The Limited Times

US congressional elections 2020: surprising turnaround in the Senate election - new hope for Biden's camp

11/6/2020, 4:32:41 AM

The results of the 2020 congressional elections are of great importance for the political future of the USA. It's about the majorities in the national parliament.

The results of the 2020 congressional elections are of great importance for the political future of the USA.

It's about the majorities in the national parliament.

  • In November 2020, the

    US election

    * will also be about the

    results of

    the congressional elections.

  • Together the



    House of Representatives make up

    the United States Congress, the national parliament.

  • The majorities in Congress determine how far a president can achieve his goals.

Update from November 5, 10.55 p.m.:

Despite the losses of the Democrats in the House of Representatives, its spokeswoman

Nancy Pelosi


a positive balance from the election result on Tuesday, as

CNN reported

, citing a “democratic source”.

Speaking to Democrats in the House of Representatives, Pelosi referred to a "great victory" referring to Joe Biden, who is nearing election victory.

"We didn't win every battle, but we won

the war,

" Pelosi said

, according to



She “recognized from the start” that 2020 would be a “steeper climb” to keep some of her seats in the US Senate.

The reason for this is the

good performance of

the Democrats in the midterm elections 2018 in deep red districts when Trump did not participate in the election.

Pelosi also stressed the importance of the two possible

runoff elections for




, as this would allow the Democrats to win back a majority in the Senate.

The 80-year-old gave an optimistic assessment and told her party friends that they had "created a mandate for Biden

to lead

the country in a"

uniform way


US election 2020: runoff in Georgia?

Trump rages on Twitter over Democrat Senator

Update from November 5, 3:45 pm:

In the state of


, Republican David Perdue is currently ahead of Democrat Jon Ossof in the race for a seat in the Senate.

However, the outcome is still uncertain.

Especially exciting, since there could be a runoff election if


falls below the 50 percent mark.

As of this writing, the Republican has 50.03 percent of the vote on his side.

So it could be tight.

Long a Republican stronghold,

Georgia has

also been the focus of the ongoing US presidential election, as the count has not yet ended.


is ahead there with only 0.4 percentage points.



US President Donald Trump





the Democratic Senator

Gary Peters was

able to defend

his seat in the





With a close result Peters was able to prevail against his Republican challenger John James.

“What a horrible thing is happening!”



insinuating that

Michigan had

“found the votes” to keep James out of the Senate.


It looks like Michigan has now found the ballots necessary to keep a wonderful young man, John James, out of the US Senate.

What a terrible thing is happening!

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 4, 2020

Update from November 5, 10:45 am:

The results for four seats in the

Senate are still






have 48 seats each.

To have control of the Senate, the Democrats need the remaining seats - after the Republicans had a majority for six years.

However: Should

Joe Biden

win, three more seats - and thus a stalemate in the Senate - would be enough.

Because in this case the decision in the Senate would


with Vice-President

Kamala Harris



New York Times



The situation in the state of


is special


There it will not be decided until January whether the Republican

Kelly Loeffler

or the Democrat

Raphael Warnock

will win





You will stand for the runoff election in January.

The Senate seat remains open for the time being (see update November 4th, 10.04am).

Update from November 5, 4.36 a.m.:






seat in the US Senate

where they were recently seen at a clear disadvantage.

In the end, your Senator

Gary Peters

prevailed against the Republican challenger John James, as the news agency

AP reported

on Thursday night on the basis of voter surveys and initial vote counts.

It is therefore clear that the Democrats will at least manage

to reduce


majority of Republicans in the Senate from 53 to 52 of the 100 votes


By Thursday night, Democrats and Republicans each had 48 votes in the Senate - the results of four seats held by Republicans were still open.

It was already clear that one of them in the

state of Georgia will

not be decided in a by-election until January.

In the other three, the Republican senators were ahead. 

2020 US election: Sad curiosity in North Dakota - Corona fatalities elected in regional parliament

Update from November 5, 4:25 a.m.:

In the

elections in the USA

, a candidate won a seat in the

regional parliament of the state of North Dakota

who died a month ago after being

infected with the corona virus


The Republican David Andahl posthumously won about a third and thus the most votes in his constituency, as local officials announced on Wednesday.

