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Elections in the United States: a news channel interrupted Donald Trump's speech because he said things that were not true


An NBC presenter cut it because it was awarded the victory in states that were not defined. Twitter also blocked a message from the Republican president.

11/04/2020 6:56 AM

  • Clarí

  • World

Updated 11/04/2020 6:59 AM

There were hours of tension in the United States election when Donald Trump decided to give a coup and speak from the White House to denounce fraud and anticipate that he would go to Court.

With the eyes of the planet watching the vote-by-vote count, the



made a radical decision and cut the Republican in the middle of his speech

because he was making statements that were not true.

"We have to intervene here because there are several claims [by Trump] that are

frankly not true,

" said presenter

Savannah Guthrie

, one of the visible faces of the US network's broadcast.

NBC News cuts off Trump.

Savannah Guthrie: "We've got to dip in here because there've been several statements that are just frankly not true."

- Brent Baker (@BrentHBaker) November 4, 2020

It happened when Trump claimed victory in the states of Georgia and Michigan, when the vote count was not total.

In the first one, 91% of the votes were counted, while in the second only 71% of the total.

"The President is mentioning some states, affirming that he is winning in those states ... the facts show that in those states the counting of all the votes did not finish," said the presenter, interrupting the speech that the reelection candidate gave about 4 in the morning Argentine time.

Savannah Guthrie, the host who interrupted Trump.

According to the New York Times, in Georgia 92% of the votes were counted with an advantage in favor of Donald Trump by 50.5% against 48.3% of Joe Biden.

As for Michigan, the New York newspaper reported that when 76% of the votes were audited, the Republican led the Democrat by more than 5%: 51.9 to 46.4.

NBC's decision, criticized in networks by Trump's followers who described it as a gesture of censorship, was added to the separate chapter that the president had with Twitter, his favorite social network, which blocked the content of one of his messages for considering it "misleading".

“We are up for A LOT, but they are trying to STEAL the election FROM US.

We will never allow it.

Votes cannot be made after the polls close, ”Trump launched in the message that was objected to by Twitter.

Donald Trump gave a speech that was objected to by NBC.

Photo EFE

“We placed a warning in a Tweet from @realDonaldTrump for making a potentially misleading claim about an election.

This action is in line with our Civic Integrity Policy, "said the social network, minutes later in one of its institutional accounts.


Look also

Elections in the United States, live: the results of the elections between Trump and Biden

Donald Trump claimed victory in the elections in the United States, but announced "a great fraud" and anticipated that he will go to the Supreme Court

Source: clarin

All news articles on 2020-11-04

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