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Ukraine war: This is how donations really arrive

3/1/2022, 4:30:51 AM

Ukraine war: This is how donations really arrive Created: 03/01/2022 05:23 By: Bettina Menzel A shopping center has been converted into a shelter for refugees from Ukraine. It is estimated that between 360,000 and 500,000 people have fled Ukraine. © +++ dpa picture radio +++ picture alliance/dpa/EUROPA PRESS | Alejandro Martinez Velez Almost half a million people from Ukraine are currently on

Ukraine war: This is how donations really arrive

Created: 03/01/2022 05:23

By: Bettina Menzel

A shopping center has been converted into a shelter for refugees from Ukraine.

It is estimated that between 360,000 and 500,000 people have fled Ukraine.

© +++ dpa picture radio +++ picture alliance/dpa/EUROPA PRESS |

Alejandro Martinez Velez

Almost half a million people from Ukraine are currently on the run.

Many want to help the refugees - but how do people really get donations?

Kyiv - The Ukraine conflict tears thousands of families apart.

Men between the ages of 18 and 60 are no longer allowed to leave the country.

Many women and children are fleeing the war.

Solidarity with Ukraine and its inhabitants is great - many want to help the refugees.

The best way to do this is to donate money to reputable aid organizations.

This is how reputable aid organizations can be identified

The United Nations estimates that half a million people are already fleeing.

Since the start of the war between Russia and Ukraine in 2014, as many as 1.4 million people have been registered as internally displaced persons, writes the German Central Institute for Social Issues (DZI), thousands have been killed and 3.4 million people are dependent on humanitarian aid.

Now the situation is coming to a head, fears of a nuclear strike by Russia are smoldering, and hostilities continued even during the peace talks.

The number of people affected is increasing, so donations are more important than ever.

Numerous aid organizations offer support to the people on site, be it with food, emergency shelter, clothing, medication or psychological care.

But what good is it to donate if the money doesn't get to where it's needed?

When choosing the aid organization, competence should therefore have priority.

Those responsible must be familiar with the area and be well networked.

This ensures that the money does not seep away into inefficient processes or even into harmful projects.

When a crisis occurs, quick help is important.

However, consumers should not be too hasty when choosing a charitable organization.

Because there are people who use the wave of solidarity for their own purposes - for example to enrich themselves.

For this reason, the DZI has put together a checklist for safe donations.

For example, those who are confronted with particularly urgent calls that are only aimed at emotions should be careful.

Because there must be concrete information and plans as to where the money should go.

DZI donation seal: These aid organizations are trustworthy

The German Central Institute for Social Issues (DZI) advises not to indicate a specific purpose when making a donation, in order to offer those responsible the necessary flexibility to react to a rapidly changing situation.

In addition, the DZI considers monetary donations to be more sensible.

Donations in kind, on the other hand, should only be donated if an aid organization specifically asks for them.

To make the selection easier, the DZI has developed a seal to clearly identify reputable aid organizations.

The Central Institute has compiled a complete list of reputable aid organizations with the donation seal online.

A small selection of aid organizations that actively support people in Ukraine and on the run:

  • Action Germany Helps eV

  • Doctors of the world registered association

  • Doctors Without Borders

  • Alliance development helps - together for people in need eV

  • German Red Cross registered association 

  • UN Refugee Aid eV

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