motion to immediately stop the count in Nevada has been received by the Federal District Court.

The decision was made on the lawsuit because there was evidence of election fraud.

Many US citizens who have voted in Nevada do not even live in the state, others have long been dead.

An elderly woman was pushed to the microphone who said her ballot had been sent to someone else.

A younger man named Chris described "suspicious" scenes during the count.

First he described himself as part of the Trump team, then as an independent journalist.

The appearance seemed very bizarre to observers, especially Grenell's.

Questions were not answered at the "press conference".

"You can give them to the county, not us," Grenell shouted into the crowd.

End of the gig.

An expert at Phönix spoke of "uncertainty" after the performance.

In Nevada it is about 8000 votes currently that decide.

Update from November 5, 4:45 pm:

"We assume that we will

have counted

all the


today," said a person responsible for the election in



At the

state level

, around 60,000 ballot papers would therefore still be outstanding.

Even if the




alone cannot decide the election, a result from the controversial state can be expected by 6 a.m. (CET) at the latest.

Update from November 5, 4:25 p.m.:

According to information from


, there will be new results from the

state of Nevada

in about 90 minutes



Joe Biden

can secure

the six




, he would have 259 electors and would only need the

state of Arizona

, which is already




by several sources



Trump won



Biden would also need


from Georgia or Pennsylvania in

addition to Arizona


Currently the two applicants are only separated by around 8,000 votes.

US election 2020 live: Donald Trump rumbles on Twitter - "Stop the count"

Update from November 5, 3:50 p.m.:

The team of

US President Donald Trump




press conference

in Las Vegas

for Thursday afternoon (CET)


According to information from Fox News, the


team will then announce an

election fraud





In Nevada, the two candidates for

president are

currently only about 8,000 votes apart.




The press conference has been announced for 5.30 p.m. (CET).


US President

himself wrote on Twitter in capital letters “Stop the


” and shortly afterwards “Any vote that came after election day will not be counted”.

Twitter again marked the



as misleading information.


- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 5, 2020

2020 US election live: Only 50,000 votes pending in Georgia

Update from November 5, 2:55 p.m.:

As reported by the US television broadcaster



around 140,000


have not yet been counted


Philadelphia County



The vast majority of them should therefore be postal votes.

Joe Biden

is currently leading in

Philadelphia County

with almost 80 percent.

Since postal voting is statistically increasingly used by Democrats, the challenger in


can actually still calculate chances of a victory.



, according to CNN reports, 50,000 votes have yet to be counted.


President Donald Trump

is currently leading here with around 18,000 votes, it could lead to a very close result.

US election live: Expert is certain - Joe Biden will bring Pennsylvania

Update from November 5, 2:10 p.m.:

The most direct route for

Joe Biden

to the

White House

is through




President Trump's



the state's



, he stands at 273 electors and becomes the 46th President of the

United States


Bob Casey, who


for the


in the US Senate,

believes this scenario is likely


"Joe Biden will win the state (Pennsylvania, editor's note)," the


born politician told CNN.

Casey justifies his statement with the not yet counted votes from the areas around the metropolises





Areas that were already strongly democratic in the previous elections and, according to the current status, are also leaning towards

Joe Biden

in the 2020 election




in particular

, only 70 percent of the votes were counted.

Joe Biden


currently leading

there with almost 80 percent of the



At the state level, however,

Donald Trump

is still

just ahead - at least for now.

Further results are expected later in the day.

2020 US election live: Will Joe Biden achieve historic victory in Georgia?

Update from November 5, 1:55 p.m.:

The counting of votes in the

state of Georgia is


As things



Donald Trump

is still just ahead of challenger

Joe Biden


Just over 18,000 votes separate the two candidates on Thursday afternoon (CET).

Donald Trump's lead continues to shrink, and the likelihood increases that


could go

back to the


candidate for the first time since 1992


A scenario that is also likely due to the fact that

Georgia is




from the populous






In these districts around the metropolis of


, Biden clearly leads according to the current status.



with almost 72 percent of the vote, in DeKalb with over 80 percent.

If this trend is confirmed,

Joe Biden


end up winning Georgia and his 16 electorate.

Further results for


are expected in the early evening.

According to information from CNN around 5 p.m. (CET).

2020 US election live: head-to-head races in Georgia too

Update from November 5, 12:27 p.m.: It is running out in the

state of Georgia.


challenger Joe Biden is


catching up

with incumbent

Donald Trump


Only 0.4 percent of the vote separates the two.

Donald Trump can currently look at 49.6 percent of the vote,

Joe Biden has

49.2 percent.

96 percent of the votes have already been counted.


, with 16 voters, along with Pennsylvania (20) and North Carolina (15), has the greatest influence on the final result of the presidential election among the outstanding states.

If Joe Biden can keep the state to himself, he will have 269 Democratic voters.

One too few to claim victory - but with good prospects for office.

In contrast, Biden's lead in Arizona is melting.

Trump is catching up there.

2020 US election live: armed Trump supporters march in front of a polling station

Update from November 5, 9:56 a.m.:

In Arizona, in connection with the

US election

on Thursday night, there were riots in front of a government building.

