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Continuous update ‧ Legislative Council Election ︱ 8-hour direct election voter turnout rate 21.02% A total of 940,000 people have voted


The first Legislative Council election after the restructuring was held today (19th). The voting time was shortened by one hour compared to the previous one. The voting station opened at 8:30 in the morning and closed at 10:30 in the evening. After that, the vote counting process began. It is expected to start in the early morning.

The first Legislative Council election after the restructuring was held today (19th). The voting time was one hour shorter than before. The voting station was open at 8:30 in the morning and voting ended at 10:30 in the evening. After that, the vote counting process entered. It is expected that results will begin in the early morning. It was announced that the results of all seats before the afternoon of the next day (20th) will be announced.

As of 4:30 p.m., eight hours after the start of voting, a total of 940,327 people voted, representing a turnout rate of 21.02%.

The chairman of the Electoral Affairs Commission Feng Hua said that four voting stations were delayed this morning, but the delay was no more than 10 minutes, including the Cheung Sha Wan Stadium, Sik Sik Yuen Kede Kindergarten, Castle Peak Catholic Primary School and the Hong Kong Education University Jockey Club Primary School.

Together with the 22-minute suspension of voting due to unstable network connection, the Tiande Elderly Assistance Network Center of the West Environmental Protection Bureau, a total of 5 voting stations must adjust their clocks according to the delay time and postpone the closing time of the voting stations.

After the electoral reform, the composition of the parliament and the division of electoral districts have changed. Voters are advised to understand clearly before going to the designated voting station to vote.

In particular, voters in the electoral committee must be in the exhibition, while ordinary voters must cast all the votes they qualify for, such as their functional constituencies, at their direct voting stations.

"Hong Kong 01" is full of direct and immediate updates on the voting, counting process and results.

The new parliament consists of three sections. The re-established Election Committee has the largest number of seats, occupying 40 seats, and 1,448 electoral committees originally responsible for electing the chief executive vote. These 40 seats will have the fastest results. It is expected that approximately There are results in three hours.

There will be 20 seats in the geographical constituency, and the counting of votes is expected to be completed in the early morning; for functional groups with 30 seats, the counting of votes will be completed by the afternoon of the next day.

▼▼ Legislative Council Election Information▼▼

-4.47 million registered voters in Hong Kong

-More than 630 general ticket stations, up to 24 dedicated ticket stations

-Using electronic ticket dispatch for the first time, there is no need to line up according to the English letters of the ID card

-There are two teams at the voting station, one for general voters and one for special care teams

-The electors from the election committee circle gather at the exhibition polling station, and each vote must vote for 40 people

-3 special port ticketing stations are set up for the use of 22,000 mainland and Hong Kong voters

-Under the new system, it is illegal to call for not to vote or to cast an invalid vote

-Free rides on MTR, franchised buses and trams on polling day


[17:49] As of 4:30 pm, eight hours after the start of voting, a total of 940,327 people voted, with a turnout rate of 21.02%.

Compared with the 2016 Legislative Council election, when the voting station was open at 7:30, the voter turnout rate within eight hours was 26.93%; the voter turnout rate at the same time was 31.16%.

As for the district council elections of the previous year, the voter turnout rate within eight hours was 47.26%; while the voter turnout rate at the same time was 52.14%.

[16:32] As of 3:30 in the afternoon, seven hours after the start of voting, a total of 839,563 people voted, with a turnout rate of 18.77%.

Compared with the 2016 Legislative Council election, when the voting station was open at 7:30, the turnout rate within seven hours was 22.9%; the turnout rate at the same time was 26.93%.

As for the district council elections of the previous year, the voter turnout rate within seven hours was 42.26%; while the voter turnout rate at the same time was 47.26%.

[15:45] As of 2:30 in the afternoon, six hours after the start of voting, a total of 745,212 people voted, with a turnout rate of 16.66%.

Compared with the 2016 Legislative Council election, when the voting station was opened at 7:30, the voter turnout rate within six hours was 18.88%; the voter turnout rate at the same time was 22.9%.

As for the district council elections of the previous year, the voter turnout rate within six hours was 36.89%; the voter turnout rate at the same time was 42.26%.

[14:53] As of 1:30 pm, that is, five hours after the start of voting, a total of 643,603 people voted, with a turnout rate of 14.39%.

Compared with the 2016 Legislative Council election, when the voting station was open at 7:30, the voter turnout rate within five hours was 14.99%; the voter turnout rate at the same time was 18.88%.

