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Joe Biden: top Republicans call for secret service briefings


So far, the Trump administration has denied the successor Joe Biden access to important information from the secret services. This is now causing trouble even in the Republican Party.

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Joe Biden: So far no support from the current government


The White House's blockade is causing annoyance internationally, but also in its own country.

The Democrats, who won the election on November 3, have been criticizing for days that the current President Donald Trump and the government are refusing any concessions to the elected successor.

And now resistance against his norm-breaking behavior is forming in the party of the 45th President.

A growing number of Republican politicians are demanding that the White House make intelligence briefings available to the newly elected US president.

Influential Senator Lindsey Graham told CNN on Thursday, when asked if Biden should get the briefings, "Yes, I think he should."

According to the media, Senators Chuck Grassley, James Lankford and John Thune made similar statements.

The statements could indicate that there is more and more acceptance of Biden's election victory among the Republicans.

The specific formulations are important here.

Ohio Governor Mike DeWine named Biden the "President-Elect" for the first time on Thursday.

So far, Biden has been denied the legally required support for an orderly handover ("transition") by Trump's government.

The opponent would also be interested in a smooth transition

The Republican US president has so far refused to admit defeat and presents himself as a victim of fraud without evidence.

Most recently, high-ranking representatives of the US electoral authorities emphasized that no evidence of fraud or other irregularities in the presidential election has been found so far.

The November 3rd election was "the safest in American history," according to representatives of US federal and state authorities in a joint statement on Thursday.

Leading politicians of his party supported him outwardly.

Observers also see this as a move to avoid turning one's own electorate against them and to keep them motivated for the immensely important runoff elections for crucial Senate seats in Georgia at the beginning of January.

But especially in the area of ​​national security, the Republicans also have an interest in ensuring that there is an orderly handover and that Biden is fully capable of acting from day one in office.

According to media reports, the White House is causing Biden problems in other areas of government handover as well.

For example, he cannot receive a whole batch of congratulatory telegrams.

In the US State Department there was mail addressed to Biden by foreign heads of state and government, but he was denied access to it, reported several TV stations, citing department officials.

Logistics and translation services are not available

Biden's team had to take calls with congratulations on his election victory, including from Chancellor Angela Merkel, without the support of the Foreign Office with logistics and translation.

Traditionally, the elected US President is supported in all communications by the US State Department, which is why numerous countries have sent their congratulatory telegrams there since the weekend.

Trump's chief diplomat Mike Pompeo has not yet recognized Biden's victory either.

Instead, he spoke of a "smooth transition to a second Trump administration".

Because of the resistance, Biden's team is missing millions of US dollars and access to all ministries and authorities to prepare the transition there.

Icon: The mirror

jok / dpa

Source: spiegel

All news articles on 2020-11-13

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