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Opinion | The hand that shakes the incitement Israel today


Incitement agents also have vicarious responsibility for all individual attacks • This gives us legitimacy to act against them as we act against terrorist targets

Neither wolves nor lone: ​​"Atmospheric attacks", those that are easily and automatically classified by us as individual attacks, are not created out of nothing.

The atmosphere that creates the atmosphere attacks - the one from which the shooters, stabbers and rapists draw inspiration for their solo attacks - has been embodied for years in an ongoing festival of glorifying terror, jihad and allowing the blood of Jews and Israelis wherever they are.

Incitement and hatred have no organizational affiliation.

They cross camps and streams.

They are the common denominator from which almost all the "individual pests" suck.

The obvious question, therefore, which must now be laid on the table, is whether the fact that for years hundreds of "lone wolves" sucked from the same poisonous and organized substrate does not make them and their aides a collective?

For something organized?

And what are we doing in the face of the array of venom, poison and hatred directed at the Palestinian Authority, other than talking about it?

In "Our Beautiful Language" for 7th grade, Vol. 2, the children of the PA memorized over the years "We have sown skeletons and skulls (martyrs) in Palestinian soil and painted them with blood ... They want to ban me, but I tell them: martyr, martyr ... . " Years of blood libels and "crimes against al-Aqsa and the Cave of the Patriarchs";

Joyful processions march merrily after terrorist attacks, sweets are distributed in the streets, and as in the days of Arafat, crowds roar again: "A million martyrs are marching to Jerusalem."

Why, then, is there no law for a newspaper, radio station or TV channel inciting law as a rifle, pistol and cartridge removed?

Do the incitement agents themselves have no vicarious responsibility for all the murders and terrorist attacks, one that gives us legitimacy to act against them as we act against terrorist targets?

Although the Palestinian Authority, in its interests, helps us capture murderers and arrests hundreds of Hamas members, it does not act to stop the cult of death and the glorification of Shahada.

It does not interrupt the explicit and direct incitement to murder Jews wherever they are.

The authority transfers money to the families of the terrorists and commemorates them under every fresh tree.

Consciously - she raises terrorists in her beds, waters them, nurtures them, and in extreme cases helps us stop them.

This is a new version of the "revolving door" model, only instead of terrorists, who enter and leave the prison quickly, this is a habitat and greenhouses whose production and growth rate is several times faster.

Union of forces and sectors

The broad common denominator of this blood culture and incitement is embodied in a fundamental hatred of everything Jewish and Israeli, in a mask of demonization and incitement against Israel as a Jewish state, and in denying the very legitimacy of our existence here.

"A Look at the Palestinian Media" previously documented a play in which the actors, youths from the PA, were distributed to Hamas supporters and Fatah supporters.

At one point, the players threw the flags of the two rival organizations on the floor, united under the PA flag, and fired together at the "Israelis" who stood in front of them.

Now something similar is happening, but not in the show, but in reality.

Orit Perlov, a researcher at the Institute for National Security Studies, an expert on social networks and discourse in the Arab world, identifies a trend of "unification of forces and sectors", both geographically (Negev, East Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria), and organizationally (among various terrorist organizations), and all Directed by two arms that are one: Hamas Abroad and Hamas Gaza.

Hamas Gaza, Perlov explained this week, is conducting two campaigns: The first, known as "saving the Negev," links the Negev to Jerusalem - "the law of the Negev as the law of East Jerusalem" - as two areas that Israel seeks to Judaize.

The second campaign seeks to mobilize the "Palestinians inside" (Israeli Arabs), so that they can act as martyrs alongside their brethren from East Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria.

Since the beginning of the campaigns, last January, Perlov notes, long before the bloody week with the 11 dead, 26 stabbing, shooting and trampling attacks have been carried out.

In March alone, seven of the nine attacks were carried out by holders of a blue ID card.

"The hand that shakes the crib," and creates the atmosphere and the "lone terrorist attacks," is a coordination committee that has been convening in Beirut since the beginning of Hamas' campaigns.

The committee is chaired by Hamas leader Abroad, Salah Aruri. Perlov found that this coordination committee meets twice a month. In March, it convened three times. The host is Hezbollah leader Nasrallah.

The participants are Hamas, the Islamic Jihad led by Ziad Nahala, members of the "Popular Front" and Iranian Foreign Minister Hussein Amir Abdullahian.

This is the forum that is currently preparing for the "War of the Popular Resistance."

It is supposed to be similar to what was here before the Wall Guard, but this time plus as many suicides as possible.

Seven switches

In May 2017, researcher Dr. Shaul Bartel found that the vast majority of the individual terrorist attacks between 2015 and 2008 were actually Hamas-affiliated or came from families affiliated with the organization. Although the initiative, planning and execution were not related to its organizational system, Or any other organization, but many of them acted out of affinity for Hamas: 61 of the 74 terrorists who acted in Jerusalem between October 2015 and May 2016 (the Knife Intifada) did act on their own initiative, but they had some affinity for Hamas.

Prof. Gabi Weiman, a veteran expert on terrorism on the networks, also noted in those days that there is no such thing as a "lone wolf": "The lone terrorists are part of a virtual band. Surveillance of them on the network shows that they feed on similar and characteristic sources."

What is happening these days is not fundamentally different: the wolves are not alone, but part of a band - a conscious band, admittedly, but a band.

They decide on their own and perform alone, but they all suck from the same poisoned well, when in the name of Islam and / or Palestinian nationalism everything is allowed: to incite, lie, slander and murder.

The Palestinian street is drunk now, and not Maine, but a wild incitement that is a creative home for the perpetrators.

Hamas is currently illustrating this in one of its broadcasts, in the form of a picture of seven switches.

Whenever there is an attack, one switch goes down.

Three have already gone down.

There are, ostensibly, four left.

Jerusalem and al-Aqsa, as in the past, should be the glue that will unite all sectors and all organizations.

We've been there before.

If we do not start charging a real environmental price from the environment that envelops and adores and encourages terrorism;

If we continue to talk about atmospheric attacks and do not act against those who produce it - we will get there again.

The recent attacks provide an opportunity to act not only against the perpetrators, but also against those who mediate a murderous ideology: imprison them, confiscate their property, deport them if necessary - even if they are only conscious senders. 

Were we wrong?


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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2022-04-08

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