His mandate in the congress of the state on the border with Canada is now to be taken over by another Republican.

2020 US election: Senate in focus - Democrats suffer severe setback

8:38 p.m.:

A setback for the



: Republican Senator

Susan Collins

defended her seat in Maine.

Many surveys previously saw them at a disadvantage.

Democratic challenger Sara Gideon admitted defeat on Twitter.

This means that the

Republicans have

48 seats in the Senate, for a majority they need at least 50, depending on who becomes Vice President and who can contribute the decisive vote.


Washington Post

sees the Republicans in Tuesday's still-open votes.

4:22 p.m.:

The "blue wave" hoped for by the opposition Democrats in the USA in the

2020 congressional elections did not materialize

: While the party was able to maintain its majority in the House of Representatives, it was

neck and neck

in the Senate on Wednesday with the previously dominant Republicans there.



, the Democrats lost a seat to the Republicans, and

the presidential party candidates also prevailed

in the conservative strongholds of

South Carolina






The congressional elections took place parallel to the presidential election, in which incumbent Donald Trump is fighting against his Democratic challenger Joe Biden for a second term.

All members of the House of Representatives were newly elected;

in the Senate it was about a third of the seats.

2020 US election: Democrats expand majority in House of Representatives - Pelosi cheers

In the US House of Representatives, the Democrats should have an

even clearer majority

than before

in the next legislative period

: According to forecasts by TV stations

Fox News



on Tuesday evening (local time), the opposition party won four to five seats there.

The opposition party currently has

232 of the 435 MPs

in the parliamentary



Observers assumed that the Democrat Nancy Pelosi, who is considered to be Trump's archenemy, will continue to chair the House of Representatives for the next two years.

"I am very, very proud of the fact that we can say - relatively early - that we have defended the House of Representatives," said Pelosi after the first projections were announced.

However, it is still unclear which party will dominate the Senate - the other Chamber of Congress - in the future.

So far, President Donald Trump's Republican Party has a

majority there

with 53 out of 100 seats


The Democrats had hoped to be able to replace Republican senators in at least four states and thus win a majority in the chamber.

According to the results of the Senate elections initially announced by US broadcasters, this was initially only successful in two cases: In


, the Democrat John Hickenlooper wrested the Republican Cory Gardner's previous Senate mandate from him.

Hickenlooper was formerly the governor of Colorado.





, the Senate mandate passed from a Republican to a Democrat.

US congressional elections 2020: Dampers for Democrats - Opposing wobbly candidates score

1.35 p.m.:


to forecasts by TV stations, the Democrats defended their majority in the House of Representatives

in the US congressional elections


However, their hopes of gaining control in the Senate were severely dampened.

Several Republican senators, who were considered a shaky candidate, were able to





Every US state sends

two senators to Congress

, so far the Republicans held a majority of

53 of the 100 seats


As of 12.30 p.m. CET, the Democrats were able to catch up one seat - according to calculations by the AP news agency, they had 45 seats, the Republicans 47.

Accordingly, the results of five Republicans and one Democrat were still open.

One of these seats - in the state of Georgia - will only be decided in a runoff election in early January (see

update from 10:04 a.m.


The two independent candidates who did not stand for election this year are counted among the Democrats.

Among other things, the Senate confirms candidates for government posts or the Supreme Court, which makes it particularly important for a

President of the United States


Current US election: Democrats have almost no chance of a majority in the Senate

11:03 a.m.:

According to all tendencies and forecasts, the



bury their hope for a majority in the US Senate.

According to the current status, the Democrats have gained one seat.


Mark Kelly

surprisingly won in


As things stand, they will lose their Senate seat from Michigan, as has already been forecast.

A few seats have not yet been counted, but the Republicans are clearly ahead in many.

Even those who were previously considered to be wobbly candidates.

A decision on a Senate seat will not be made until January.

