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How to contest a speeding ticket


RIGHTS OF THE USER - The Highway Code allows a user to be fined for excessive speed in view of the circumstances or for a lack of speed control. Without resorting to the use of radar.

The Highway Code generally requires the driver to remain in control of his speed at all times and adjust it according to the limitation on the section taken, the condition of the roadway, traffic difficulties and foreseeable obstacles. .

The Highway Code lists the cases where the driver must reduce his speed (in the event of crossing or overtaking pedestrians, cyclists, vehicles, immobilized or moving at low speed, public transport vehicles, in bends, when crossing or overtaking animals…).

But in general, the user can be fined if he is not in control of his speed or has not regulated it according to the condition of the roadway, traffic difficulties and traffic conditions. foreseeable obstacles.

According to the judges, the user can also be fined if he has not adapted his speed to the atmospheric conditions, to the state and congestion of the road, or according to his zone of visibility.

In the event of failure to control or reduce speed, the driver is liable to a fine of up to 135 to 750 euros.

Nevertheless, the judges impose, under penalty of invalidity of the report, that the concrete circumstances of the offense be noted and detailed by the official issuing the offense in the drafting of his offense report.

Otherwise, the minutes are no longer authentic until proven otherwise and can no longer be the basis for legal proceedings against the motorist.

Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2020-12-11

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