The Limited Times

The Social Nationalist in Lebanon condemns the Israeli aggression on the vicinity of Damascus

2/9/2022, 9:29:36 PM

Beirut, SANA- The Syrian Social Nationalist Party in Lebanon condemned the Israeli aggression with missiles on areas in Mohi


The Syrian Social Nationalist Party in Lebanon condemned the Israeli aggression with missiles on areas in the vicinity of Damascus.

The party said in a statement: The Israeli enemy's attack on Syrian regions is to provide doses of support to terrorist organizations after they retreated before the Syrian Arab Army and became confined and besieged in the areas of the American and Turkish occupation, calling for the widest Arab and international condemnation.

The statement concluded: The Syrian Social Nationalist Party affirms its steadfastness on the approach of resistance against terrorism and occupation and in one trench alongside the Syrian Arab Army, which is fighting the battle to defend our nation.

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