Dozens of

Trump supporters

, some of them armed

, had gathered in a parking lot in front of the building in Maricopa County and loudly expressed their displeasure.

The building has meanwhile been cordoned off and journalists have had to leave.

In Arizona it is legal to carry guns openly.

Previously, the AP news agency and Fox News broadcaster had declared victory in Arizona for challenger Joe Biden.

Other news outlets had held back.

There were also riots outside election offices in other American cities.

Supporters of the US President had gone to the counting centers to demand an end to the evaluation of the ballot.

“Stop the Count” and “Stop the Steal”.


Trump supporters demonstrate in Arizona in front of a counting center.

© Matt York / dpa / AP

But Trump opponents also took to the streets on Wednesday.

Like in



for example

, where people demanded: "Every vote should count".

At least ten people were arrested during protests by left-wing protesters in Portland after the US presidential election.

The police warned on Wednesday evening (local time) on the online service Twitter of “widespread violence” and riots and called on people to avoid the city center.

Hundreds of police officers and national guards were on duty.

The governor of the US state of Oregon, Kate Brown, extended the state of emergency previously declared for election night. 

2020 US election live: Biden could only be missing one state - but Trump is catching up again

Update from November 5, 9.26 a.m.:

The election thriller about the presidency in the USA is apparently far from over.


Joe Biden

has good prospects of success after winning important states, but incumbent

Donald Trump can

currently reduce the lead a bit.

According to calculations by the AP news agency and the TV broadcaster Fox News,


now has 264 of the 270 electoral votes needed to win the presidential election.

Accordingly, he would only have to choose one state to win.

Several media outlets, such as CNN and the New York Times, saw Biden with 253 votes.

In contrast to the AP, they do not yet attribute the electorate from Arizona to the Democrats.

The race is considered open in



North Carolina





among others


In Pennsylvania and Georgia, Trump was initially clearly in the lead, but Biden caught up significantly the more postal votes were counted.

In Nevada, which brings six electoral votes and could give Biden a precision landing, the 77-year-old held a tight lead on Thursday night.

In North Carolina, Trump was ahead.

The result expected for Thursday morning in Georgia is still a long time coming.

2020 US election live: Trump calls for victory on Twitter - Biden is only missing one state, the time for the next showdown is clear

Update from November 5, 7:02 a.m.: The tide has turned

in the trembling game for the office of US President.

The incumbent

US President Donald Trump

can currently

count on 213 voters.

Joe Biden

leads with 253 voters.

In order to be able to unite the necessary 270 voters, the challenger is still missing 17 votes.

Alaska is already lost to him.

There Trump leads with 62.9 to 33.0 percent.

However, any combination of any two of the remaining five states can lead Joe Biden to victory.

If he could win


(20 voters) for himself, Biden wouldn't even need a second state.

The Georgia election results are expected by 9 a.m.

Update from November 5, 5:50 a.m.:

The incumbent

US President Donald Trump

made it clear on Thursday night (CET) not to recognize the previous count in several states.

"We are calling for victory in Pennsylvania (no legal election observers are allowed there) and in the states of Georgia and North Carolina, in which there is a large Trump lead." Another Trump tweet with which Trump calls for victory in Michigan was removed from Twitter.

Twitter has also provided Trump's demand with a warning that the content could contain “possibly misleading” content.

We have claimed, for Electoral Vote purposes, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (which won't allow legal observers) the State of Georgia, and the State of North Carolina, each one of which has a BIG Trump lead.

Additionally, we hereby claim the State of Michigan if, in fact, .....

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 4, 2020

The results are currently pending in six states.

In Alaska, Trump can look back on a massive lead with 62.9% (Joe Biden received 33% of the vote so far).

In Georgia, North Carolina and Pennsylvania, the incumbent US president has to fear for his lead by a few percentage points.

Challenger Joe Biden is currently leading in Nevada and Arizona.

It remains a tremendous game.

US state

Joe Biden

Donald Trump










North Carolina






Source: Washington Post

2020 US election: results from Georgia and Atlanta expected on Thursday (CET)

Update from November 5, 3:55 a.m.:

The really big news is

still a long time coming on


second US election night


In the meantime, however, a

time has been announced for results from Georgia

: There should be news from Atlanta between 6 a.m. and 9 a.m. German time.

Update from November 5, 2.55 a.m.:

The wait for new

reliable results for the US presidential election is

still going

on -

Donald Trump's tours are

melting in

Georgia and Pennsylvania

, the outcome is open.

Meanwhile, Trump continues to resort to

legal means


He wants a court to intervene in the counting of votes in the presidential election.

The President and the Republican Party filed a lawsuit on Wednesday (local time).

Trump's campaign team justified the move by stating that, according to an observer,

53 ballot papers had been illegally added to the batch of voting papers that


arrived on time


In Georgia, unlike in several other states, postal ballots can only be counted if they arrive before polling stations close.