As for the district council elections last year, the voter turnout rate within five hours was 30.98%; the voter turnout rate at the same time was 36.89%.

[13:59] Li Minbin, one of the election committee members and a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, said that this election is of far-reaching significance to Hong Kong and calls on voters to use their votes to vote for talents.

He said that the new election system has opened up a new atmosphere for Hong Kong and will get rid of the situation of constant disputes and obstructions to governance. He hopes that successfully elected members will not only focus on the development of the economy and people's livelihood, supervise the government to achieve good governance and governance, resolve deep-seated contradictions, and promote major plans. In addition to the implementation of the policy, it is also necessary to broadly coordinate the relations of all strata and unite social solidarity.

[13:43] As of 12:30 noon, that is, four hours after the start of voting, a total of 540,336 people voted, and the turnout rate was 12.08%.

Compared with the 2016 Legislative Council election, when the voting station was open at 7:30, the turnout rate within four hours was 11.05%; by 12:30, the turnout rate was 14.99%.

As for the district council elections last year, the voter turnout rate within four hours was 24.37%; by 12:30, the voter turnout rate was 30.98%.

Liang Hongzheng, vice chairman of the All-China Youth Federation.

(Photo by Pan Xiqiao)

[13:40] Liang Hongzheng, the vice chairman of the All-China Youth Federation, specifically called on young people to vote. I believe that 90 legislators who can benefit Hong Kong will be elected.

He pointed out that seeing candidates working hard to introduce their own political platforms in different sectors, such as direct elections by districts, Hong Kong will have to face the epidemic in the future, but also have different challenges. Voting today will affect the future development of Hong Kong. I hope young people will understand this, and then Come out and vote.

Regarding the low turnout rate, he said that he was more concerned about whether the right candidate could be elected to the parliament, and he was confident that he could do it.

When asked about the criteria for selecting candidates, he said that he would choose candidates who are concerned about young people's issues and have relevant experience.

Wang Mingquan pointed out that there is nothing to do with the low turnout rate. The rules of the game are like this.

(Photo by Pan Xiqiao)

Wang Mingquan: Even if the voting rate is low, the rules of the game are like this

[13:00] Election Commissioner Wang Mingquan showed up at the polling station. She said it was difficult to vote because there were so many candidates, some of whom did not know each other. The Election Commissioner had to remove 40 people with a single ballot. Treat it as an invalid ticket.

Regarding whether she would support the current legislators' return to the parliament, she said that she would see whether the other party did practical things, such as whether it would delay the meeting.

Regarding the high or low turnout rate, she said frankly that she didn't know how to evaluate it, but hoped that more citizens would come out and vote.

Feng Hua: 5 votes must be patched when the station is blocked

[12:54] Feng Hua, chairman of the Electoral Management Commission, said that four voting stations were delayed this morning, but the delay was no more than 10 minutes, including Changshawan Gymnasium, Sise Yuen Kede Kindergarten, Castle Peak Catholic Primary School and Hong Kong Education University Jockey Club Primary School.

Together with the Tiande Elderly Assistance Network Center of the Western Environmental Protection Bureau, voting was suspended for 22 minutes due to unstable network connection. A total of 5 voting stations must be adjusted according to the delay time, and the closing time of the voting stations will be postponed.


[12:23] As of 11:30 in the morning, three hours after the start of voting, a total of 418,061 people voted, with a turnout rate of 9.35%.

Compared to the 2016 Legislative Council election, when the voting station was open at 7:30, the voter turnout rate within three hours was 7.12%; by 11:30, the voter turnout rate was 11.05%.

As for the district council elections of the previous year, the voter turnout rate was 17.43% within three hours; by 11:30, the voter turnout rate was 24.37%.

[12:18] The Electoral Affairs Commission announced that due to the Po Leung Kuk Tin Tak Elderly Helping Network Center Polling Station (No. A0901) in the General Election of the Legislative Council in 2021, the Internet connection was not available at 11:05 this morning. Voting must be suspended for 22 minutes for stability. After considering the relevant circumstances, the EAC decided to extend the opening hours of the polling station by 22 minutes to 10.52 pm to allow affected voters to vote.

[12:00] As of 10:30 in the morning, two hours after the start of voting, a total of 284,294 people voted, with a turnout rate of 6.36%.

Compared with the 2016 Legislative Council election, when the voting station was open at 7:30, the voter turnout rate within two hours was 3.73%; by 10:30, the voter turnout rate was 7.12%.