US Election to Congress: One Senate Seat Remains Open - Georgia Runoff in January

10:04 a.m.:

Since there were around 20 candidates, including a Republican MP, neither of the two official Democratic and Republican candidates could win an absolute majority.


Raphael Warnock

(Democratic challenger) and

Kelly Loeffler

(Republican incumbent) will run for the runoff election in January.

US election in Congress: Democrats win a majority in the House of Representatives - Senate race remains open

9.44 a.m.: Short

summary - the Democrats defended their majority in the House of Representatives early this morning (our time).

It remains exciting in the second chamber of the US Congress.

Everything is still open there.

With the decision from Montana, however, the chances that the Democrats will still get a majority decrease significantly.

8:11 a.m.:

If Fox News' prognoses are confirmed, it looks bad for a Democratic majority in the Senate.

Steve Daines, a Senator in Montana

from the Republicans, is defending office against

Theresa Greenfield,

according to Fox News.

The only path now for Dems to win the Senate .... # MESen (Where Collins leading but a lot outstanding) and hoping both #GASen races go to a runoff (only 1 is now) .... and that's not very good odds at all.

- Jessica Taylor (@JessicaTaylor) November 4, 2020

6:58 a.m.: Another

setback for the Democrats in the Senate: Republican 

Joni Ernst


 been re-elected




In South Carolina, the re-election of Republican Senator

Lindsey Graham

can no longer be shaken.

6.12 a.m.:

Who will win the majority in Congress?

Everything is still open in both the House of Representatives and the Senate.


Everything is still possible in the House of Representatives.

The Democrats must now win every seat in the Senate.

Several exciting races are still open, but also with favorites from the Republican camp.

Update from November 4, 5:36 a.m

.: In




, however, the Republicans were able to defend their office.




Cindy Hyde-Smith

remain in the 



Donald Trump or Joe Biden?

The long election night has shown an initial tendency - but it is to be feared that the game will last for days.

We have summarized the three most important news from election night for you in a nutshell.

Update from November 4, 5:24 a.m

.: The



the chances of a majority in the Senate.


reported by

Fox News

, there was a change of power in Arizona.

The Democratic challenger

Mark Kelly was

able to



Martha McSally


Update from November 4, 4:41 a.m

.: The Democrats have lost the Senate seat in



Democratic Senator

Doug Jones

had to surrender to former football coach

Tommy Tuberville

, who


for the Republicans.

US congressional elections: tight box in three states - Graham gives Democrats a setback

Update from November 4, 4:36 a.m

.: In

North Carolina

, the exit is also completely open.

Republican Senator

Thom Tillis faces

Democratic challenger

Cal Cunningham


According to the

New York Times

, 84 percent of the votes are counted.

Tillis is in the front with less than 3,000 votes.

Update from November 4, 4:15 a.m

.: In




, the expected close race for the Senate is



The forecasts fluctuate hourly.

An election winner can still not be made out.

Both states are considered decisive for the majority in the Senate.

Update from November 4, 3:49 a.m

.: According to

Fox News,

there is also reason to be happy for the


in the Senate elections




, the Democratic challenger

John Hickenlooper defeated

the Republican incumbent

Cory Gardner


This shakes the narrow majority of


in the chamber - because that would be the first seat of three to four that the Democrats would need for the majority.


Biden wins

, it would be three additional seats,

Trump wins


As the broadcaster reports, Republican

Lindsey Graham could

at least



Senate seat


South Carolina


The result is a setback to Democratic hopes of gaining a majority in the Senate.


In the end he narrowly prevailed against Jamie Harrison.

Lindsey Graham remains Senator from South Carolina.

© Christy Bowe / .imago-images

2020 US congressional elections: Democrats apparently defend the House of Representatives

Update from November 4, 3:34 a.m

.: The Democrats apparently retain the upper hand in the

House of Representatives


This is shown by projections by the station

Fox News


Accordingly, the Dems were able to expand their majority by five seats.

Officially, however, the race has not yet been won.

Update from November 4, 2:48 a.m

.: In




, there is now apparently clarity.