2020 US election currently: Biden is only missing one state - but counts are ongoing

Update from November 5, 0:02 a.m.:

After the alleged

successes in the states of Michigan and Wisconsin


Joe Biden is



only one state to win the



There are justified hopes in



among other places

, where the challenger is constantly

catching up


Donald Trump

- but according to





could even

fall to Biden.

There Trump is currently in the front with 60,000 votes.

In the districts in Fulton County that have yet to be counted, however, landslide victories could appear for Biden.


metropolis Atlanta

is also located in the area


A result in Georgia could be available by

3:00 a.m. German time


We keep you up to date in this live ticker throughout the night.

US election 2020 in the live ticker: Trump wants to declare the election victory - also in Pennsylvania

Update from November 4, 9.45 p.m.:

Donald Trump is now fighting in more and more places with the

help of



: After (announced) lawsuits in Wisconsin and Michigan, a legal battle over the election result in


is now to


There he went to court

to stop


vote count


The election campaign team spoke of a lack of "transparency" in the polling stations, reports



At the moment counting is still in progress in Pennsylvania.

According to


, Trump is ahead of the number of votes counted with 52.6 percent.

Biden is 46.1 percent.

So far, 82 percent of the votes have been counted.

But even before election day on Tuesday, the

Supreme Court


to allow ballot papers that will not arrive until three days after the election, as long as they were sent before the polling stations closed *.

Trump strongly criticized this from the start.

It is believed that

postal votes are

particularly popular with Democratic voters.


US White House reporters

also quote Bill Stepien, Trump's campaign manager, as saying, “We are declaring a victory in Pennsylvania.

This is not based on gut or feeling.

It's based on math. "

Update from November 4th, 8:00 p.m.:


US election

should go down in history by now.


Donald Trump is

already talking about a victory in the US election and challenger

Joe Biden is given

good chances due to the outstanding votes in the postal vote, another scandal now seems to be looming.

As the news portal Raw Story reports, thousands of

postal voting slips have

apparently been lost.

According to this, the

US Post

should not have delivered the postal voting data punctually before the deadline for acceptance.

As the portal reports,

around 27 percent of all postal voting

data are


not delivered in

South Florida



So far, the election glitch has not been officially confirmed.

It also remains unclear what such a scandal would mean for the outcome of the US election.

Trump has already






Donald Trump


already filed



for the state of

Michigan in

the afternoon (local time)


As a reason, the campaign team stated that "sufficient access" had not been granted.

Accordingly, the team around the incumbent President Trump wants to check all already opened election envelopes again.

A final result is thus delayed indefinitely.

US election 2020 live: Whirlwind about first tweet in the morning - Trump smells magical powers after new numbers: "Strange"

First report from November 4th:

Washington - Polling stations in the

United States

have closed.

The counting of the votes for the US presidential election 2020 is far from over.

Traditionally, it is the "swing states" that again tip the scales when determining the winner.

Joe Biden *

won the counts in key states such as New Hampshire and Minnesota, while Democrats predict a similar success for Pennsylvania.

He was then confident: He was "on track to win this election," said the 77-year-old to supporters in Delaware.

Later he was able to take over the traditionally conservative Arizona.

2020 US election live: Decision between Donald Trump and Joe Biden after counting the votes

By Friday at the latest, it should be clear in Europe who will act as US President in the future.


Donald Trump * has his

way, this is already certain: "We have won this election," said the incumbent in Washington on Tuesday, although the outcome of the election was and is not yet clear in reality.


Policeman in front of a glowing US flag - the counting of the votes is in full swing.

© Dan Herrick / ZUMA Wire / dpa

The 74-year-old senses a conspiracy in the US election and spoke of “deceiving the nation” in his speech, and also announced: “We will go to the Supreme Court.

We want all voting to end. ”What are these statements based on?

It is presumably about the counting in various states, where Trump determines a "magical" shrinking of his lead, even though a solid lead previously existed (more on this in the previous ticker).

In fact, in many places the Democrats can gain the more

correspondence votes are included

in the result.

However, Trump had already raised doubts about the legality of the postal vote * during the election campaign - although this form of voting is a common form of



Without adding any conclusive evidence, he warned against massive falsifications in the count.

According to experts, the majority of postal voters should have voted for Biden.

Election as US President: Donald Trump sees the lead melting and suspects conspiracy

The incumbent raged on Wednesday morning (local time) in his first tweet after getting up: “Last night I

 often led clearly

in many 

key states

, in almost all instances that are led or controlled by Democrats.

Then one by one they 

magically disappeared

after surprising ballots were counted.

VERY UNIQUE, the "pollsters" were completely and historically wrong! "

Last night I was leading, often solidly, in many key States, in almost all instances Democrat run & controlled.

Then, one by one, they started to magically disappear as surprise ballot dumps were counted.

VERY STRANGE, and the “pollsters” got it completely & historically wrong!

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 4, 2020

Nonetheless, there is still a chance of re-election as US President *.

But it is already becoming apparent that the US president will again be able to collect fewer votes than his democratic adversary, as in 2016. 

* is an offer from the Ippen Digital Network

List of rubric lists: © Evan Vucci / AP / dpa / picture alliance

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-11-06

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