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Elections in the United States: Joe Biden turns the count and almost buries Donald Trump's re-election chances


A few votes have yet to be counted, but Biden was ready this Friday to be the next president of the world's leading power.

Paula lugones

11/06/2020 12:35

  • Clarí

  • World

Updated 11/06/2020 12:35

The chats in the morning in the United States were burning: Is it over?

It is done?

No, it is still missing, but it is almost "game over".

After a night in suspense in the United States due to the dramatic narrowness of the results,

Joe Biden turned the count around

in Georgia and also in crucial Pennsylvania and practically buried Donald Trump's chances of reaching the White House.

A few votes have yet to be counted, but Biden was set to be the next president of the world's leading power.

Meanwhile, in an unprecedented event in this old democracy, the president

continues to protest

and tweet at dawn, without proof, that his election has been stolen and that there has been fraud.

As the counting of the votes received by mail progressed - mostly Democratic because they came from urban centers and people with fear of catching coronavirus - Biden already had several more options than Trump almost guaranteed to get the

coveted 270 votes electoral

, the magic number to win.

The figure of Trump is not normal, it provokes idyllic love or instant rejection.

Photo: Bloomberg

Americans couldn't sleep staring at the screens and maps where all the numbers were displayed.

The figure of Trump is not normal, it provokes

idyllic love or instant rejection

so for almost the entire country these elections were much more than a count.

Many were concerned about possible outbreaks of violence.

Images arrived of voting centers surrounded by Trumpist protesters who shouted that they were stealing their election, as the president has been denouncing, and some excesses.

But the riots

did not escalate.

The overturn in Georgia and Pennsylvania

The final numbers are not yet, but there is very little to count.

In a final heart attack, after

going down by up to 10 points

at the beginning of the vote, Biden went on to lead Georgia by 1,097 votes and Pennsylvania by 5,587, where only 5% of the votes remained to be counted.

If the Democrat finally wins in these two states, as everything indicates that he will, his place in the White House

is assured


It is estimated that Biden will increase the number even more because the votes that come in are from

predominantly Democratic enclaves


That is why Biden's confidence, although he will surely wait for the count to finish to take care of the forms and declare himself the winner.

So far Biden has 253 votes in the Electoral College and Trump 213. Biden's eventual victory in Georgia would give him 16 votes, leaving him just one of the longed-for majority of 270. With Pennsylvania he would add another 20 and everything would be over.

Without either of those two states,

Trump could not win.

It would be a milestone for him to win in Georgia, because no Democratic candidate has won in that state since 1992, when Bill Clinton did.

The state is one of those that has been the subject of lawsuits by Donald Trump's campaign team.

It is possible that we will have to wait a little longer to know a final result, or at least to know that of Pennsylvania, which with 20 electoral votes would give

Biden the

automatic victory

, because there the votes that arrived by mail would be counted until this Friday. at 5 in the afternoon, 19 in Argentina.

In Arizona there will be an update at 1pm;

in Georgia, possibly at night.

There are also other states where it is still counted.



the Democrat led by 11,438 votes.

The same in Arizona with 47,052, which added many more options to win.

As the count advanced, Trump was enraged to see that the first results that favored him changed with the passing of the hours and augured a dark outlook for him to renew his mandate.

Despite the fact that beyond the result, he

has achieved a very good election

, because he got 68 million votes (4 million more than in 2016), the president is not a man who likes to

lose anything


As his path to reelection appears to be narrowing, Trump has already filed

unsubstantiated allegations

of election fraud

since Thursday

to falsely argue that his rival was trying to seize power.

From the White House he said that "this is a case in which they are trying to steal an election, they are trying to manipulate an election."

Even the major TV networks in the United States

took him off the air

for providing false information.

He also filed lawsuits in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Arizona to recount or stop voting.

But in several states his requests were rejected and few here consider that these resources will prosper because

the irregularities

that he denounces

have not been seen

and observers of the election said they had been correct and transparent.

You just had to wait to count

the inordinate number

of votes by mail.

But Trump was still tweeting early last night against the Democrats and was still haranguing his supporters.

"WE WILL WIN!" He wrote.

“We will easily win the presidency of the United States when the LEGAL VOTES are counted.

They did not let the OBSERVERS let them do their job ”.

And he said that the Supreme Court of justice will go.

As he issued the messages,

Twitter tagged him

for “misleading content” about the civic process.

Then Trump caught up with the social network and tweeted that

"Twitter is out of control."

Look also

In photos: the tension of the scrutiny moves to the streets of the United States with incidents due to the tight vote count

Meanwhile, many of the nearly 72 million Americans who voted for Biden imagined a Trump entrenched in the White House for weeks,

resisting accepting the result.

Trump's stance caused


even within the Republican party.

Vice Mike Pence did not accompany him to his public appearances and

disappeared from the scene


Furthermore, the lack of support among his allies creates tensions in the presidential environment.

Donald Trump Jr., the president's eldest son, criticized the silence of the Republicans, who did not join in the allegations of "fraud" or in his legal efforts to stop the scrutiny.

“They have a perfect platform to show that they want to and can fight, but they cower from the dominant voice of the media.

Do not worry.

Donald Trump will fight and they can watch as always, ”wrote Trump Jr.

Biden, for his part, continued to call for calm and patience until all votes are counted.

Washington, correspondent


Look also

Elections in the United States: Donald Trump also doubts the result in Pennsylvania, where Biden is at the fore

Elections in the United States: Republicans back away from Trump on his accusations about the vote count

Elections in the United States: Donald Trump's speech last night, shocking but expected

Elections in the US: what voting by mail looks like and how it is processed

Source: clarin

All news articles on 2020-11-06

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