As for the district council elections last year, the voter turnout rate within two hours was 10.41%; by 10:30, the voter turnout rate was 17.43%.

Bai Yunliu: The ICAC has received 29 complaints as of Thursday

[11:15] ICAC Commissioner Bai Yunliu said that the voting process this morning was smooth and stable. As of Thursday, 29 complaints had been received, emphasizing that it would ensure fairness and justice in the election and prevent anyone from manipulating and sabotaging the election.

What are the criteria for candidates?

Bai Yunliu said that he has already evaluated and selected in his mind, and will not explain it publicly.

As for whether there will be further actions on the wanted Zhang Kunyang and others, he said that he would not comment on individual cases, only that the law will be strictly enforced.

Margaret Chan: Let's set off now after the chaos

[11:10] Chen Fengfuzhen expressed that she was very happy that she had done her responsibilities and rights as a citizen, and she called on the citizens to vote enthusiastically.

She said that the new system selected "patriots to govern Hong Kong" for granted.

She pointed out that after a period of social chaos, it is now possible to set off again, and Hong Kong is able to set new highs under the Lion Rock.

She hopes that the new term of parliamentarians can discuss rationally and develop together.

Solve the problems of housing, the disparity between the rich and the poor, the social economy of Hong Kong, the employment and entrepreneurship of young people, and integrate into the overall development of the country through consultations.

She believes that there are "three benefits" in this election, which is conducive to the long-term development of Hong Kong, the steady progress of Hong Kong's democratic system, and the full implementation of "one country, two systems" in Hong Kong.

Nie Dequan calls for the smooth operation of the voting certification system

[11:00] The Secretary of Civil Service, Nie Dequan, said that this is the first legislative council election after the election system has been improved. The most important thing is to elect congressmen who are determined and in line with the principles of patriotism into the political system.

He also pointed out that he hoped that Hong Kong would return to stability and allow the parliament to operate effectively and rationally, so that everyone would develop the economy and improve people's livelihood in a stable environment.

He emphasized that in addition to fulfilling civic responsibilities and exercising civic rights, voters’ voting has a deeper meaning that after perfecting the electoral system, a system compatible with "one country, two systems" can operate smoothly.

[11:00] The vice chairman of the All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, Lu Wenduan, said that it is estimated that the voter turnout rate of this Legislative Council will be about 30%, which is similar to that of the first two Legislative Council elections.

He pointed out that the turnout rate has nothing to do with the new electoral system. He emphasized that a high vote may not be a good thing. For example, the voter turnout in the last Legislative Council election was high, but a long-term "rabbit" and paralysing the SAR government was elected.

Lu Wenduan believes that the low turnout rate is due to the fact that anti-China and Hong Kong people have not been able to "enter the gate", reducing the atmosphere of confrontation between the two poles of the society.

Tan Yaozong, a member of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, said after voting that this is the first legislative council election after the electoral system has changed. And contribute to improving people’s livelihood.

Tan Huizhu.

(Photo by Zheng Zifeng)

Some candidates from the election committee seized the last time to greet voters at the entrance of the exhibition.

(Photo by Zheng Zifeng)

Tan Huizhu: The voter turnout rate will increase when citizens come out

[10:40] Tan Huizhu, deputy director of the Basic Law Committee, went to the exhibition to vote, saying that the election voting process was smooth, and there was no "blessing" for every seat competition.

Regarding the turnout controversy, she thinks that there is no need to worry about it. She pointed out that in the 2016 Legislative Council election, there were 35 seats from direct elections and 5 seats from "super district councils." Participating on the list, and there were no restrictions on gathering places before the epidemic, so election resources and environmental factors cannot be directly compared.

Tan Huizhu emphasized that as long as everyone comes out to vote, the turnout rate will increase.

The turnout rate of 142,000 voters in one hour was 3.18%

[10:35] As of 9:30 in the morning, one hour after the start of voting, a total of 142,304 people had voted, and the turnout rate was 3.18%.

Compared with the 2016 Legislative Council election, when the voting station was open at 7:30, the voter turnout rate within one hour was 1.31%; by 9:30, the voter turnout rate was 3.73%.

As for the district council elections last year, the voter turnout rate was 3.82% within one hour; by 9:30, the voter turnout rate was 10.41%.

