The Limited Times

Opinion The third way Israel today

3/5/2023, 7:24:05 AM

Is the fact that each of the parties is entrenched in an extreme position stemming from fear of the extreme fringes in their camp, or from the political tactical consideration of "I won't blink first"

The unprecedented loosening of social cohesion reflects on the growing wave of terrorism.

The general public is well aware of this, it is the MKs and the leaders of the parties who ignore it. The legitimate dispute regarding the correct balance between the authorities has long since exceeded the proper limits and is awakening dormant demons, and creating rifts that have been bridged with great effort. We do not have the privilege to continue like this. They took the trouble to distinguish between the camps in Israeli society, and from their point of view we all deserve the same future.

These enemies and their ilk rub their hands in satisfaction when they see the unprecedented intensity of the flames, and the risk that they will decide to resort to violence steadily increases.

The economic consequences of the current crisis should not be underestimated either.

We will all pay the price for the damage to Israel's economic image, even after the current dispute is settled.

The political system, which is the proper place to discuss and settle differences of opinion, is in chaos.

It is not clear whether the fact that each of the parties is entrenched in an extreme position originates from fear of the extreme fringes in their camp, or from the tactical-political consideration of "I will not blink first".

And so, instead of a courageous leadership that recognizes the extent of the problem and puts aside considerations of prestige and survival in favor of a settlement of the dispute, we are faced with two camps that do not find among themselves the courage to put an offer on the table.

This is not how agreements are reached.

The dispute itself is solvable, if only for the reason that quite a few minds agree that there is room for a different balance between the authorities, and many supporters of the reform agree that there is no obligation to adopt all its details.

The President's proposal and other proposals did not receive attention and in-depth consideration.

The Knesset is orphaned from secret initiatives and contacts, mediation between rivals and the formation of agreements.

Under these circumstances, it is incumbent upon everyone for whom our shared existence is important to try to pull the cart out of the mud and make suggestions.

Since so far we have been faced with two opposing ways, I propose a third way, the main of which is a proposal for the formation of a broad consensus, with the understanding of each side that sometimes it is better to be wise and not 100 percent unjust.

If we isolate the superseding clause, it will be possible to form a broad consensus according to which a discussion of invalidating a law will be done only in full composition and with a qualified majority (for example, a majority exceeding two-thirds), and the Knesset will be able to re-enact this law with a majority exceeding 61 (for example, at least 65 MKs ).I have no copyright on the idea.

These and similar proposals have circulated for years both among those who currently support the current reform outline and among those who strongly oppose it today.

It is to be hoped that gathering around an agreed solution will lower the flames and allow for the formulation of a reasonable solution on other issues as well.

When the proper balance on the subject of the expected legislation is agreed upon, the explosive issue of the composition of the committee for the appointment of judges may moderate.

The dangerous cocktail of the geopolitical environment in which we live on its perils, together with the global inflation crisis, require us to stop from continuing to confront each other and work together for the future we all share.

Contact the leaders you elected, the parties you supported, and firmly demand that they lift the glove and enter into a practical discussion and talk to each other.

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