The Limited Times

Afghanistan: Taliban on the advance

8/11/2021, 2:43:24 PM

People are fleeing and reporting atrocities: The Taliban are on the advance in Afghanistan. US President Biden calls on the Afghan army to fight, Germany suspends deportations to the country.

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The rapid advance of the Taliban in Afghanistan continues, fighters from the radical Islamic militia are filmed in a government building in the city of Kunduz.

The international armed forces have almost completely left the country, and the struggle for power over the country is on fire.

According to EU circles, the Taliban already control almost two thirds of Afghanistan.

US intelligence agencies estimate that the capital Kabul could fall to the Taliban within 30 to 90 days.

Ahmad Shekeb, Resident

“It's out of control.

Districts and even provincial capitals were conquered.

Of course, this has consequences for our lives. "

Sedeqa Fekrat, refugees

»The situation is



I come from Ghazni.

Two weeks ago I fled Ghazni because of the security situation.

My whole family got into the fighting.

In Ghazni, the Taliban forbid women and girls from going to the market.

The rules there are very strict. "

Afghan President Ashraf Ghani visits Mazar-i-Sharif to assess the security situation.

The Taliban are advancing towards the economic center in the north of the country, and there has been fierce fighting in the area in the past few days.

The Taliban have now conquered more than a quarter of the provincial capitals.

The fear of a return of the Islamists is great everywhere.

Ravina Shamdasani, spokeswoman for the UN Human Rights Office

»Women, minorities, human rights activists, journalists and others need special protection.

There is a risk of renewed atrocities against ethnic and religious minorities. "

The fighting has worsened the humanitarian situation of many Afghans.

According to government sources, more than 70,000 families have been evicted from their homes so far.

Ghulam Bahauddin Jailani, Disaster Protection Minister Afghanistan

"We call on the international community and international institutions to help the displaced as quickly as possible with food and other things."

The Taliban were in power in Afghanistan from 1996 to 2001.

Then a US-led intervention brought much of the country under control.

US President Biden ordered the withdrawal of US troops, which is now almost complete.

Was the withdrawal a mistake?

Joe Biden doesn't see it that way.

After all, the Afghan armed forces are militarily and numerically superior to the Taliban.

Joe Biden, US President

“You must now fight for your nation yourself.

The US will continue to stand by its commitments.

We will assist with air strikes.

We will make sure the Afghan Air Force is working, providing government forces with food and equipment, and paying all their salaries.

But they must want to fight themselves. "

Russian, Tajik and Uzbek forces on a maneuver near the Tajik-Afghan border.

Afghanistan's neighbors are preparing for a period of instability.

Pakistan is securing its border with Afghanistan with a new fence.

Should Kabul fall, more people than before are likely to try to leave the country - and many of those who stay will also need humanitarian aid from abroad.

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