The Limited Times

This episode of The Crown that Queen Elizabeth II hated

9/9/2022, 1:55:20 PM

If the Queen of England had enjoyed the first season of the Netflix series, an episode centered on the setbacks of young Prince Charles had aroused her ire.

The streak had left her “shattered and angry”.

Queen Elizabeth II, who died on Thursday September 8 at the age of 96, would have been particularly offended by a passage from the Netflix series

The Crown

, an anonymous source revealed to the British daily




In episode 9 of season 2, entitled

Pater familias

, viewers witness the difficult beginnings of the very young Prince Charles, a victim of bullying at school in Gordonstoun, Scotland.

Between an icy dormitory, endless cross-country races and malevolent comrades, the little boy seems to have little taste for the joys of boarding school.

The Crown

, season 2, the trailer

"It just didn't happen"

The series created by Peter Morgan also suggests that Prince Philip insisted on sending his son to this establishment that was once his.

All this, against the advice of the sovereign, more favorable to schooling within the walls of Eton.

Only downside, according to an anonymous employee of the royal palace: the queen of England would not have had the same version of the facts at all.

“She realizes that most people who watch

 The Crown

take the series as an accurate portrait of the royal family,” worried an anonymous source.

But the image returned by the character of Prince Philip – embodied by Matt Smith – would not correspond at all to reality.

“I can say that she was upset by the way Prince Philip is represented, as a father insensitive to the well-being of his son, continues the employee.

She was particularly annoyed by a scene in which Philip has no sympathy for a completely upset Charles, as they leave the palace and fly to Scotland.

It just didn't happen."

5 highlights of Queen Elizabeth II's reign

A show that "perverts the truth"

According to historian Robert Lacey, the Queen's consort indeed had "the best intentions" in sending Prince Charles to his former establishment.

“The problem is that the show is very well written, well acted and sumptuously filmed, affirms the expert.

Which makes it worse because it perverts the truth.”

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