The Limited Times

Opinion | The Battle for the Left Bloc: The Miracle That Happened Will Not Return | Israel today

4/28/2022, 6:35:24 PM

The next election will focus on Jewish identity and the judiciary. • But this time the fingers of the right will not be raised for the left.

In the political system, everyone is currently accepting one premise - this is a time of numbers.

Pure math of fingers needed in the Knesset plenum to swear government after the next election.

They are already standing around the bed of the walking corpse called the Lapid-Bennett government, all of its components, trying to decipher what is the right time to disconnect it from the instruments in a way that will not make them mourners.

In recent weeks, and especially after the retirement of MK Idit Silman's coalition and the Arab uprising announced by RAAM, meetings of various kinds have been held with pollsters and strategic advisers, and with Knesset members seeking their way to parties that can ensure their continued employment in the next term.

On the right side of the map things look clear.

The Netanyahu bloc, if we do not avenge a surprising morning of unexpected change in the form of a plea deal, will continue on its current path.

You can sum it up in a sentence - it's fun and it's not lacking.

The Likud, Torah Judaism, religious Zionism and Shas, all coordinated and maintained stable numbers, and even slightly improved in relation to the recent elections.

On this side, a new party or two may be re-established with the intention of raking in votes at the expense of blue and white, right and new hope.

But the battle will be internal, not at the expense of the existing parties.

On the right side is clear the identity of the camp leader - the head of the Likud party will be the candidate for prime minister.

In the heat of the recent riots, the silence of a new party of hope, which seems uninteresting, was itching.

Before being declared missing, faint voices of dissatisfaction with party members can be heard from time to time, given the conduct of Saar Chairman and her permanent position below the blocking percentage in the polls.

Political sources explain the silence in Saar's desire to formulate a plea deal for Netanyahu, one that will bring him and a new hope back to the center of the right-wing discourse, and possibly to a new home on the right or with the Likud the day after Netanyahu.

Sharpen knives

The real derby takes place inside the left inside.

The behind-the-scenes battle for the title of "Leader of the Left Bloc" is passionate and tumultuous and will largely determine what the next government will look like, whether led by a left-wing leader or a right-wing leader.

While the leaders of the bloc enjoy adorning themselves with words like "change" and "unity," in reality the political knives are sharpened, the more realistic feelings touching on real disgust.

In this political situation it is incumbent upon Ganz and Lapid to form new alliances and prove that they are capable of mobilizing the necessary fingers.

Ganz chose the path of joining elements in the right-wing bloc.

He met with ultra-Orthodox sources, was interviewed by ultra-Orthodox media, and even on Channel 14, winking at a new electorate, and differentiating himself from the anti-Haredi line of the reconciliation government.

Foreign Minister Yair Lapid, Photo: Yossi Zeliger

In the field of internal cannibalization, Gantz strives to shrink the Labor Party.

In contrast to the previous elections, in which the left-wing bloc was educated not to devalue any of its parties below the blocking percentage, this time the difficulties will be drawn on both the blue and white sides and there is a future.

Ganz was not waiting for the campaign and started the drinking journey right now.

Among other things, he supported the appointment of Amir Peretz, who still has extensive ties and influence in the Labor Party, as chairman of IAI.

Bish Atid chose the path that turns further to the left, in light of the ultra-Orthodox disgust towards Yair Lapid and his partner in the Nokdim-Ramat Aviv alliance, Avigdor Lieberman, and the ultra-Orthodox hatred dripping within the party.

Initially, Lapid added Naftali Bennett and Matan Kahana to strengthen the central, left-wing, religious wing.

Today he is turning deeply to the Israeli left, courting those who called him "the Zoebi's" and winking at Meretz, which is now enjoying the pleasures of power.

Ganz and Lapid know that the miracle that happened to them with the current government train combined with 13 fingers of right-wingers, will not be repeated in the next round.

They will have to invent a new tongue in cheek or connect to one and in this battle everything will be kosher, including election promises and ideological changes.

It is doubtful that the contempt the two have for each other can remain below the surface.

One clear thing can be said right now: the derby will be decided here or there only in the 90th minute.

The next election campaign will focus on two main issues - the Jewish identity of the State of Israel and the attitude toward the legal system.

In this left-wing derby the sacrifices and concessions will be such that the two who went to the derby are not sure they will finish together.

Were we wrong?


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