The Limited Times

Lei Gong Tamura Tang dog suspected of catching a slingshot with a slingshot and a tightly tied tree trunk

12/13/2020, 5:54:12 PM

At 8:30 this morning (13th), at a hillside location in Leigongtian Village, Baxiang, a villager heard dogs barking constantly in the woods. After inspection, he found that the feet of an adult black Tang dog had been entangled with a slingshot wire several times. Tied to it


Author: Chen Leilei

2020-12-13 13:17

Last update date: 2020-12-13 15:50

At 8:30 this morning (13th), at a hillside location in Leigongtian Village, Baxiang, a villager heard dogs barking constantly in the woods. After inspection, he found that the feet of an adult black Tang dog had been entangled with a slingshot wire several times. He was tied to one of the tree trunks and his feet were red and swollen. Suspecting it had been abused, he called the police for help.

After receiving the report, Ai Xie arrived and took Tang Gou away. He was in good physical condition.

Sources at the scene indicated that the seized slingshot cable was suspected to be a trap, and there was also a similar trap with good performance not far from the location of the incident.

The current case is classified as a police investigation case and is handed over to the second team of the Yuen Long Police District Criminal Investigation Team for investigation. No one has been arrested yet.

Some villagers said that the hillside involved was inaccessible to people. The stray dog ​​lived near the entrance of the village. On weekdays, he would accompany another stray dog ​​to hunt for food. Recently, it was discovered that it had not been seen again, but there was no intentional incident.

The trap involved is equipped with a white rubber ring and a slingshot wire rope. It is understood that when the prey misses the white rubber ring, the wire rope will tighten and hold the prey firmly.

The Association said that it was notified by the police earlier that an adult Tang dog was found injured by a trap in Leigongtian Village, Kam Tin. After the inspection of the Association, the inspector of the Association assisted the Tang dog and brought it back to the Association’s Wan Chai Center. Veterinary inspection and treatment. Inspectors of the Association removed the trap at the scene. Two other cages for catching snakes or frogs were found on the scene, which were picked up by the fishery and Conservation Department. In addition, the police picked up the steel ropes for catching the dogs and the others found on the scene. A steel cable, the case will be handed over to the police for further investigation.

As animal traps have been discovered many times recently, the Association reminds the public that it is illegal to install and possess animal traps, and condemns such behaviors that cause animal injuries.

When Ai Synergy calls on citizens to pay special attention to the outskirts and lead their pets to avoid accidental injuries by animal traps.


Animal abuse

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