The Limited Times

Live Broadcast ‧ Legislative Council Election

12/19/2021, 10:12:17 PM

After the restructuring, the first Legislative Council election was held today (19th). The voting time was shortened by one hour compared with the previous one. The voting ended at 10.30pm. More than 1.35 million people voted in direct elections in 10 districts throughout the day, with a turnout rate of 30.2%. Hong Kong Island East

After the restructuring, the first Legislative Council election was held today (19th). The voting time was shortened by one hour compared with the previous one. The voting ended at 10.30pm.

More than 1.35 million people voted in direct elections in 10 districts throughout the day, with a turnout rate of 30.2%.

The Hong Kong Island East Federation of Trade Unions Wu Qiubei and the Democratic Alliance for the Betterment of Hong Kong won, while Pan Zhuohong and the New Democratic Party Liao Tiancheng lost.

Hong Kong Island West announced the results, the New Democratic Party Ye Liu Shuyi and the Democratic Alliance for the Betterment of Hong Kong Chen Xuefeng won, and Fang Longfei lost.

Other constituencies also announced the results.

After the electoral committee subsector Liang Meifen became the vote, he received 1,348 votes. Zhang Guojun followed by 1,342 votes to become the king of votes. Deng Fei, Huang Yuanshan, Lin Lin, Guan Haoming and others were elected, while Sheng Zhiwen, Huang Ziqian, Tu Haiming, Feng Weiguang and Lu Weisi were elected. People lose.

"Hong Kong 01" directs the whole process and updates the voting, counting process and results in real time.

The new parliament consists of three sections, and the re-established electoral committee has the largest number of seats, occupying 40 seats.

There are 20 seats in the geographical constituency and 30 seats in the functional constituency.

[05:55] Hong Kong Island West announced the results. New Democratic Party Ye Liu Shuyi won with 65,694 votes, DAB Chen Xuefeng won with 36,628 votes, and Fang Longfei lost with 8,058 votes.

[05:48] Wu Qiubei of the Hong Kong Island East Industry Federation received 64,509 votes, the DAB Liang Xi was elected 26,799 votes, the New Democratic Party Liao Tiancheng lost 23,171 votes, and Pan Zhuohong lost 14,435 votes.

[04:20] Provisional figures for the Legislative Council elections, 1,350,680 people voted in geographical constituencies, with a turnout rate of 30.2%.

131,828 people voted in Hong Kong East, with a turnout rate of 31.03%.

112,759 people voted in Hong Kong West, with a turnout rate of 30.09%.

150,251 people in Kowloon East voted, with a turnout rate of 31.62%.

119,804 people in Kowloon West voted, with a turnout rate of 31.4%.

142,667 people in Kowloon Central voted, with a turnout rate of 31.38%.

130,408 people voted in the southeastern New Territories, with a turnout rate of 27.58%.

123,255 people voted in New Territories North, with a turnout rate of 28.56%.

139,852 people in the Northwest New Territories voted, with a turnout rate of 29.83%.

161,683 people voted in the southwestern New Territories, with a turnout rate of 31.67%.

138,173 people in the northeastern New Territories voted, with a turnout rate of 28.89%.

The functional constituency turnout rate was 32.22%.

The turnout rate of Heung Yee Kuk was 95.65%, 98.27% for agriculture and agriculture, 78.26% for insurance, 91.86% for shipping and transportation, 29.02% for education, 33.59% for law, 30.45% for accounting, 29.56% for medical and health, and 49.1% for engineering. .

38.28% in architecture, surveying, urban planning and gardens, 73.72% in labor, 19.41% in social welfare, 83.19% in real estate and construction, 90.10% in tourism, 72.94% in business (first), and 78.64% in business (second) , The business sector (third) 98.96%, the industrial sector (first) 75%, and the industrial sector (second) 68.11%.

Financial sector 72.63%, financial services sector 66.53%, sports, performing arts, culture and publishing sector 87.5%, import and export sector 80.2%, textile and clothing sector 79.26%, wholesale and retail sector 65.3%, technology innovation sector 98.63%, catering 90.78% of the world, and 91.45% of the representatives of the Hong Kong People’s Congress and the CPPCC and relevant national organizations.

The electoral committee's voter turnout rate was 98.48%.

