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Elections in the United States: Donald Trump's speech last night, shocking but expected

11/6/2020, 1:11:35 PM

In Washington they estimate that "not in his darkest day", Nixon would have attacked democracy in such a way.

Nancy benac

11/06/2020 9:55

  • Clarí

  • World

Updated 11/06/2020 9:55 AM

It was both


and completely

to be expected.

As the United States held its collective breath and awaited the outcome of the 2020 presidential election, President Donald Trump took the podium at the White House on Thursday and made a full frontal attempt to undermine the integrity of the vote, which was leaning toward the address of Democrat Joe Biden.

The president had spent months laying the groundwork for that moment.




questioned the validity

of the vote-by-mail ballots.

He had removed election officials from Democratic states and cities as political stunts.

And he had demanded in advance that the results be known

on election day

, which is never a fact.

All of this has been circulating around the conservative echo chamber

for months


And it contradicts the truth about


elections are


in the United States, where voter fraud is extremely



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In photos: the tension of the scrutiny moves to the streets of the United States with incidents due to the tight vote count

But while Trump's tirade was in line with his past misstatements about the U.S. elections, it was still a milestone to hear the president of the United States analyze so thoroughly the conduct of an American election in real time, prompting

a new anxiety

about the prospects for a peaceful transition of power.

"In his darkest day, Richard Nixon

would never have attacked democracy

the way Donald Trump has done now," John Dean, who served as Nixon's attorney at the White House, told the AP.

“Faced with the potential to lose, Trump

has embarrassed himself

and spoiled the US presidency.

God save us when I really lose. "

How far will the president take things

And that was the real question going forward: How far will Trump take things if the election ends in his defeat?

And how many of the millions of Americans who voted for him

will accept his false narrative

of a stolen election?

The president warned the nation in advance that it might not end well, telling reporters at noon on Election Day: 

"Losing is never easy, not for me it is not."

Historian Michael Beschloss framed this as

a moment of truth

not just for Trump but for other prominent officials, suggesting that history would frown on those who look the other way.

"One of the worst things any president could do

is lie

and exacerbate deep national differences to further his own selfish interest," Beschloss tweeted just after Trump completed his statement.

"Always remember who aided and instigated this abuse of presidential power, and

those who tried to stop it,

" he continued, highlighting Vice President Mike Pence's claim that he supports the president and wants "every LEGAL vote" to be counted.

Democrats spoke out against Trump in chorus, led by Biden, who emphatically tweeted after the president's performance: “No one is going to take away our democracy.

Not now, not never ".

No one is going to take our democracy away from us.

Not now, not ever.

America has come too far, fought too many battles, and endured too much to let that happen.

- Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) November 6, 2020

Some of the usual suspects spoke from the Republican side.

"There is no defense for the president's comments tonight that undermine our Democratic process," said Maryland Republican Gov. Larry Hogan, a frequent critic of Trump.

"The United States is counting the votes and we must respect the results as we have always done."

Former Republican Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona, another Trump detractor, placed the onus on his fellow Republicans to do the same.

“No Republican should agree with the president's statements at this time.



Period, ”he tweeted.

But there was

a notable silence

from many in the president's party after his last speech, including Senate Majority Leader

Mitch McConnell.

Whether that dynamic will continue, whether more comprehensive election results hand over the presidency to Biden,

is another

key unanswered



If Trump loses his grip on power, that could lessen the incentive for Republicans to continue their sometimes awkward embrace of a president whose provocative pronouncements have often left them twisted.

Donald Trump speaks on Thursday night about the elections in the United States.

Photo: AFP

Allan Lichtman, a history professor at the American University, said previous presidential candidates who lost the election

accepted their fate with dignity

and respect for American democracy.

He signaled

Nixon's resignation

after Republican colleagues told him he would be charged and convicted.

He said Democrat Al Gore delivered a courageous speech after the Supreme Court ruled that his career in limbo would go to George W. Bush.

He called Nixon a "pragmatist" and Trump

a "selfish."

There is always the possibility that Trump

will stop at some point

and consider the weight of his words and the impact on his legacy.

If the vote count goes against you, do you really want to be remembered as the president who

set the building on fire

as he


out the door?

Nancy Benac is a White House news editor and has covered Government and Politics for The Associated Press for four decades.


Look also

Elections and results in the United States: Joe Biden is ahead in Georgia, but the count would stretch into the night

Joe Biden responded to Donald Trump: "No one is going to take away democracy, now or never"

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