The Limited Times

Who is trying to hide the pedophiles? | Israel today

8/16/2021, 7:35:39 AM

The prosecution wants to continue to protect the secrecy of pedophiles. The privacy of dozens of sex offenders is more important to her than the safety of Israeli children

Dozens of pedophiles roam among us.

Free and unlimited.

Their actions are documented in videos, wiretaps and telephone correspondence.

The prosecution knows their names and deviations.

The prosecution decided not to exhaust the investigation and not to file indictments against them.

Instead, the prosecution imposed a restraining order on the names of the pedophiles, and used their testimonies to prosecute another person who acted to blackmail the pedophiles and deter them from realizing their lusts.

That man, the pedophile hunter, claimed that due to childhood trauma it had become the mission of his life.

The reporter from Or Tzur and News 13 revealed this shocking affair.

The prosecution first announced that "everything is fine."

There are no pedophiles, no offenses and no fear for public safety.

Following this, the acts attributed to those pedophiles were published on social media.

It is not possible to repeat the descriptions here, but it is difficult to understand how the State Attorney's Office thought that there was no danger to the children of Israel, when it came to pedophiles who acted to meet with children for sexual acts.

The exposure caused harsh public criticism against the prosecution on social media.

And see this is a miracle, a week later the prosecution announced that it would re-examine the prosecution of the pedophiles.

It is disappointing that the State Attorney's Office did not find it appropriate to do so on its own, but dug into its position, and acted only following media and public pressure.

It is difficult for me to understand the position of the State Attorney's Office. What eclipse caused the prosecution to decide to release the pedophiles free, without trial, without restrictive conditions and while keeping their names confidential? It is not clear to me what other interest can prevail over the desire of all of us to protect our children. In this context, a stubborn rumor was circulating, as if the closing of cases and the imposition of a restraining order were intended to protect senior figures in the world of politics and law. From my (incomplete) acquaintance with the material in the file, I can say that I found no indication of it. This also does not seem to me the main point. The important issue is protecting the safety of our children, not only from familiar personalities, but from any pedophile.

The sweeping publication ban order on pedophiles' details should be repealed.

There is no justification for such an order.

Neither legal, nor moral.

In view of the events, I filed on behalf of the pedophile hunter a request to remove the restraining order.

It is our right to know who those pedophiles are, where they work and if they come into regular contact with children in their workplace.

This is not just our right.

It is our duty.

We are committed to protecting Israeli children from pedophiles who prey on prey.

The prosecution demands that the restraining order remain in force.

She wants to continue to protect the secrecy of pedophiles.

The State Attorney's Office places before its eyes the privacy of pedophiles at a higher level than the safety of Israeli children.

On Monday, the District Court (Honorable Justice Michal Burnett) will rule on this dispute.

Are Israeli children entitled to protection against pedophiles?

Are we entitled to know from whom we should protect our children?

I sincerely hope that the court will rule against the prosecution and allow the publication.

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