The Limited Times

Covid-19 in France: 167 deaths and 16,546 new cases in 24 hours

2/14/2021, 8:28:23 PM

The number of hospitalized patients is on the rise, including in intensive care units. This Sunday 26 401people are hospitalized in France, with 651 admissions. Public Health France also reports 3299 people in intensive care this Sunday, a figure that is very slightly higher than on Saturday (3294). But this indicator remains below the 3300 mark. Saturday, February 6, 3215 serious cases had been recorded. During previous waves of contamination, the number of patients in intensive ca

This Sunday 26 401

people are hospitalized in France, with 651 admissions.

Public Health France also reports 3299 people in intensive care this Sunday, a figure that is very slightly higher than on Saturday (3294).

But this indicator remains below the 3300 mark. Saturday, February 6, 3215 serious cases had been recorded.

During previous waves of contamination, the number of patients in intensive care had reached 7,000 in the spring and 4,900 in the fall.

The intensive care units admitted 113 new sick people, against 191 the day before.

The health agency recorded 16,546 new cases in 24 hours, or 18,302 per day on average over the past week (down 8.4% from last Sunday).

The health authorities have identified 167 deaths linked to Covid-19 which have occurred in hospital in the last 24 hours, compared to 199 the day before In total, 81,814 people have died of this disease in France since the appearance of the new coronavirus in our territory, donation 57,815 at the hospital.


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Since the start of the vaccination campaign in France, 2,254,688 first injections of vaccine (i.e. 3.4% of the total population and 4.3% of the major population) and 647,173 second injections have been carried out, indicates Sunday evening the Directorate General of Health.

42.1% of people over 80 have been vaccinated.

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