The Limited Times

Opinion | The house was shaking - but Bennett's attention was elsewhere Israel today

4/7/2022, 9:27:26 AM

Bennett did not pay attention to all this, it can be said that a combination of complacency and political immaturity brought him to the apparent end • The supreme duty of the leaders of the national camp is to learn lessons from the failure of the loss of power exactly one year ago

"Mini-Bibi" is the nickname that has long stuck with Naftali Bennett, and the similarities between them are well known.

But one trait distinguishes the two: Netanyahu is endowed with a generous degree of caution;

Bennett, on the other hand, was led more than once by recklessness.

It was the frenzy that led him yesterday to what appears to be the beginning of the end of his tenure.

In his haste to put out fires outside, Bennett did not notice smoking in the house.

In his office inside, in his faction in the Knesset, in his new hope partner, anger has been accumulating in recent weeks over the coalition partners on the left.

Most of the anger was directed at Defense Minister Bnei Gantz, who also froze Israeli settlement in Judea and Samaria, liberated the Palestinians to build in Area C as they wished, and also belittled the prime minister's staff. Called for overthrowing the government, it started crashing).

So Horowitz and his chametz directing were already a blow to them for the first time.

Bennett did not notice any of this.

It can be said that a combination of complacency and political immaturity brought about the apparent end.

The political trap was woven before his eyes, but he was not careful enough.

Until Silman wrote to him: "I can no longer."

Bennett-Lapid Government, Photo: Oren Ben Hakon

The loss of the majority in the Knesset empties the remnants of Bennett's legitimacy to be part of the government he promised not to form, and which most of his constituents did not want.

After all, the justification for establishing the partnership with Lapid was to get the state out of the spin and get out of the paralysis.

But there is no majority in the Knesset, and when the fifth election is on the horizon, paralysis and chaos are exactly the situation the state is returning to.

What is better than the lack of a Bennett-Lapid majority over Netanyahu's majority loss?

Which returns the burden of responsibility to Netanyahu, the Likud and the leaders of the right.

The supreme duty of the leaders of the national camp is to draw lessons from the failure of the loss of power exactly one year ago.

Even if this involves a confrontation with Netanyahu, Gafni, Deri, Maklev, Smutrich and senior Likud members, a right-wing government must be formed, and more in this Knesset.

No pro-terror parties, no crushing of state systems, no closing of accounts with right-wingers or new hope.

The State of Israel must be at the top of the list of priorities.

And what it needs for the upcoming 74th Independence Day is a national, stable and responsible government.

If you want no fairy tale.

Were we wrong?


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