The Limited Times

Russia and Ukraine: last minute of the war, live | Ukraine asks the international community for help and demands to isolate Russia

2/24/2022, 7:40:25 AM

Air raid sirens resound in Kiev | Putin announces a military operation in Donbas at dawn | Ukraine claims numerous towns across the country are under attack

Ukraine has asked for help after the attack, this morning, by Russia.

Ukraine's Foreign Minister, Dmytro Kuleba, has demanded financial and humanitarian aid from the international community, and has demanded "devastating sanctions" and "isolate by all means and formats" Russia.

Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a special military operation in the separatist region of Donbas at dawn, reports special envoy

María Sahuquillo

from Avdiivka, in eastern Ukraine.

"The objective of the operation is to protect people," the president justified in a message to the nation.

Just minutes after the speech, several cities in the east of the country, from Sloviansk and Kramatorsk to Kharkov, 30 kilometers from the Russian border, were attacked.

Explosions have also been heard in Kiev, the capital, and Russian forces have crossed the border elsewhere in the country.

The attack, launched against up to ten regions, has come from Russian territory but also from Belarus.

In recent days, nearly 200,000 soldiers and 1,000 armored vehicles had accumulated along the border with Ukraine.

Ukraine's parliament on Wednesday declared a state of emergency throughout the country, except in Donetsk and Luhansk.

  • Russia attacks Ukraine

  • Key dates of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine: when and how it started

  • Donbas on maps: the reasons for the conflict

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Condemnation of NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg: Russia's attack on Ukraine is "reckless" and "unprovoked"

Russia's attack on Ukraine is "reckless" and "unprovoked", NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg condemned on Thursday, who also warned that this military aggression endangers "countless lives" and lamented that Russia "has chosen the path of aggression".

"I strongly condemn Russia's reckless and unprovoked attack on Ukraine, which puts countless civilian lives at risk. Once again, despite our repeated warnings and tireless efforts to engage in diplomacy, Russia has chosen the path of aggression against a sovereign and independent country," he declared in a statement.

"This is a serious violation of international law and a serious threat to Euro-Atlantic security. NATO allies will meet to address Russia's new aggression. We stand with the people of Ukraine at this terrible time. NATO will do everything necessary to protect and defend all allies," added NATO's Secretary General.

Ukraine is not part of the Atlantic Alliance.

NATO's North Atlantic Council plans to hold this Thursday morning an "emergency" meeting of the ambassadors of the member countries of the Alliance to address the situation in Ukraine, a spokeswoman for the organization informed the Efe news agency.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg is "following the situation closely" and will give "a press conference later, after the meeting," the spokeswoman said.

(Efe and Europe Press)               





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Spain condemns Russia's aggression and coordinates a response with the EU and NATO

The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, made clear on Thursday Spain's condemnation of Russia's aggression and expressed his solidarity with the authorities and people of Ukraine.

The chief executive is in contact with the allies of the European Union and NATO to coordinate a common response.





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Ukraine asks the international community for help

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba has appealed to the international community for support in the face of Russian aggression.

"The world must act immediately. The future of Europe and the world is at stake," he wrote on Twitter before requesting five concrete actions.

First, "devastating sanctions against Russia now, including SWIFT," referring to de facto exclusion from the global interbank system.

Second, "completely isolate Russia."

Third: weapons and military equipment for Ukraine.

Also "financial assistance" and lastly "humanitarian assistance".  





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Russia claims it has destroyed Ukrainian bases and air defenses

The Russian government has claimed that it has destroyed Ukraine's air bases and anti-aircraft defense (AFP)





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Scholz condemns the Russian attack on Ukraine

The German chancellor, Olaf Scholz, has condemned the Russian attack this morning against Ukraine, which he described as a "flagrant breach of international law" that "cannot be justified under any circumstances".

"Germany condemns in the strongest terms this thoughtless act by President Putin," Scholz added, referring to the Russian leader, who also expressed his solidarity with "Ukraine and the people who live there."

"Russia must immediately cease this military action," said the foreign minister, who described today as a "terrible day for Ukraine and a dark day for Europe," according to his spokeswoman in a message to the media.

He added that the issue will be discussed at the virtual meeting of G7 leaders scheduled for this Thursday and that it will also be discussed within the framework of NATO and the European Union (EU).