The Republican

Marjorie Taylor Greene

is arguably clear against the Democrat

Kevin Van Ausdal


NBC News


predict 81 percent of the Republican vote.

Greene is considered to be very conservative and caused a stir in the past because she repeatedly showed sympathy for the

right-wing extremist conspiracy movement QAnon *

and did not shy away from racist remarks.

2020 US Congressional Elections: Mitch McConnell wins Kentucky Senate

Update from November 4, 2:19 a.m

.: In


the race for the Senate seems to have been decided.

According to media reports from



Fox News


Republican Mitch McConnell has

defended his post.


Amy McGrath was

left behind - and ultimately quite clearly -


recorded a whopping 16 percentage points more.

As a majority leader in the Senate, the Republican was instrumental in getting Amy Coney Barrett * to the Supreme Court.

The 78-year-old, who has been in the Senate since 1985, is a powerful political puller and an important backer for Trump in Congress.

Update from November 4th: 12:47 am

: In order for the

Democrats to win back

the majority in the


, they have to


three new seats

in the event of a

Biden victory




prevails, it would be four.

In the


, 35 of the 100 senators are newly elected.

There are states where the race is particularly close.

The choice could be yours.

  • Alabama

    : Democrat

    Doug Jones

    has lost approval as a Senator.

    He's up against

    Tommy Tuberville

    , a popular ex-coach on the local college football team.

  • Arizona

    : A change of power is indicated here.

    Democratic challenger

    Mark Kelly

    leads polls with 2.9 percentage points against incumbent 

    Martha McSally


  • Colorado

    : Acting Senator Republican

    Cory Gardner

    is in a close race with former Governor

    John Hickenlooper


    The former mayor of Denvers considered running in the presidential election this year, but then withdrew his candidacy.

    Because of his political experience, the Democrat is in the lead in the polls.

    But only just barely.

  • Iowa

    : Republican Senator

    Joni Ernst



    by Democrat

    Theresa Greenfield


    The race is open until the end, which can be seen as a surprise.

    Because actually the Republicans have a lot of support from the people of Iowa.

    In 2016, Trump won Iowa by ten percentage points.

  • Maine

    : Republican Senator

    Susan Collins is

    running for her fifth term.

    The Democrat

    Sara Gideon

    has a hard time against the established politician.

  • Michigan

    : Similar to the presidential elections, Michigan is also the swing state in the Senate elections.

    Acting Democratic Senator

    Gary Peters is

    running against Republican

    John James


    The outcome is completely open.

  • Montana

    : Republican Senator

    Steve Daines

    is up


    his state governor

    Steve Bullock


    Like Hickenlooper, Bullock briefly ran for president before running for a candidacy in the Senate.

  • North Carolina

    : The race for the North Carolina Senate is open, but could


    in favor of incumbent Republican Senator

    Thom Tillis


    The Democrat

    Cal Cunningham

    was embroiled in a sex scandal, which in a competitive race could cost important votes.

  • South Carolina

    : The chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Republican

    Lindsey Graham is

    trembling for re-election.

    In the state, 30 percent of the population are African-Americans, the majority of whom will probably


    for the Democrat

    Jaimie Harrison


    According to the latest polls, Graham seems to be able to just defend his seat, he leads with 1.9 percentage points.

Congress elections in the USA: Is the phenomenon of the "lame duck" threatening

Update from November 3, 10:19 p.m

.: The

congressional elections are

flying a little under the radar this year.

The full attention is of course on the

presidential duel


Donald Trump


Joe Biden


The election of the


and the

House of Representatives

, the two chambers in the

US Congress

, are also politically explosive.

Currently, the


have a majority in the

House of Representatives

and the


in the



It will be exciting to see what the mix looks like after the election.

Because it is very important for the parties to have the say in Congress, as it not only regulates the budget, but is also responsible for controlling the executive.

Party political interests such as a change in judicial law (Democrats) or a tightening of the abortion law (Republicans) can only be pushed through with a majority.


congressional elections

therefore, to a certain extent, decide on the

US President's

ability to act


Otherwise the phenomenon of "lame duck."

