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The state has asked the High Court for a six-month postponement of the evacuation of Khan al-Ahmar - Walla! News

9/5/2021, 6:45:29 PM

The state's application submitted today states that "significant progress has been made in the work of formulating the outline," but it seeks to submit confidential documents for the purpose of promoting it. The request for rejection comes after many rejections, which the High Court defined a year ago as "embarrassing." When another rejection was approved in July, the High Court emphasized in its decision: "No more."

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The state has asked the High Court for a six-month postponement of the evacuation of Khan al-Ahmar

The state's application submitted today states that "significant progress has been made in the work of formulating the outline," but it seeks to submit confidential documents for the purpose of promoting it.

The request for rejection comes after many rejections, which the High Court defined a year ago as "embarrassing." When another rejection was approved in July, the High Court emphasized in its decision: "No more."


  • Khan al-Ahmar

  • High Court

Yael Friedson

Sunday, 05 September 2021, 21:36

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The state submitted a request to the High Court for a further postponement of the evacuation of Khan al-Ahmar for six months, until March 6, 2022. This is in light of the progress made in formulating the outline and political considerations.

The state's request for a postponement follows many postponements of the decision over the years, and after the High Court judges reprimanded it several times in the past, and only a year ago defined the request for a postponement of the petition as "embarrassing." Stressed in his decision that "no more."

A statement submitted to the High Court today states that "significant progress has been made in the work of formulating the outline." "Given the totality of these circumstances, and after the issue was placed on the table of the highest echelons in the government, the political echelon decided that an additional period of time was required before the demolition orders could be implemented in the compound." This is what is written in the language of the request.

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The state will ask the High Court for a six-month postponement of the evacuation of Khan al-Ahmar

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Further postponement of evacuation?

Khan al-Ahmar village (Photo: Reuters)

The communities of the Jahalin tribe lived in the Negev area until the early 1950s, when they were deported and moved to the Mishor Adumim area. Today, about 200 of them live in the village of Khan al-Ahmar. The residents live in tents and tents set up without permits and for years there have been hearings in the High Court regarding evictions. Lands near the landfill in the neighboring town of Azaria.

The European Union has expressed strong opposition to the demolition of the village, and the European Parliament has even described it as a "war crime". In October 2018, Netanyahu declared at the beginning of the cabinet meeting that the compound located in the E1 area between Ma'ale Adumim and Jerusalem "will be evacuated, with or without consent. It will not take many weeks, it will be much shorter." Prime Minister Bennett and Interior Minister Shaked are remembered as supporters of the evacuation of the village. When the political-security cabinet in which Bennett and Shaked were members discussed the evacuation of Khan al-Ahmar, they were the only ones who voted against postponing the evacuation. Shaked even said on the subject: "There is a ruling that allows the evacuation, the only thing that stops it is Netanyahu."

After many months in which the compound was not evacuated, the Regavim movement petitioned the High Court for the sixth time, requesting a conditional order against the state, explaining why it does not enforce the law and enforcing the ruling within a limited period of time.

"From the first day of the current government, we have said that the government will be examined in its actions and not in its statements," said Meir Deutsch, Regavim's CEO. Foreign countries.

The basis of anarchy is law enforcement in a selective and selective manner.

"There can be no population group that gains immunity from law enforcement because of international pressure, while the law is enforced against another population."

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