The Limited Times

US election 2020: Trump does not want to accept defeat against Biden - Melania Trump is now reporting for the first time

11/8/2020, 7:44:42 PM

The 2020 US election has been decided - to the surprise of everyone, conciliatory tones can be heard from Donald Trump's camp on the day after his election defeat. All information in the news ticker.

The 2020 US election has been decided - to the surprise of everyone, conciliatory tones can be heard from Donald Trump's camp on the day after his election defeat.

All information in the news ticker.

  • The

    2020 US election will be

    decided after days of waiting -

    Joe Biden

    will be the 46th President of the US.

  • Donald Trump *

    is still combative and has not yet congratulated Biden.

  • However, Trump wants to show insight if his lawsuits fail in court.

  • Melania Trump tries to appease her husband (update from November 8th, 5.46pm).

  • This ticker is updated regularly.

Update from November 8, 8:22 p.m.: Melania Trump

is now



on Twitter for

the first time


Similar to Ivanka Trump two days ago, she posts something general that can also be understood as support for Donald Trump.

“The American people deserve fair elections.

Every legal - not illegal - vote should be counted.

We have to protect our democracy through complete transparency. ”There is no mention of fraud or corruption in any way.

The American people deserve fair elections.

Every legal - not illegal - vote should be counted.

We must protect our democracy with complete transparency.

- Melania Trump (@FLOTUS) November 8, 2020

US election live: Joe Biden visits cemetery near Wilmington

Update from November 8, 7:25 p.m.: Trump tweets

and what does

Joe Biden


after the US election, which he found successful?

He attends

 church services and family graves

near his home in Wilmington.

Biden's son Beau, first wife Neilia, and daughter Naomi are buried in the Greenville cemetery.

Beau died in 2015 of complications from a brain tumor.

Neilia and Naomi Biden were killed in a car accident in 1972.

Biden (77) was 30 years old at the time.


After the 2020 US election, Joe Biden visits St. Joseph on the Brandywine Church in Greenville near Wilmington.

His first wife Neilia and daughter Naomi and son Beau are buried there.

© Carolyn Kaster / AP / dpa

Update November 8, 19:12:


victory of Joe Biden in the US presidential election

allows the view of Nobel Peace Prize winner

Mikhail Gorbachev

the rescue of the last major

disarmament treaty between Moscow and Washington.

Biden is a sincere person who goes a sensible way, said the former Soviet president of the Interfax agency on Sunday.

"Now it will be easier," said the 89-year-old in view of the so far hardly successful attempts to extend the New Start treaty to limit nuclear weapons.

Under US President Donald Trump, Russia had recently seen little chance for the agreement, which ends in early February.

US election 2020 in the ticker: Lindsey Graham stands behind Donald Trump

Update from November 8, 7:09 p.m.:

In contrast to Senator Mitt Romeny,

Senator Lindsey Graham

positions himself

very differently.

This encourages the incumbent president to take legal action after the supposedly lost US election.

"President Trump should not give up," said Graham on Sunday in an interview with

Fox News


“This is a controversial choice.

The media doesn't decide who becomes president.

If they did that, there would never be a Republican president, ”said Graham.

Trump must go to court.

The Senator, who is considered a Trump confidante, cited the case of people who allegedly voted in the key state of Pennsylvania even though they were already dead.

Biden leads the state by 40,000 votes before the count ends.

US election 2020 in the ticker: Senator Mitt Romney stands behind Joe Biden as president

Update from November 8th, 6.47pm:

Other Republicans are also trying to get Donald Trump to do the “right thing” and to vote Trump voters “conciliatory”, as Biden would like himself to do.

One of them is

Mitt Romney


He calls for people to stand behind Joe Biden as president.

The re-elected Senator from Utah did not notice any signs of electoral fraud, as he

reports to



“However, I believe that it damages the cause of our democracy when we talk about widespread fraud and corruption.

There is simply no evidence at this point, ”said the Senator.

US election in the ticker: Melania tries to appease Donald Trump

Update from November 8, 5:46 p.m.:

Even if some Republicans


a conciliatory tone, Trump's tweets, do not suggest that he will admit his defeat so quickly.

He quotes supporters on Twitter who also suspect election fraud.

His son Donald Trump Jr. also continues to stir up suspicions and in many ways adds fuel to the fire.

He tweeted that there were no violent riots, even though so many Republicans were angry.

And son Eric Trump also diligently retweeted views about election fraud.

After a peaceful agreement and the departure of Trump and his family, that does not currently look like


However, there are said to be two people from Trump's inner circle who want to get him to accept the defeat.

One of them is son-in-law

Jared Kushner

, as previously reported (see below).


Melania Trump is also said to have turned to her husband


CNN information

and asked him to accept the defeat.


CNN source

is said to have heard the conversations between the two.

Melania Trump

is said to have "offered" her opinion, as she is said to have done many times before.

US election 2020: Suddenly there are conciliatory tones from Trump camp - will it come to a "peaceful transfer of power"?

First report from November 8th

: Munich - In the history of America there has probably never been a president who

has shown himself so unreasonable

despite an official

election defeat


Trump is

still fighting

by all means - be it tirades on


or lawsuits - to avoid

having to admit


Some TV shows have already discussed how to proceed if Trump refuses

to leave


White House

even after January 20


But with all the lack of insight that the 74-year-old is attested to,

conciliatory tones

can now also

be heard from the Trump camp.

.... Where it mattered, they stole what they had to steal.


- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 8, 2020

US election 2020: Ironically, "Fox" reports about peace plans

The reports from the

USA are

piling up

, according to which the still incumbent

US president

might eventually show insight.

For example,

Fox News

, known for its proximity to the Trump camp,


that the president wants to "guarantee a peaceful transfer of power" "if the lawsuits do not open up any prospect of another term".

It should be said that


has filed numerous lawsuits in contested states and is also willing to file more.

According to


, son-in-law

Jared Kushner should


behind the idea of ​​a “peaceful transfer of power”


The station also reports that there has been no contact between


and his successor

Joe Biden


(kus) * is part of the Ippen-Digital network


List of rubric lists: © ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS / AFP

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