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Russia also attacks from Belarus

Russia has also attacked from neighboring Belarus, according to the Ukrainian border guard.

The US agency Associated Press reports that the Kremlin forces opened fire with artillery thanks to the support of Minsk.

Ukraine responded to the attack, but there is still no official report of casualties.

The strategic weight of Belarus in the conflict is not minor, since that country's border is about 75 kilometers from Kiev.





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Zelensky asks Biden to urge the world "to clearly condemn Putin's blatant aggression"

US President Joe Biden posted a message on his Twitter account giving details of his Wednesday night call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky after Russia began its attacks, which he condemned.

The president also assured that he informed his Ukrainian counterpart of the measures that his country is going to take to exert international pressure, including the emergency meeting of the UN Security Council on Wednesday.

"(Zelensky) has asked me to urge world leaders to clearly condemn the flagrant aggression against Putin and to support the people of Ukraine," he wrote. 





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Trump attributes Putin's aggression to Washington's "weakness"

Former US President Donald Trump spoke on Fox News on Wednesday shortly after the start of the Russian attack to claim that this "would not have taken place" during his administration.

Trump called to say that he didn't think Putin "wanted to do this, initially."

"I think he wanted to do something and negotiate and he got worse and worse, and then he saw the weakness," Trump added.

In addition, the former Republican president said he believes the Russian invasion was in part caused by the "weakness" of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan.





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Boris Johnson: "Putin has chosen a path of blood"

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said he is "shocked by the horrific events in Ukraine" and that Russian President Vladimir Putin "has chosen a path of bloodshed and destruction by launching this unprovoked attack."

He added that he has spoken with Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky to discuss how to respond and promises decisive action by the UK and its allies.





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At least 20 missile attacks

Russia's aggression has focused on Ukrainian military targets distributed throughout the country's geography.

The Kremlin has so far launched at least 20 missile attacks against strategic enclaves, some in cities near the border such as Odessa, Mariupol or Dnipro.

However, at least five other missiles have hit Army facilities near the capital, Kiev.

Explosions have also been heard in Yarkov, the country's second largest city.

Local media citing Ukraine's Interior Ministry say some of the strikes have hit Ukraine's military missile command centers and military headquarters in Kiev.

Russia's Defense Ministry has denied targeting Ukrainian cities, saying it is targeting military infrastructure, air defense and air forces with "high-precision weapons."

In the streets of the center of the capital there is an apparent calm, as confirmed by EL PAÍS envoy Luis de Vega.

Although the sirens sound, the buses operate normally, moving citizens to their jobs.





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Ursula von der Leyen: "We strongly condemn Russia's unjustified attack"

The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, expresses her resounding rejection of Russia's aggression against Ukraine.

"We strongly condemn Russia's unjustified attack on Ukraine. In these dark hours, our thoughts go out to Ukraine and the innocent women, men and children who face this unprovoked attack and fear for their lives. We will hold the Kremlin to account."

And in line with the president of the United States, Joe Biden, he warns via Twitter: "We will hold the Kremlin accountable." 





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Air raid sirens heard in Kiev

The special envoy of EL PAÍS to Kiev, Luis de Vega, shares this video with us from the Ukrainian capital in which the anti-aircraft sirens can be heard.

"In the center of Kiev right now the situation is apparently normal. The traffic is normal, people are going to work, you see trucks emptying the bins and street sweepers cleaning the streets, but at the same time the sirens sound," explains De Vega. 





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Zelensky asks Ukrainians to remain calm and implements martial law

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky confirmed that he has declared martial law in his country after the start of the Russian attack. 

In a message posted on his Telegram account shortly before 7 a.m. local time, he asked Ukrainians to remain calm and stay home.





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Antonio Guterres urges Putin: "Return your troops to Russia"

The Secretary General of the United Nations, António Guterres, appealed on Wednesday night to Russian President Vladimir Putin to return his troops to Russia. 

"Under the current circumstances, I must change my request: President Putin, in the name of humanity, return your troops to Russia. This conflict must end now," he wrote on his Twitter account. 

The UN Secretary General made the statement shortly after the Kremlin's declaration of war deactivated the second emergency meeting of the Security Council in 48 hours, as

María Antonia Sánchez Vallejo recounts in this chronicle.

