The Limited Times

Malice for the CDU after state elections in Baden-Württemberg and Rhineland-Palatinate: "Not just not a good evening ..."

3/14/2021, 7:55:32 PM

Malice for the Union after a bad election result: In two former home countries things are going downhill after the mask affair - the SPD is optimistic about the general election.

Malice for the Union after a bad election result: In two former home countries things are going downhill after the mask affair - the SPD is optimistic about the general election.

"Not only is it not a good evening for the CDU, the next few weeks will not be any easier," says the publicist Michel Friedmann on Welt-TV, somewhat patronizingly towards the Union.

In both Rhineland-Palatinate and Baden-Württemberg, the CDU has a historically poor result.

And for that it hails malice - on the net, in ARD and ZDF, from the SPD and the FDP.

Also noticeable: both countries were once considered home countries for the Union.

The Infratest-Dimap curve for the CDU * shows that the party lost 2 percent in both countries last week.

So the question smoldering in the background: Is it because of the so-called mask affair that the Union * is doing badly?

Because many postal voters had already voted at the end of February, the damage could have been curbed, according to the ARD.

ZDF speaks of a "disaster" for the Union.

After the state elections in Baden-Württemberg and Rhineland-Palatinate: Has the mask affair harmed the Union?

“What was the cause of masks?” Asks the ZDF heute-show smugly on Twitter - alluding to the mask affair.

The CDU is clearly losing votes in both elections.

What was the cause of the masks? # Landtagswahl2021

- ZDF heute-show (@heuteshow) March 14, 2021

The SPD is already daring to rejoice: “Majorities outside the Union are possible,” tweeted Kevin Kühnert, the SPD's deputy chairman - and Lars Klingbeil, the SPD * general secretary, had also said something.

“The weak results for the CDU are not only due to the mask affair.

They are a rejection of the poor government management in vaccination, testing and bridging aid, ”tweeted the parliamentary manager of the Free Democrats, Marco Buschmann.

Another user posted election posters for the CDU - for example, promising to better appreciate the work of nurses - and provided them with laughing emojis.

An account with a picture from the Tagesschau 40 years ago recalls the great days of the CDU: In spring 1996, the CDU had won over 40 percent in both Baden-Württemberg and Rhineland-Palatinate:

[3/24/96] The CDU is happy about the 40 percent results in state elections in Baden-Württemberg and Rhineland-Palatinate.

- Tagesschau20Jahre (@ TagesschauVor20) March 14, 2021

“In a downright fit of anger, the voters of the CDU brought a historical debacle to their former home countries.

But the sovereign's anger could even increase in the super-election year.

When he notices that there is nobody in the Union who wants to receive the package, ”writes the

Münchner Merkur


CDU malice after the result of the state elections - the reactions from the CDU

Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) does not want to look to the CDU to blame.

He attributes the success in both countries to the prime ministers alone.

Malu Dreyer from the SPD in Rhineland-Palatinate and Winfried Kretschmann from the Greens prevailed thanks to their strong personalities.

“I don't think that played such a decisive role in the choice.

But it doesn't work at all, of course, because we need trust in these times - especially now, when we have further uncertainties due to the mutations, ”he said, referring to the corruption allegations against former MPs.

CDU top candidate Susanne Eisenmann in Baden-Württemberg wants to take full responsibility for the defeat.

"It's a bitter evening for us, we wanted a better result," said Christian Baldauf (CDU), top candidate from Rhineland-Palatinate on Sunday evening in Mainz.

"Today is not a good election evening for the CDU," admitted Paul Ziemiak, CDU Secretary General.

The "really indecent behavior and the shamelessness of individual MPs" also ensured that the election campaigners had a tight wind blown in the face, he said on Sunday in Berlin.

The election is also seen as a mood test for the CDU's possible candidate for chancellor, Armin Laschet *.

He wants to give a press conference with the two top candidates on Monday, at which he will analyze the result.

(kat) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.

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