[04:13] Ma Fengguo, a member of the sports, performing arts, culture, and publishing sector, who has changed from a functional constituency to a candidate for the election committee, said that the election was very intense.

He mentioned that in the past when running for functional constituencies, there was only one opponent, but this time there are 50 opponents, all of whom have strong backgrounds and good preparations. In the end, the difference in votes between candidates is only very small.

He stated that he heard many questions and opinions from different sectors during the election process, and he "enjoyed it as a process." He was also happy to see young friends and female candidates running for the election, and he was also happy to see that the election process was harmonious and different.

Many candidates named by Xia Baolong, director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office, proved that the election committee is "splendid" candidates are defeated. Ma Fengguo believes that political parties have certain advantages, but he has also seen many people who have no party background. This reflects the election committee’s ability to think independently. Have their own opinions and requirements.

He emphasized that he did not feel that the central government had a "list" at all. Everyone competed in an open and fair environment.

The "vote" Leung Mei-fen of the election committee this time pointed out that the continuation this time is an affirmation of his team and the work of the region.

She pointed out that this election was very difficult and full of challenges. She believed that it was quite rare for many new members to be elected.

She will return to the Kowloon West Constituency to thank them for their support.

She pointed out that she will, as always, not only pay attention to national issues, but also care about people's livelihood issues and monitor the government.

Leung Mei-fen pointed out that the next Legislative Council must first reach a consensus among 90 members of the Legislative Council. It is expected that the Legislative Council will need to cooperate across political parties in the future. He also pointed out that the country and Hong Kong have gone through a lot to have today’s electoral system. They must "be right." "Hong Kong citizens and the country should do their homework well, find a consensus on Hong Kong's old and difficult problems, and reduce social differences in a way that conforms to "one country, two systems."

[03:22] The Chairman of the Electoral Management Commission Feng Hua announced that 1,350,680 people voted in direct elections in the 10 districts, with a turnout rate of 30.2%. The highest turnout rate was in the Southwest New Territories with 31.67%.

There were 1,426 voters in the electoral committee sector, with a turnout rate of 98.48%, and 22 electoral committees did not vote.

A total of 70,490 voters in the functional constituencies voted, with a turnout rate of 32.22%. The sectors with the highest turnout rates were business (3) (98.96%), technology and innovation (98.63%), and agriculture and fisheries (98.27%).

A total of 5,303 voters voted at the Xiangyuan Wai polling station, while 5,184 and 7,082 voters at the Lo Wu and Lok Ma Chau ports respectively voted. This means that of the 22,130 voters who registered to vote at the port, only 17,569 voters went to vote, and another 53 voters voted in Zhuhai. Zhuwan Quarantine Center voted.



[03:15] The bus captain Cai Yongqiang of the Federation of Trade Unions lost his seat on the election committee. The successful re-election party member Mai Meijuan said that he was both happy and disappointed with the results of the election. Cai Yongqiang's performance was outstanding and improved. Many election committee members also praised Cai Yongqiang's performance in private. This time, Cai Yongqiang received more than half of the election committee's support, which is also a good result.

Cai Yongqiang said that he was very happy to participate in the first Legislative Council election after improving the electoral system. In the past two months, he visited election committees from different sectors and expressed his original intention to participate in the election, that is, he hopes that there will be a voice of wage earners in the development of Hong Kong. , To become a communication bridge between the business community, the professional sector and the grassroots.

He pointed out that this election is not just about the number of votes and results. He is very happy that their ideas have been recognized by friends in the professional and business circles. He believes that party members will promote the "landing" policy in the parliament to speak for the workers.


[01:30] The Election Committee has a preliminary result at 1:30 in the morning. After 2:00 a.m., it came to the stage to announce the number of votes. Liang Meifen ranked first and Zhang Guojun ranked second, becoming the queen of votes.

Ge Peifan was ranked 6th, Rong Haien was 7th, He Junyao was 15th, Huang Guo was 23rd, Guan Haoming was 35th, and Lin Zhiyuan was 40th with 970 votes.

Losers: Wu Hongwei 41, Huang Ziqian 42, Sheng Zhiwen 43, Chen Kairong 44, Zeng Yingyi 45, Sun Weiyong 46, Tu Haiming 47, Cai Yongqiang 48, Feng Weiguang 49, Lu Weisi 50, Diao Shenghong 51 .

