The Limited Times

This is the answer to the question that all viewers of "The Squid Game" are dying to know what | Israel today

10/10/2021, 10:31:49 AM

The director of the Netflix cult series reveals why one of the characters in the series ends up dyeing her hair red, after a lively online conversation around the subject. Caution: Spoilers

The director of "The Squid Game" has revealed in recent days why one of the characters in the series ends up dyeing her hair red, after a lively online conversation around the subject.

For viewers of the series who have not yet foreseen its final episode, we will warn that from now on this text will contain spoilers.

The series describes the plots of contestants in a series of challenging games, who do so in order to win a high cash prize.

The twist in the whole story is that these are particularly deadly games, and many find their deaths in horrific and cruel ways.

At the end of the series, the main character Seyong Ji-hoon, enters the barbershop and asks to dye his hair red.

The plot move has made many wonder why he does it.

"I finished watching The Squid Game," a confused viewer wrote on Twitter.

"Not sure how I feel about the ending. And also - I'm super confused and do not understand why the main character decides to make the hair red at the end."

Official trailer for "The Squid Game".

Courtesy of Netflix

Another Twitter account read: "Okay, I'm done watching the series and I'm asking what we all need to know: Why. He. Color. You. The hair?".

Other tweeters on the network described the act as confusing and "a very strange decision by the character".

In a recent interview with Wang Dong-hyuk, the series' director, the not-quite-understood move was explained.

"I thought about it intuitively," he explained.

"I was thinking that Ji Hoon needed to change the color of his hair at the barbershop. I imagined I was him, and I thought to myself, 'What color would you never choose to dye your hair with?'

"Then I came to the conclusion that Ji Hoon would never dye his hair red. That would be the craziest thing for him to do. So I chose the color and thought to myself that it really illustrates his inner rage."

Satisfactory explanation?

No, not particularly.   

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