The Limited Times

Opinion | Poverty Report: The Government's Great Challenge | Israel Today

1/2/2022, 9:18:32 PM

As a country, we accept very little responsibility for living in poverty and allow a situation where the proportion of poor workers skyrockets, while work does not rescue them from this status

According to the reactions in the political system to the poverty report published last week, it seems that this is a matter for the Ministry of Welfare only. The report, as always, reveals the picture of poverty backwards.

He finds that by 2020 there will be about two million poor people living in Israel, close to half of them girls and boys.

This is a slight numerical increase but in relative braking.

In 2020, 21 percent of Israelis were below the poverty line and the data can be encouraging, ostensibly.

When you analyze the trends in depth, things are worrying.

The curb on poverty rates was due to one thing: massive government investment.

Thanks to the grants, sickness benefits and entitlement to benefits during the corona period, poverty has not grown by about 30 percent. This fact confirms what has been said for years: only government investment can improve the situation of the poor in the country.

In the State of Israel, which was founded on the vision of an exemplary company, we are in a clear trend.

Poverty rates, before government intervention and compared to the Western world, are average.

But in the final lessons we are at the top of the dubious table.

why is it happening?

Because unlike other Western societies, in Europe and North America in particular, we take very little responsibility for living in poverty.

We allow a situation where the proportion of poor workers soars to the skies and in fact work does not extricate itself from this status.

The corona year was exceptionally good, and it is an exception that testifies to the dismal rule.

Another worrying trend is a significant increase in inequality.

Until about five years ago, the Israeli inequality index was the highest in the Western world.

In recent years, the trend has been to reduce, and here, the corona crisis, political instability and a lack of state budget for nearly three years - have raised inequality by 3.3%.

This has a difficult meaning for all of us.

In countries where inequality is limited, higher satisfaction, good health, confidence indicators and social stability are measured for society as a whole.

In countries like Israel, the trends are reversed.

The report's data should have been at the top of the political agenda. About two million people live in poverty, and a close proportion of families live in food insecurity. David Amsalem on the High Court.

The prophets of Israel insisted on this situation.

Isaiah, Chapter NK, whom we call to get rid of Yom Kippur, talking explicitly about God's relation holy day of the Jewish year, "Hloa this one Tzom Abhrho Fth Hrtzbot harm Htr Agdot Moth and Slh Rtzotzim Hfsim and Cl Moth Tntko: Hloa Frs Lrab Lhmc, and Aniim Mrodim Tbia Bit: Ci-trah Arm and Csito and Mbsrc not Ttalm: Az Ibka Cshr Aorc and Arctc Mhrh Ttzmh and Hlc Lfnic Tzdkc the glory of the Lord Iasfc ".

There are those who are comfortable talking about a Jewish state in demographic terms and using it as a basis for ideas of Jewish supremacy.

The real challenge is to realize a Jewish state in a value sense.

One that takes care of the hungry, the poor and the homeless.

The poverty report and the responses to it indicate that there is still a long way to go.

Were we wrong?


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