Guterres called the beginning of the invasion of eastern Ukraine "the saddest moment" of his tenure as UN secretary general.





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Ukraine will impose martial law

Local media quoted by Reuters have reported that the Ukrainian government will impose martial law before the invasion.

Russian troops have landed in Odessa and others have crossed the border at Kharkov, the Interior Ministry said. 





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Biden assures that the world will hold Russia "accountable"

El ataque de Rusia contra Ucrania tantas veces anticipado por Estados Unidos ha tenido lugar esta noche, sin que ninguno de los avisos o advertencia de Washington lo haya podido impedir, en plena reunión del Consejo de Seguridad de Naciones Unidas, cuya presidencia de turno la ocupa, como guinda, la propia Rusia. El presidente de Estados Unidos, Joe Biden, ha acusado a Vladímir Putin de haber llevado a cabo un “ataque injustificado y sin provocación” contra el pueblo ucranio y ha alertado de las consecuencias “catastróficas” que supondrá.

Lea la crónica de Amanda Mars, nuestra corresponsal en Washington.





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Tropas rusas desembarcan en Odesa, afirma Ucrania

El Ministerio del Interior ucranio ha señalado en un comunicado que tropas rusas han desembarcado en Odesa, la importante ciudad portuaria en el Mar Negro, y están cruzando la frontera en Kharkov, la segunda mayor urbe del país, informa el New York Times. Se han registrado explosiones en Kiev, la capital, Kharkov y Kramatorsk. "La invasión ha empezado", ha asegurado el Ministerio. El titular de Exteriores ucranio ha enfatizado que se trata de "una guerra de agresión". "Ucrania se defenderá y ganará. El mundo debe actuar y detener a Putin, inmediatamente", ha rematado.





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Un conflicto de ocho años y la cosmovisión de Putin

La decisión de Vladímir Putin guarda relación con con su cosmovisión de Ucrania. Nuestra compañera María Sahuquillo lo describe así: "Lo considera un país ficticio, fruto de costurones históricos y diplomáticos". Este es el contexto en el que a partir del lunes se aceleró todo: el jefe del Kremlin firmó el reconocimiento de las regiones separatistas de Donetsk y Lugansk, hoy autoproclamadas "repúblicas populares" que en la práctica llevan en guerra con Ucrania desde 2014, cuando Rusia invadió Crimea y se anexionó la península ucrania con un referéndum que no tuvo el reconocimiento de la comunidad internacional. Ese conflicto se ha cobrado ya la vida de 14.000 personas.





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"El presidente ruso ya declaró la guerra", dice el embajador ucraniano al ruso en el Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU

El embajador de Ucrania en Naciones Unidas, Sergiy Kyslytsya, ha protagonizado un enfrentamiento verbal en la reunión de emergencia del Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU con su homólogo ruso. "El presidente ruso ya declaró la guerra. ¿Embajador, puede usted confirmarlo?, le ha dicho. "Su responsabilidad es parar esa guerra", le ha instado.

"Invito a la Federación Rusa a decir y que quede registrado en este momento que sus tropas no van a bombardear y atacar ciudades ucranianas y que sus tropas no van a entrar en territorio ucranio", insistió.

Por su parte, el embajador ruso, Vasily Nebenzya, ha dicho que el "sufrimiento" de cuatro millones de personas en la región de Donbás justifica las acciones del Kremlin.





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Una amenaza agitada durante meses

Vladímir Putin ha preparado durante meses el terreno para la "operación militar especial" anunciada este miércoles. Lo hizo con una ofensiva de propaganda y el argumento de que Ucrania es "un régimen nazi que discrimina a los rusoparlantes" y que los ciudadanos de las regiones de Donetsk y Lugasnsk están sufriendo "un genocidio”, escribe María Sahuquillo desde Avdiivka, en el este del país. Con estas premisas, el presidente ruso mantiene que la ofensiva militar es una herramienta para “defender y proteger” a la ciudadanía. “Nos esforzaremos por desmilitarizar y desnazificar Ucrania. Y también llevar ante la justicia aquellos que cometieron numerosos crímenes sangrientos contra civiles, incluidos ciudadanos de Rusia”, ha advertido en su mensaje.

This is the chronicle of a night of maximum tension:





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