The Limited Times

Covid-19 in France: 183 deaths in hospital in 24 hours and 22,371 positive cases

2/20/2021, 7:37:44 PM

In hospitals, 3,369 patients are currently taken care of by the intensive care units, against 3,215 last Saturday.

An epidemic stability which is still intriguing.

According to the latest figures published this Saturday by the health authorities, 3,369 are currently in intensive care in France due to Covid-19.

Some 3,380 serious cases had been recorded the day before and 3,215 seven days ago.

During previous waves of contamination, the number of patients in intensive care had reached 7,000 in the spring and 4,900 in the fall.

A total of 25,269 people are currently hospitalized in the country, a number that has fallen since February 15.

They were 26,196 last Saturday.

60,000 total hospital deaths

The rate of contamination is not slowing down significantly.

The health agency recorded 22,371 new cases in 24 hours, against 24,116 on Friday and 21,231 last Saturday.


"This is not what we expected": epidemiologists confused by the drop in cases

The health authorities also list 183 deaths linked to Covid-19 which have occurred in the hospital in the last 24 hours, against 199 last Saturday.

In total, 84,147 people have died of this disease in France since the appearance of the new coronavirus in our territory, including 59,667 in hospitals.

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