This means the following scenario: The

US president

won the election, but his party has fewer seats than the opponent.

As a result, when in doubt, not all of the


interests are


He thus becomes a "lame duck." In this context, the Americans also speak of "divided government".

Barack Obama

experienced just that in the final years of his second term.

With him, the Democrats made the president, but the


had a majority in Congress.


was limited in his ability to act: Without the political opponent, he and the

Democrats could

no longer pass laws.

No matter who wins the

2020 US election


A look at the congress is decisive for the election success.

Update from November 3, 1:45 p.m.:


not only a new

president will be


in the


, but also representatives for the


and the

House of Representatives

(see initial report).

There are also several local elections in the United States.

Almost 100 million eligible voters cast their votes before the actual election day.

Polling stations have already opened in several east coast states.

US Congressional Elections 2020: Results for US Senate and House of Representatives

First report from November 2, 2020:

Munich / Washington, DC -



will be


super election day

in the


: Presidential election, congressional elections and many other, mostly smaller, elections will take place on November 3rd.

Internationally, the presidential candidates enjoy the greatest attention.

In the USA, the candidates for the Senate and House of Representatives are also very well-known personalities due to the election campaign.

At this point we will keep you informed about the current results of the congress elections in the news ticker.

For a large overview of all national elections that are taking place in the USA, we recommend that you take a look at our general live ticker for the 2020 US election. Here you will also find the results of the US presidential election at a glance, as well as projections, Intermediate results and the current status of which candidate is ahead.

US Congressional Elections 2020: Results are determined by many direct elections

What is often forgotten or neglected abroad is the fact that the US presidential election is not the only decisive choice.

The well-known "

US election 2020

" affects not only the fight between

Joe Biden


Donald Trump

, but also the

congressional elections


Their results are determined separately according to constituencies in a direct election.

There are individual candidates who move into the Senate or the House of Representatives if they receive a majority of the votes.

Sometimes there are even elections for governors, other parliaments and mayors as well as some referenda on the same day.


future of the country will also be decided

with the election of the




and the


, which




in the



One of the reasons for this is the political system in the USA. * These elections are also making waves internationally, because with the

presidential election

and the result of the congressional elections, the voters decide on the complete distribution of power at the national level.

What will determine the outcome of the US congressional elections?

Both the


(executive power) and the


(legislative power) experience changes as a result of the elections, which

can have a massive impact on

everyday political life


In the US House of Representatives * all 435 seats are re-elected, while in the US Senate * around a third of the seats (35) are swapped.


the end, the

results of the 2020 congressional elections define

the President's room for maneuver.

Among other things,

reports on the balance of power in Congress

for both the Senate * and the House of Representatives *.

In addition, there will also be changes to some governorships and parliaments in the United States.

The interaction of the various political elements can be


for the success of the future

head of state


For a better understanding, the following is an overview of the

US Super Election Day


  • What is the 2020 election in the USA?

  • Presidential election

  • Congress elections (divided into Senate election and election of the House of Representatives)

  • Gubernatorial elections

  • State legislative elections

  • Mayor and local elections

  • Referendums

Calls for the 2020 US election go viral - #iwillvote also for congressional elections


call to vote is going viral on

social media

- the hashtags

# Election2020



have countless posts that


the relevance of the

2020 US election

and remind of the deadline.

A Twitter user appeals: “Are you 18?

Are you registered voters?

Don't forget that the last day to cast your vote is November 3rd! "

Hey, Class of 2021!

Are you 18?

Are you a registered voter?

Don't forget the final day to cast your vote is Nov. 3rd!

If you're voting absentee, get those ballots in the mail ASAP.

# Election2020 #VOTE #oklaed

- Ms. Boismier, M.Ed.

(@MsBoismier_ELA) October 22, 2020


Barack Obama

encouraged his followers to transition into the voting booth to use to the

United States

to lead to a "positive" future.

This refers to both the

2020 congressional elections

and the US presidential election.

(jey) * and are part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editorial network.

List of rubric lists: © Don Campbell / dpa

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