Click here to view the full list of Election Committee sectors


[01:06] Current affairs commentator Yuan Michang mentioned that a survey conducted by the Hong Kong Institute of Public Opinions shows that only 10% of supporters of the pro-democracy party said that there are candidates worthy of support in the region. The chance is only 4 to 1. I believe that candidates who target supporters of the democratic camp have a small chance of being elected.

He also mentioned that if the voting intention survey of the Legislative Council elections over the years is compared with the actual turnout rate, the turnout rate has always been only about half.

In this election, the intention to vote is 48%, and the actual turnout rate is at least about 30%. It can be inferred from this that the stability of the voting source of the establishment is quite high.

[01:00] New Democrats Rong Haien, who is in the election committee sector, expressed that he has some confidence in her election and believes that the election committee sees her political achievements as a member, and she has a political background and advantages. He hopes that the New Democrats can participate. All three people from this sector were elected.

She pointed out that it is not easy to run for the election committee sector. It is necessary to understand the policies of each sector, and that it has its own difficulties with direct elections in the participating districts.

She said that there were 14 questionable ballot papers in the Election Committee sector, including those with a tick instead of a black circle, and a mark was placed next to the candidate's name.

[00:55] The election committee sector has completed the process of arbitrating the questionable ballots. Candidate Jiang Yuhuan expects a result in about half an hour.

[00:55] At the ticket station of the Juvenile Police Call Center in the Eastern District of Taikoo Shing, Wu Qiubei received 816 votes, Liao Tiancheng 548 votes, Liang Xi 337 votes, and Pan Zhuohong 231 votes.

[00:35] At the ticket station of the Juvenile Police Call Clubhouse in the Eastern District of Taikoo Shing, the director of the ticket station showed more than forty unused tickets to the scrutineers, and some of them were invalid.

After that, the director of the ticket station stamped the white ticket with multiple stamps in front of the scrutineer, which became a invalid ticket, which was then processed separately.

[00:30] It is rumored that the Central Committee did not finally hand over the list of election committees, allowing 51 candidates to "freely fight." The bottom line is that patriots rule Hong Kong. "It is obvious (conditions) that you cannot treason to the country. I think it is a good thing to have different voices."

[00:00] In the counting area of ​​the Election Committee, the counting staff put the first batch of ballots into the optical mark reader to count the votes. The process was temporarily smooth.

[11:30] The Hong Kong Research Association announced a poll survey. Hong Kong Island Soochow Qiubei has a great chance of being elected. Liang Xi and Liao Tiancheng have equal chances, and Pan Zhuohong has a smaller chance.

Liu Shuyi and Chen Xuefeng on the west side of Hong Kong Island have great opportunities, and Fanglong’s aircraft will be extremely small.

There are great opportunities for Deng Jiabiao and Yan Wenyu in Kowloon East, while Li Jiaxin has a small chance, and Chen Jinxiong and Hu Jianhua have extremely small opportunities.

Kowloon West Liang Wenguang and Zheng Yongshun have great opportunities, and Frederick Fung's chances are extremely small.

Li Huiqiong and Yang Yongjie have great opportunities in Kowloon Central, but Tan Xiangwen has extremely small opportunities.

Li Sai Wing and Lin Suwei in the southeastern New Territories have great opportunities, and Cai Mingxi has very little opportunities.

Liu Guoxun has great opportunities in North New Territories, Zhang Xinyu and Shen Haojie have equal opportunities, and Tsang Liwen has very little opportunity.

Zhou Haoding and Tian Beichen in the northwestern New Territories have great opportunities, and Huang Junlang has extremely small opportunities.

Chan Hengpin and Chan Yingxin in the southwest of the New Territories have great opportunities, and Liu Cheukyu has very little opportunities.

Li Zijing and Chen Keqin in the northeast of the New Territories have great opportunities, and Huang Chengzhi and Huang Weihao have extremely small opportunities.


[11:18] The counting staff then took out the ballots from the envelopes. The candidates of the Election Committee, He Junyao, Lu Weisi, and Liang Yuwei were present to scrutinize the votes.

