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Opinion | Between tolerance and religious coercion: What do I care what you eat on Passover? | Israel today


When Rabbi Dahan visited the food industries, he discovered that the security officer checks workers' files before they go home. Public?

During my visits to the food industries I was surprised and felt a slight discomfort in light of the fact that employees are required to experience a sense of humiliation when they go home at the end of the work day, with the security officer on duty checking each employee's personal file to rule out food theft.

I felt a violation of elections, the basic trust of the factory towards its employees and a violation of privacy.

But when I talked to some of the company employees and shared my feelings with them, they tried to explain to me that they contain it in understanding, given that it actually strengthens the sense of security and creates a more pleasant atmosphere in the work environment, as it prevents mistakes, thefts or suspicions.

Thus, they said, the work and production environment is more positive and productive.

The impending Freedom Day is a wonderful opportunity to observe the essence of "freedom."

Wikipedia explains that the right to freedom means that "man is an independent creature who leads his life autonomously. Every person has the right to make decisions about his life independently and without the intervention of an outsider and live his life in the way he sees fit. The right to liberty is a natural right granted to man. Being a person, the government must not deny this right because it is not he who grants it to a person. "

We all strive for true freedom, but it turns out that the difference between freedom and anarchy that will enslave us to whims and very thin daily survival, since a person for whom the value of freedom is the freedom to make decisions as he pleases, can hurt others and undermine his personal confidence or make a decision.

In recent days, the chametz controversy in medical centers has made headlines, especially after the resignation of MK Idit Silman from the coalition. Hearings are being held in a similar petition by the same petitioners, against the military authorities demanding that chametz be brought into IDF bases on Passover.

The secular forum demands that they stop performing chametz orders and check the tools of soldiers who enter the base in order to check whether they have chametz.

MK Idit Silman, Photo: Oren Ben Hakon

Strict scrutiny of our personal belongings is not pleasant and constitutes an invasion of privacy for all of us, but it is a practice that has been assimilated around the world and in particular in the State of Israel, with the understanding that this is intended to strengthen personal security and prevent such and other threats.

Such testing exists around the world for a variety of reasons, and the public often shows understanding and patience, not only when it comes to security contexts - but also economic and business considerations, such as preventing information leakage from the company to competitors and the like.

This makes it possible to strengthen a person's freedom to live, to produce and not to be afraid of his environment.

The people of Israel were privileged to reach their land after thousands of years of wandering.

The longing for the return of Zion included national, traditional and religious symbols, including the right to live in the Jewish state as a Jew.

Passover is unique in nature and essence, as the holiday symbolizes our departure from slavery and enslavement in Egypt to our resurrection with the giving of Torah and our being a people with a rich past, glorious present and hope for a bright future, with some of the holiday symbols

A survey conducted by a number of different research institutes several years ago revealed that more than 82% of the Jewish population in Israel celebrates Passover and about 70% of them observe kosher food for Passover during the holiday.

A figure that certainly reflects a unifying and unifying consensus.

It turns out that for many of the Jewish population in Israel, eating chametz in the public space causes some discomfort and therefore the entrenched practice extended the examination of objects to the various medical centers and IDF bases to reduce chametz in the common public space.

Entrance to a hospital, Photo: Yehuda Peretz

At the same time, it seems that the test to prevent the introduction of chametz is not only intended to help the semantics of the observant and observant of the holiday, but to prevent the predation of public utensils and serving utensils, since during Passover any use of chametz products will disqualify the vessel for halakhic use.

In order to prevent the failure of kosher consumers, make sure that no private food is brought into the medical centers, this will also help at the health level in reducing the infection and diseases that may result from damaged household food dishes, etc., and at the same time help maintain proper kosher These are on Passover.

There are other solutions that can prevent Passover dishes in public institutions, such as the use of disposables, but regulation and environmental organizations prefer to avoid this and the truth is that it is good that way.

If so, it turns out that the ban on eating chametz in public space has additional and important consequences in maintaining our health and the space in which we also live in the ecological aspect.

It should also be noted that the High Court ruling on chametz did not address the nature and manner of the examination to prevent the introduction of chametz, but addressed in a comprehensive manner the fact that there is no legal possibility to prevent the introduction of chametz on Passover.

Just as a flower that is plucked is withered and detached from the fertile substrate on which it grows and is not free, so true freedom is manifested precisely in connection to the roots, the environment in which we live and the collective, national and spiritual commitment and fulfillment of our aspirations out of value and moral commitment.

Rabbi Shraga Natan Dahan is an officer in the Res.

And holds a master's degree in management and technology and is certified as a rabbi and judge.

Serves as a consultant and lecturer in public, security, educational and scientific bodies on Halacha, technology, medicine, science and space.

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2022-04-07

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