The Limited Times

Republicans call for Joe Biden's intelligence briefings - US authorities reject rumors about Donald Trump

11/13/2020, 7:02:39 AM

Moving from one US government to the next is a feat. Trump's administration is currently blocking many processes. Some Republicans don't like that at all.

Moving from one US government to the next is a feat.

Trump's administration is currently blocking many processes.

Some Republicans don't like that at all.

  • More and more Republicans are demanding that

    Joe Biden's *

    new team take

    the necessary steps to

    ensure a smooth change of government.

  • Donald Trump

    continues to refuse to admit defeat.

  • In the area of

    national security in

    particular, the

    Republicans have

    an interest in ensuring that there is an orderly handover.

Washington, DC - A growing number of Republican politicians are calling for the

White House

to provide

intelligence briefings to

newly elected President

Joe Biden


Influential Senator Lindsey Graham told





asked if Biden

should get



, "Yes, I think he should."

According to the media, Senators Chuck Grassley, James Lankford and John Thune made similar statements.

The comments could indicate that there among the

Republicans *

there is more and more acceptance for Biden’s election victory.

Ohio Governor Mike DeWine named Biden "President-Elect" for the first time on Thursday.

So far, Biden has been


the legally required support for an orderly transfer of office ("transition") from 

Donald Trump's *



Joe Biden: Acting US President still refuses to acknowledge his defeat

The Republican US President Trump has so far refused to




and presents himself as a victim of fraud without evidence.


example, he wrote



Friday morning: "Biden did not win."

These states in question should immediately be put in the Trump Win column.

Biden did not win, he lost by a lot!

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 13, 2020

Leading politicians of his party supported him outwardly.

Observers also see this as a


not to turn

their own


against them and

to keep them motivated

for the immensely important

runoff elections

for crucial Senate seats in Georgia * at the beginning of January.

But especially in the area of

national security

, the Republicans also have an interest in ensuring that there is an orderly handover and that Biden is fully capable of acting from day one in office.

According to media reports, the

White House * is

putting obstacles in the way of Biden's handover in other areas as well.

So he can

not accept

a whole stack of

congratulatory telegrams


In the

US State Department

there was mail addressed to Biden by foreign heads of state and government, but he was denied access to it, reported several TV stations, citing department officials.

Congratulations for the newly elected President: Secretary of State does not support Joe Biden

Biden's team had to take

calls with congratulations on his election victory, including from Chancellor

Angela Merkel

, without the support of the Foreign Office with logistics and translation.

Traditionally, the elected US President is supported in all


by the US State Department, which is why numerous countries have sent their congratulatory telegrams there since the weekend.

Trump's chief diplomat

Mike Pompeo

has not yet recognized Biden's victory either.

Instead, he spoke of a "smooth transition to a second Trump administration".

Because of the resistance, Biden's team is missing millions of US dollars and access to all ministries and authorities to prepare the




After the 2020 US election: US authorities reject Donald Trump's rumors


US authorities

have also rejected rumors spread by President Donald Trump that the presidential election

had been manipulated

through the use of

computer software


"There is no evidence that a voting system deleted or changed votes - or was compromised in any way," said a statement on Thursday issued by representatives of the


of Homeland Security's

cybersecurity agency

and the associations

of state

election officers

has been.

Trump had previously referred to claims on Twitter that Dominion software had given him 435,000 votes cast in several states to his ultimately victorious challenger

Joe Biden


The company and

electoral authorities

have already rejected this.

For Joe Biden there is also another piece of news:


and other major US TV stations announced late Thursday evening (local time) based on the current vote counts that the US state of

Arizona would

also go to the Democrats.

Biden has now reached

290 voters

, 270 voters were enough for him to win.

Trump currently has 217 voters behind him after he also won



North Carolina and Georgia are still open.

Despite the difficulty, Joe Biden is already getting down to work and introducing a first



The newly elected president described the

fact that Trump does not admit his defeat and

does not recognize

the outcome of the

US election

as "embarrassment".

(dpa / cibo) * is part of the Ippen digital network.

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