[11:12] The Chief Executive Carrie Lam issued a statement thanking the more than 1.3 million voters who voted today, saying that the voting process was generally smooth.

[11:07] The Chairman of the EAC, Feng Hua, and the Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Zeng Guowei, "open the box" at the Counting Area of ​​the Convention and Exhibition Election Commission, and dump out the votes for that sector.

[22:36] A total of 1,309,601 people voted at 9:30 in the evening, with a turnout rate of 29.28%. Except for the extended voting station, the remaining polling stations were closed at 10:30 in the evening.

[22:24] The polling station of Wong Tai Sin Community Center had to suspend voting for 3 minutes at 8:56 p.m. due to unstable network connection. The voting time was postponed to 10:33.

The polling station of Caritas St. Joseph's College was suspended for 10 minutes due to a problem with the electrical connection of the electronic voter register system at 7:43 pm. The polling time was also extended to 10:40.

[22:15] Today, many people illegally took photos at the ticketing station and uploaded them to the online "check-in". The artist Horseshoe Lu once uploaded the photos of the ticketing station on Facebook, and it was deleted less than an hour later.

[22:11] Several more polling stations have announced the extension of their opening hours. The polling stations of the Kowloon Technical School, the Tsing Yi Chamber of Commerce Primary School and the Hong Kong Anglican Church St. Thomas’s Church have all been extended by 10 minutes to 10:40.

▼Pan Zhuohong continues to canvass for votes at night▼


▼Feng Jianji sees reporters in the evening▼


The opening hours of the polling station of Buddhist Lin Jindian Memorial Primary School have been extended by 15 minutes

[21:30] As of 9:30 pm, twelve hours after the start of voting, 1,248,648 people voted, and the turnout rate was 27.92%.

Compared with the 2016 Legislative Council election, when the voting station was open at 7:30, the turnout rate within 12 hours was 43.60%; while the turnout rate at the same time was 47.83%.

As for the district council elections of the previous year, the voter turnout rate within 12 hours was 63.65%; while the voter turnout rate at the same time was 66.50%.

[20:36] The Electoral Management Committee announced in the evening that because the polling station of the Buddhist Lin Jindian Memorial Primary School was at 1:58 this afternoon, due to the unsuccessful operation of the electronic voter register, voting must be suspended for 15 minutes. After considering the relevant circumstances, it was decided to The opening hours of the polling station of the Buddhist Lin Jindian Memorial Primary School have been extended by 15 minutes to 10:45 pm to allow affected voters to vote.

The polling station of the Kowloon Technical School, which has suspended voting for 10 minutes, has its opening time extended by 10 minutes to 10:40; the polling station of the Tsing Yi Chamber of Commerce Primary School, which has been suspended for 10 minutes due to unstable internet connection, has also extended its opening time by 10 minutes to 10 minutes. At 40 minutes.

[20:30] As of 7:30 in the afternoon, eleven hours after the start of voting, a total of 1,184,829 people voted, with a turnout rate of 26.49%.

Compared with the 2016 Legislative Council election, when the voting station was open at 7:30, the turnout rate within 11 hours was 39.55%; while the turnout rate at the same time was 43.60%.

As for the district council elections of the previous year, the voter turnout rate within 11 hours was 60.36%; while the voter turnout rate at the same time was 63.65%.

[19:30] As of 6:30 pm, ten hours after the start of voting, 1,117,549 people voted, and the turnout rate was 24.99%.

Compared with the 2016 Legislative Council election, when the voting station was open at 7:30, the turnout rate within ten hours was 35.30%; while the turnout rate at the same time was 39.55%.

As for the district council elections of the previous year, the voter turnout rate within ten hours was 56.42%; the voter turnout rate at the same time was 60.36%.

[18:42] As of 5:30 pm, nine hours after the start of voting, 1,033,968 people voted, and the turnout rate was 23.12%.

Compared with the 2016 Legislative Council election, when the voting station was open at 7:30, the turnout rate within nine hours was 31.16%; while the turnout rate at the same time was 35.3%.

As for the district council elections of the previous year, the voter turnout rate within nine hours was 52.14%; the voter turnout rate at the same time was 56.42%.

[17:49] As of 4:30 pm, eight hours after the start of voting, a total of 940,327 people voted, with a turnout rate of 21.02%.

