The Limited Times

Opinion | Hysteria is unnecessary, public pressure is important Israel today

4/4/2022, 8:55:55 PM

It is good that the public is agitated by the terrorist attacks: not because of 11 deaths, but because it is beginning to lose faith in its governments.

Some proportion.

As far as Palestinian terrorism is concerned, nothing new or surprising happened last week.

This is an accumulation of events.

Therefore, on the one hand, there is no reason for a hysterical response, but on the other hand, it is good that the public responds with a storm of emotions, because only in this way can Israeli governments be forced to take the necessary long-term responsibility, at the expense of promiscuous addiction.

In retrospect, it turns out that the rioters in Lod, Acre and Arad Roads in May 2021, and the terrorists in Be'er Sheva, Hadera and Bnei Brak now, are forcing governments to deal with pressure with what they and their predecessors in the last generation should have avoided in responsible policies.

Palestinians have been killing Jews indiscriminately for more than a hundred years.

Since then he has risen with a Palestinian people, before and after every founding event: the establishment of the state, the six days, Oslo and Camp David, the second intifada, the disengagement from Gaza.

Always: in times of Palestinian distress and in times of growth;

In the days of the Mufti, Arafat and Abu Mazen;

In the midst of a peace process and in times of political stalemate;

In the days of a sympathetic American administration and an administration that ignored their interests;

In the territories and areas of the Green Line.

Its perpetrators were ignorant and educated, poor and established, religious and secular, Muslims and Christians, men, women and minors, driven by national feelings and persecuted by mental distress, citizens of Israel, residents of Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and the Diaspora.

High motivation for Palestinian violence is a given.

This is a violent society, under Israeli rule and outside, also towards its sons.

The murderers of Jews ("martyrs") are the main role models, who receive respect and monetary reward and a bonus for the citizens of Israel, according to the number of Jews killed.

This is prompted by the Palestinian national ethos, which describes a historical compromise (departure from the "right" of return) as treason and sanctifies the "sacrifice" for its prevention in a violent and ongoing struggle for generations.

Terrorism is curbed only by continuous force prevention (GSS and IDF assassinations, on the basis of good intelligence) and deterrence, which is burned into the consciousness following fatal damage to those involved and their environment, such as the "Defensive Wall".

 The lack of forceful prevention is interpreted as helplessness, inviting violence.

This happens when the state has been afraid for many years to act against thousands of rioting Bedouin who are armed in the Negev, against mass possession of weapons in Arab localities, against agricultural crime and the collection of sponsorship fees in the open air and against blatant identification with the enemy during war.

This happens when the courts impose, on issues that threaten the foundations of society, ridiculous punishments to the point of lawlessness, and the prosecution offers scandalous plea bargains.

The state also transfers billions to the Arab authorities, without ensuring that the money does not reach the criminal organizations through the clan systems.

Instead of dealing with the dissipation of deterrence, in a generation that does not remember the "defensive wall," Israel continues to come to terms with the destruction of the security fence, preventing control over the entry of hundreds of thousands of the people fighting it.

In order to "calm the area", Hamas is being allowed to restore its power after the "guard of the walls" and recover for the next confrontation, while bringing tens of thousands of workers into Israeli territory.

Therefore, it is good that the public is upset.

Not because of 11 dead, but because he is beginning to lose faith in his governments.

These enabled the Bedouin takeover of the Negev, the violent abandonment of Arab society and the legitimacy of terrorism among Arab citizens.

Arab society and the violent political culture prevalent in its various concentrations are primarily responsible for these distortions, but the government is responsible for suppressing violence.

The government must now be forced to rehabilitate the separation fence, expel Shabachs, forcibly suppress the Bedouin rampage, including their massive takeover of state lands, and severely punish, for example, identifying with the killers of policemen on the Temple Mount in 2017 at mass events in Umm al-Fahm. It is necessary to make it clear to judges and lawyers that their role is to protect the victims of terrorism, and not to empathize with its activists and deputies, and the decent Arab citizens who want to integrate will also welcome this in their hearts.

Were we wrong?


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