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Presidential 2022: Emmanuel Macron's program

4/10/2022, 6:52:27 PM

The outgoing president, candidate for re-election, reaches the second round, with 28.6% of the vote. He will face Marine Le Pen. Discover his proposals.

Emmanuel Macron

is the eighth

president of the


Fifth Republic .

He declared himself a candidate for re-election as head of the country on March 3, 2022, in a “Letter to the French”.

To discover

  • LIVE - Presidential 2022: follow the first round of the election

  • Presidential 2022: find here the result of the first round of the election from Sunday evening

  • Presidential 2022: receive the results of your municipality as soon as they are published

  • Compare the programs of the candidates for the 2022 presidential election

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On April 10, 2022, he reached the second round, with 28.6% of the vote, against Marine Le Pen, who obtained 24.4% of the vote.

Emmanuel Macron's program for the 2022 presidential election

Candidate Macron presented his program on March 17, during a press conference:


  • Reinvest in a "complete army model", double the number of reservists

  • Strengthen agricultural independence: promote the installation and support of young farmers, review the European agricultural strategy "From farm to fork"

  • Estates General for the right to information, guarantee of a "viable economic model for free and independent information"

Read alsoEmmanuel Macron's program in PDF


  • Thermal renovation of 700,000 homes per year

  • Development of nuclear, wind and solar power 

  • Incentive measures, such as the establishment of an electric car leasing mechanism for low-income households


  • Increase the legal retirement age to 65

  • Condition the RSA to an obligation of 15 to 20 hours of activity per week with a view to professional integration

  • Pôle emploi transformed into a “one-stop shop” called France Travail

  • Social benefits paid directly into the bank account of beneficiaries, in order to fight against non-recourse and fraud

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  • A program costing 50 billion euros per year, and 15 billion euros in tax cuts

  • 15 billion euros in savings on the operating costs of local authorities.

  • Reduce the amount of inheritance tax in the direct and indirect line (a nephew, for example)

  • Abolition of the CVAE (contribution on the added value of companies)

  • Abolition of the television license fee


  • Better teacher compensation 

  • More “freedom” for schools

  • Availability of assessment results at class and school level

  • Strengthening the autonomy of universities

  • Make vocational high school “a path to excellence”


  • More support for single-parent families

  • More support for "women's health"

  • Disability: increase the working time of AESH "up to 35 hours"

  • Enhanced “screen parental controls” to protect against inappropriate content and cyberbullying

  • Fight against bullying at school


  • Medical deserts: create “referent” pharmacists and nurses to renew prescriptions

  • Develop teleconsultation

  • Regulate the installation” of doctors on the territory

  • Make the relationship between hospitals and independent doctors more flexible


  • Create 200 gendarmerie brigades,

  • Double the presence of the internal security forces "by additional creation but also profound transformations of working time"

  • Triple the anti-harassment fine

  • Expand fixed fines

  • Make it possible to file a complaint online

  • Set up "republican action forces in the neighborhoods" during "situations of insecurity"

  • Recruit “1500 cyber-patrollers”

  • Hiring of 8,500 magistrates and justice personnel

  • "Reduce the cumbersome procedures" for asylum applications

  • The refusal of asylum will make "the obligation to leave French territory"


  • Institutional reform to improve representativeness


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Emmanuel Macron during his meeting on April 2, 2022, at La Défense Arena.


Date and place of birth

: December 21, 1977 in Amiens

Born of doctor parents, Emmanuel Macron grew up in Amiens, in the Somme, surrounded by a brother and a sister.

He was educated with the Jesuits, at Providence, in Amiens.

A brilliant student, he left Amiens for Paris, to follow his final year at the Lycée Henri-IV.

He continued his studies in the literary preparatory class, but twice failed the entrance examination to the École Normale Supérieure.

He then entered Sciences Po Paris, then began a course in philosophy at the faculty of Nanterre, where he obtained a DEA.

He then entered the ENA, from which he graduated in 2004. He was for a time the assistant of the philosopher Paul Ricoeur.

In 2004, he joined the General Inspectorate of Finance but in 2008, he was laid off from the civil service and became an investment banker at Rothschild.

He was a member of the Socialist Party between 2006 and 2009.

On May 15, 2012, Emmanuel Macron joined François Hollande at the Élysée, where he became

Deputy Secretary General


He left the Office of the President of the Republic on June 10, 2014. On August 26, 2014, he was appointed

Minister of Economy, Industry and Digital

in the second government of Manuel Valls.

He then passed a text called "Macron Law", whose ambition is to "unlock the French economy" and which modifies labor regulations.

In April 2016, he created the movement “En Marche!

“, then leaves the government at the end of August.

On November 16, 2016, he officially announced his candidacy for the 2017 presidential election.

On April 23, 2017, he won the vote with 24% of the vote in the first round of the presidential election.

On May 7, 2017, he won the presidential election with more than 66.1% of the vote, against Marine Le Pen.

He thus becomes

the youngest President of the French Republic.

His mandate is marked by the crisis of yellow vests, by the Covid-19 pandemic and by the war in Ukraine.

Captured by this international crisis, he announced his intention to run for a second term on March 3, 2022, 38 days before the first round, in a "

Letter to the French


Read also "President in withdrawal", "Letter of apology" ... Oppositions mock Macron's entry into the battle

Emmanuel Macron has been married since 2007 to Brigitte Trogneux.


  • Literary preparatory classes at Lycée Henri-IV

  • Joined Sciences Po Paris in 1998

  • DEA in philosophy at the University of Nanterre (2001)

  • ENA (2002-2004: promotion Léopold Sédar Senghor)


Mandates of Emmanuel Macron

President of the French Republic

May 2017- today

Minister of Economy, Industry and Digital

August 2014- August 2016

Deputy Secretary General of the Office of the President of the Republic

May 2012-July 2014


  • Revolution

    (XO) 2016


Emmanuel Macron has often caused controversy with some very decried formulas.

In May 2016, arrested by an anti-labour law activist in Lunel (Hérault) who said he was "

fed up

" with not having enough "


" to "

pay for a suit and tie

" like that of Emmanuel Macron, the latter replied: "

The best way to afford a suit is to work


Read alsoMacron on the “suit”: “We don’t use familiar terms with a minister, we don’t insult him”

In June 2018, Emmanuel Macron, during a meeting to prepare a speech on his social policy, he explained that we put "

a crazy dough in the social minima

", without this solving the problem of the poverty.

The statement is immediately controversial.

Read alsoMacron believes that social assistance costs “crazy money”

In August 2018, the President of the Republic, traveling to Denmark, explains that the French are "Gauls resistant to change".

Read alsoIn Denmark, Emmanuel Macron evokes the “Gauls resistant to change”

In September 2018, during an exchange with a young unemployed horticulturist who came to visit the Élysée, Emmanuel Macron told him: "

I'm crossing the street, I'll find you

" (work).

Read also“Crossing the street”: Macron deplores having been caricatured

In January 2022, the President of the Republic explains in an interview with


that he “very much wanted to annoy” the non-vaccinated “until the end”.

Read alsoCovid-19: Emmanuel Macron “really wants to annoy” the non-vaccinated “until the end”


- Presidential 2022: "We need to have a lot of ambition for our country", announces Emmanuel Macron

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