Compared with the 2016 Legislative Council election, when the voting station was open at 7:30, the voter turnout rate within eight hours was 26.93%; the voter turnout rate at the same time was 31.16%.

As for the district council elections of the previous year, the voter turnout rate within eight hours was 47.26%; while the voter turnout rate at the same time was 52.14%.


[16:32] As of 3:30 in the afternoon, seven hours after the start of voting, a total of 839,563 people voted, with a turnout rate of 18.77%.

Compared with the 2016 Legislative Council election, when the voting station was open at 7:30, the turnout rate within seven hours was 22.9%; the turnout rate at the same time was 26.93%.

As for the district council elections of the previous year, the voter turnout rate within seven hours was 42.26%; while the voter turnout rate at the same time was 47.26%.

[15:45] As of 2:30 in the afternoon, six hours after the start of voting, a total of 745,212 people voted, with a turnout rate of 16.66%.

Compared with the 2016 Legislative Council election, when the voting station was opened at 7:30, the voter turnout rate within six hours was 18.88%; the voter turnout rate at the same time was 22.9%.

As for the district council elections of the previous year, the voter turnout rate within six hours was 36.89%; the voter turnout rate at the same time was 42.26%.

[14:53] As of 1:30 pm, that is, five hours after the start of voting, a total of 643,603 people voted, with a turnout rate of 14.39%.

Compared with the 2016 Legislative Council election, when the voting station was open at 7:30, the voter turnout rate within five hours was 14.99%; the voter turnout rate at the same time was 18.88%.

As for the district council elections last year, the voter turnout rate within five hours was 30.98%; the voter turnout rate at the same time was 36.89%.

As for whether the new election system will reduce the influence of real estate developers, Guo Jihui did not respond positively, but said that co-prosperity means "getting rich first and helping get rich later."

(Photo by Pan Xiqiao)

The influence of real estate developers was cut by Guo Jihui: "Total wealth is to "get rich first, help get rich"

[14:38] Guo Jihui, executive director of Sun Hung Kai Properties, said that the candidates participating in this election are not only young people, but also grassroots, academia, politics, labor, business, and even white-collar workers and blue-collar workers. They are widely representative and look forward to Hong Kong. Step into the new normal of good governance and good governance.

He also pointed out that he hopes that new members can be elected to break new ground under various deep-seated contradictions, and the business community will provide full assistance.

He also hoped that the new legislators could tell the "Hong Kong Story" to the outside world and compatriots in China, as well as the advantages of Hong Kong being backed by the motherland and facing the world.

He did not respond positively to whether the new election system would reduce the influence of real estate developers, but said that if he pays attention to the contents of the "Sixth Plenary Session" and the Central Economic Group meetings, he will understand that "common prosperity" is to make "the rich first help the rich later." "I also hope that everyone will "make a big pie" together so that the grassroots can move upward.

He emphasized that the business community would give full support and considered it an important step forward for Hong Kong.

[13:59] Li Minbin, one of the election committee members and a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, said that this election is of far-reaching significance to Hong Kong and calls on voters to use their votes to vote for talents.

He said that the new election system has opened up a new atmosphere for Hong Kong and will get rid of the situation of constant disputes and obstructions to governance. He hopes that successfully elected members will not only focus on the development of the economy and people's livelihood, supervise the government to achieve good governance and governance, resolve deep-seated contradictions, and promote major plans. In addition to the implementation of the policy, it is also necessary to broadly coordinate the relations of all strata and unite social solidarity.

[13:43] As of 12:30 noon, that is, four hours after the start of voting, a total of 540,336 people voted, and the turnout rate was 12.08%.

Compared with the 2016 Legislative Council election, when the voting station was open at 7:30, the turnout rate within four hours was 11.05%; by 12:30, the turnout rate was 14.99%.

As for the district council elections last year, the voter turnout rate within four hours was 24.37%; by 12:30, the voter turnout rate was 30.98%.

Liang Hongzheng, vice chairman of the All-China Youth Federation.

(Photo by Pan Xiqiao)

[13:40] Liang Hongzheng, the vice chairman of the All-China Youth Federation, specifically called on young people to vote. I believe that 90 legislators who can benefit Hong Kong will be elected.

