The Limited Times

Depression moves to the front Israel today

4/1/2022, 5:43:15 AM

Gal Gvaram, Nivar Madar and Shiran Sandel raise awareness of a difficult problem - and that is welcome

Among the thousands of posts and media interviews of celebrities in our country, three stood out to my eye.

The first, Nivar Madar, who told Guy Pines' microphone about the "Intima" campaign photo set with great courage about the chronic depression that accompanies her most of her life.

The other, actress Sheeran Sandel, who had to deal with her father's death, sank into depression and told her followers she had started taking psychiatric pills.

"When my father passed away I was broken and I felt the pain deep in every bone in my body," she wrote, "I knew it would be impossible for me to deal with it alone. Even so, my psyche is fragile."

The third and final is Gal Gvaram.

From the side she seemed to have experienced the best year of her life, but in practice she does not find herself.

"I've been depressed for half a year now," she wrote in a post that received many responses, "I do not want to lie because I'm pretty tired, because it no longer works so much. I'm tired of the feeling of disappointment around me. I deal with self-disappointment "But what about all the bodies that know I'm not being interviewed and not taking jobs, with the friends I just stopped answering, with the family I moved away with and with a spouse who dealt with so many things he didn't need."

Three unpleasant cases, and above all health for all, but it seems to me that the time has come for depression to move to the front.

Depression is not a celebs' disease, and of course not necessarily related to publicity, although quite a few celebrities have suffered and are suffering from it, perhaps because of the emotional roller coaster that this profession provides.

But if in the past it was customary to hide the gloom and present the world with a false representation of beauty, radiance and wholeness - here come three women and mirrors that could be otherwise.

They name a problem that requires treatment - whether it's pills or resting from social networks or moving to live with a mother.

They show that even a beautiful and successful person, with lots of followers and without worries about earning a living, can get into depression.

Because depression does not choose you according to your beautiful eyes or because of the place you have reached in "Big Brother".

Blessed publicity of this kind raises awareness and can help those who suffer, because if Sheeran Sandel is not ashamed to tell about a visit to the psychiatrist, it is likely that some of her 360,000 followers will do a home examination and may consider going for treatment.

I am in favor.

Were we wrong?


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