[10:10] The Secretary of Justice Zheng Ruohua said that candidates for this election are very diverse, with different ages and backgrounds, reflecting political tolerance and broad representation.

She urged the public to vote before 10:30 in the evening to select patriotic people who love Hong Kong to work for Hong Kong.

Liang Zhenying appeals to vote to "say no" to the old election system

[09:30] The vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, Leung Chun-ying, went to the Wan Chai Convention and Exhibition to vote. He pointed out that this is the first legislative council election after improving the electoral system. The Legislative Council election system, and some members "say no."

He called on voters to vote as soon as possible, referring to more than one hundred candidates, regardless of their academic background and political level, all in line with the full representativeness under the Basic Law. He believes that the Legislative Council composed of elected candidates can grasp the country’s development momentum and opportunities. Let citizens of all industries have a better life.

He also emphasized that Hong Kong is a region, not a country, and the electoral system is clearly stipulated under the Basic Law. In the past, some people intentionally or unintentionally negated the relevant regulations, which allowed the Legislative Council to expand indefinitely.

The Innovation and Technology Bureau sent more than 600 people to support electronic ticket dispatch and other measures

[09:30] When the Secretary for Innovation and Technology Xue Yongheng attended the radio program, he called on the patriotic and love Hong Kong citizens to actively vote today, hoping that after the election system is improved, the Legislative Council will return to peace, rationality and pragmatism.

He said that during the preparations for the election, the Innovation and Technology Bureau sent more than 600 people, including information technology professionals and senior personnel, to assist, and set up an electronic ticketing system.

He explained that in the past, when votes were distributed on paper, it was inevitable that there would be opportunities for human error. He believed that the switch to electronic voting would make voting more efficient, accurate, and reduce errors. He bluntly stated that the government would go all out to provide assistance.

Several directors cast their votes at the polling stations of their constituencies

[09:15] Many directors went to vote in their respective constituencies. Chen Zhaoshi went to the voting station of the Upper Baguio Bay Recreation Ground to vote this morning and said that the voting station has implemented anti-epidemic measures and there are not many people. He called on voters to vote actively. Virtuous.

The Secretary for Education, Yang Runxiong, voted at Ho Man Tin Government High School, calling on voters to fulfill their civic responsibilities for Hong Kong and elect members to speak on their behalf.

The Secretary for the Environment, Huang Jinxing, cast votes for district direct elections and functional constituencies in Xinghua Village. He is also a registered architect.

The Secretary for Transport and Housing, Chen Fan, went to Wan Tau Tong Village in Tai Po to vote this morning. He said that many people lined up to vote, "I was not ranked first." He described the order and the voting process was very smooth, and called on the public to vote with a sacred vote. Representatives out of parliament.

The waiting time system for online ticket checking stations does not work

[08:50] The Registration and Electoral Office expressed its suspicion that due to too much traffic, the system originally set up on the election website to allow voters to check the estimated waiting time of each general polling station was not functioning properly.

The spokesman said that the staff of the general polling stations will erect notice boards at the polling stations to remind voters of the expected waiting time (waiting time is less than 30 minutes, about 30 minutes to 60 minutes, or about 60 minutes to 90 minutes).

Xiao Zeyi: Or arrest again for inciting false votes

[08:45] The Commissioner of Police, Xiao Zeyi, said that he has noticed that some people are inciting others to commit violence and illegal acts on the Internet, and some people are also calling people to sabotage elections and vote in vain. He urged everyone not to try the law by themselves.

Xiao Zeyi emphasized that further arrests cannot be ruled out, and intelligence will continue to be collected online and offline.

Community citizens even went outside the High Bishop's College to protest against Lam Cheng's suppression of civil society, calling on Hong Kong people to use their free will and cast a vote of conscience.

(Photo by Li Zetong)

Deng Bingqiang points out that electronic ticket dispatch is smooth

[08:40] The Secretary for Security Tang Ping-kiang went to the polling station on Tin Kwong Road in To Kwa Wan to vote this morning. When he met with the media, he said that it only took a few minutes to complete the voting, emphasizing that the electronic voting system is very smooth.

He also pointed out that this is the first election after the election system has been improved. He hopes that qualified voters will vote as soon as possible to elect members who love the country and Hong Kong and serve Hong Kong.

After Chen Zhaoshi went to the polling station of the Upper Baguio Bay Recreation Ground to vote this morning, he said that the polling station had implemented anti-epidemic measures and there were not many people.

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Source: hk1

All news articles on 2021-12-19

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