He pointed out that seeing candidates working hard to introduce their own political platforms in different sectors, such as direct elections by districts, Hong Kong will have to face the epidemic in the future, but also have different challenges. Voting today will affect the future development of Hong Kong. I hope young people will understand this, and then Come out and vote.

Regarding the low turnout rate, he said that he was more concerned about whether the right candidate could be elected to the parliament, and he was confident that he could do it.

When asked about the criteria for selecting candidates, he said that he would choose candidates who are concerned about young people's issues and have relevant experience.

Wang Mingquan pointed out that there is nothing to do with the low turnout rate. The rules of the game are like this.

(Photo by Pan Xiqiao)

Wang Mingquan: Even if the voting rate is low, the rules of the game are like this

[13:00] Election Commissioner Wang Mingquan showed up at the polling station. She said it was difficult to vote because there were so many candidates, some of whom did not know each other. The Election Commissioner had to remove 40 people with a single ballot. Treat it as an invalid ticket.

Regarding whether she would support the current legislators' return to the parliament, she said that she would see whether the other party did practical things, such as whether it would delay the meeting.

Regarding the high or low turnout rate, she said frankly that she didn't know how to evaluate it, but hoped that more citizens would come out and vote.

Feng Hua: 5 votes must be patched when the station is blocked

[12:54] Feng Hua, chairman of the Electoral Management Commission, said that four voting stations were delayed this morning, but the delay was no more than 10 minutes, including Changshawan Gymnasium, Sise Yuen Kede Kindergarten, Castle Peak Catholic Primary School and Hong Kong Education University Jockey Club Primary School.

Together with the Tiande Elderly Assistance Network Center of the Western Environmental Protection Bureau, voting was suspended for 22 minutes due to unstable network connection. A total of 5 voting stations must be adjusted according to the delay time, and the closing time of the voting stations will be postponed.


Tang Yingnian: Turnout will not exceed the last election

[12:29] Tang Yingnian, a member of the Standing Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, praised the smooth voting process and no need to wait in line. It is very meaningful to describe this as a full-scale election after the election system has been improved.

He said that he would vote for the implementation of "patriots ruling Hong Kong" and have the commitment and ability of MPs.

Regarding external concerns about the turnout rate in this election, he believes that the focus of this election is the candidate's platform and performance. Turnout rate will not be used as the only criterion for the success of the election. He emphasized that a high turnout rate does not necessarily lead to the selection of the best MPs. Enter the parliament.

He estimated that the turnout rate this time would not surpass that of the last election, but he emphasized that he is concerned about the quality of the election, not just the high or low turnout rate.

Will Chen Tongjia help the election?

Guan Haoming: The two have nothing to do

[12:18] Guan Haoming, a candidate for the Election Committee and Secretary-General of the Anglican Education Ministry, appeared at the polling station. He said that Chen Tongjia would not be discussed on polling day, and that he would discuss relevant issues after the polling day.

When asked whether Chen Tongjia increased his popularity and helped the election, he said that the two were "unrelated."

Regarding the chance to win the election, he said he didn't know, and he would deal with it with a calm mind.

In addition, he does not think that there is a conflict between the work of full-time pastors and parliamentarians. Full-time pastors in many countries speak in parliaments and allocate time.

[12:23] As of 11:30 in the morning, three hours after the start of voting, a total of 418,061 people voted, with a turnout rate of 9.35%.

Compared to the 2016 Legislative Council election, when the voting station was open at 7:30, the voter turnout rate within three hours was 7.12%; by 11:30, the voter turnout rate was 11.05%.

As for the district council elections of the previous year, the voter turnout rate was 17.43% within three hours; by 11:30, the voter turnout rate was 24.37%.

[12:18] The Electoral Affairs Commission announced that due to the Po Leung Kuk Tin Tak Elderly Helping Network Center Polling Station (No. A0901) in the General Election of the Legislative Council in 2021, the Internet connection was not available at 11:05 this morning. Voting must be suspended for 22 minutes for stability. After considering the relevant circumstances, the EAC decided to extend the opening hours of the polling station by 22 minutes to 10.52 pm to allow affected voters to vote.

[12:00] As of 10:30 in the morning, two hours after the start of voting, a total of 284,294 people voted, with a turnout rate of 6.36%.

