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Joe Biden is preparing despite Donald Trump's filibuster


Faced with an unprecedented transition of power, without access to files or sensitive information, the President-elect announced several appointments including that of Ron Klain, his future chief of staff at the White House, a key position in the American system.

From our correspondent in Washington

Joe Biden has started to form his government in anticipation of taking office on January 20, despite Donald Trump's systematic obstruction.

The teams responsible for preparing the establishment of the next Administration have so far come up against a wall.

Trump, who refuses to acknowledge Biden's victory and disputes poll results in several states, has formally prohibited government departments and agencies from cooperating with his successor's representatives.

Read also:

Donald Trump refuses to make the transition with Joe Biden

Breaking with the provisions of the Transition Act, a law passed in 1963 by Republicans and Democrats, and intended to facilitate the very complex operation of transfer of power, the outgoing president has blocked the entire process since the beginning of the week. usual.

Emily Murphy, Director of General Services Administration, the body normally responsible for making the necessary premises and resources available to the future government,

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Source: lefigaro

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