Compared with the 2016 Legislative Council election, when the voting station was open at 7:30, the voter turnout rate within two hours was 3.73%; by 10:30, the voter turnout rate was 7.12%.

As for the district council elections last year, the voter turnout rate within two hours was 10.41%; by 10:30, the voter turnout rate was 17.43%.

Bai Yunliu: The ICAC has received 29 complaints as of Thursday

[11:15] ICAC Commissioner Bai Yunliu said that the voting process this morning was smooth and stable. As of Thursday, 29 complaints had been received, emphasizing that it would ensure fairness and justice in the election and prevent anyone from manipulating and sabotaging the election.

What are the criteria for candidates?

Bai Yunliu said that he has already evaluated and selected in his mind, and will not explain it publicly.

As for whether there will be further actions on the wanted Zhang Kunyang and others, he said that he would not comment on individual cases, only that the law will be strictly enforced.

Margaret Chan: Let's set off now after the chaos

[11:10] Chen Fengfuzhen expressed that she was very happy that she had done her responsibilities and rights as a citizen, and she called on the citizens to vote enthusiastically.

She said that the new system selected "patriots to govern Hong Kong" for granted.

She pointed out that after a period of social chaos, it is now possible to set off again, and Hong Kong is able to set new highs under the Lion Rock.

She hopes that the new term of parliamentarians can discuss rationally and develop together.

Solve the problems of housing, the disparity between the rich and the poor, the social economy of Hong Kong, the employment and entrepreneurship of young people, and integrate into the overall development of the country through consultations.

She believes that there are "three benefits" in this election, which is conducive to the long-term development of Hong Kong, the steady progress of Hong Kong's democratic system, and the full implementation of "one country, two systems" in Hong Kong.

Nie Dequan calls for the smooth operation of the voting certification system

[11:00] The Secretary of Civil Service, Nie Dequan, said that this is the first legislative council election after the election system has been improved. The most important thing is to elect congressmen who are determined and in line with the principles of patriotism into the political system.

He also pointed out that he hoped that Hong Kong would return to stability so that the parliament could operate effectively and rationally, so that everyone could develop the economy and improve people's livelihood in a stable environment.

He emphasized that in addition to fulfilling civic responsibilities and exercising civic rights, voters’ voting has a deeper meaning that after perfecting the electoral system, a system compatible with "one country, two systems" can operate smoothly.






譚惠珠:市民出來投票 投票率就會提高



一小時內14.2萬選民投票 投票率3.18%







【09:30】創新及科技局局長薛永恒出席電台節目時,呼籲愛國愛港市民今日積極投票,期望完善選舉制度後,立法會回歸和平、理性及務實。 他稱創科局在籌備選舉期間派出600多人,包括資訊科技專業人才和高層人員等協助,並設立電子派票系統。他解釋以往靠紙本劃線派票,難免有機會出現人為錯誤,相信改用電子派票後,令投票更有效率、準確及減少出錯,直言政府會全力以赴提供協助。







[08:45] The Commissioner of Police, Xiao Zeyi, said that he has noticed that some people are inciting others to commit violence and illegal acts on the Internet, and some people are also calling people to sabotage elections and vote in vain. He urged everyone not to try the law by themselves.

Xiao Zeyi emphasized that further arrests cannot be ruled out, and intelligence will continue to be collected online and offline.

Community citizens even went outside the High Bishop's College to protest against Lam Cheng's suppression of civil society, calling on Hong Kong people to use their free will and cast a vote of conscience.

(Photo by Li Zetong)

Deng Bingqiang points out that electronic ticket dispatch is smooth

[08:40] The Secretary for Security Tang Ping-kiang went to the polling station on Tin Kwong Road in To Kwa Wan to vote this morning. When he met with the media, he said that it only took a few minutes to complete the voting, emphasizing that the electronic voting system is very smooth.

He also pointed out that this is the first election after the election system has been improved. He hopes that qualified voters will vote as soon as possible to elect members who love the country and Hong Kong and serve Hong Kong.

After Chen Zhaoshi went to the polling station of the Upper Baguio Bay Recreation Ground to vote this morning, he said that the polling station had implemented anti-epidemic measures and there were not many people.


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