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The negotiations on the legal revolution continue: "The parties are far from agreement" - voila! news

4/17/2023, 3:31:37 PM

Today's talks between the working teams of the coalition, Yesh Atid and the state camp focused on the basic law: legislation and the composition of the committee for the selection of judges. At the meeting, the people of Yesh Atid and the state camp made it clear that they would not compromise on the politicization of the committee for the selection of judges and expressed their opposition to the coalition's demand to control it

Demonstration against the legal revolution throughout the country.

April 15, 2023 (according to Article 27 A of the Copyright Law)

The working teams of the coalition, Yesh Atid and the state camp met today (Monday) at the "Waldorf Astoria" hotel in Jerusalem, and held talks on the core issues and points of contention surrounding the legal revolution.

Today's discussion at the hotel focused on the basic law: legislation and the composition of the committee for the selection of judges.

"The parties began to discuss the core issues, and today the discussion was devoted to the issue of the Basic Law: the judiciary and the method of electing judges in Israel," said the President's House at the end of the meeting.

"Tomorrow the discussions will continue and deal with the basic law: the legislation. The discussions took place in a positive, matter-of-fact and serious atmosphere and the parties are committed to continuing the dialogue process in order to reach an agreement," they added.

Another discussion day was set between the parties for Thursday.

Before the joint meeting at the hotel began, the coalition and opposition teams held another meeting led by former Cabinet Secretary Oved Yehezkel - who coordinates the talks on behalf of the President's House.

Going forward,

"The discussions took place in a positive, matter-of-fact and serious atmosphere."

From the right: Lapid, Netanyahu, Herzog and Gantz (Photo: Flash 90, Yonatan Zindel, Avshalom Sassooni)

Officials who participated in the talks said to Walla!

"There was a serious discussion, but the parties are far from agreement."

Bish Atid and the state camp made it clear that they will not compromise on politicization in the committee for selecting judges and expressed their opposition to the coalition's demand for control of the committee.

At the end of the meeting, Yesh Atid and the state camp issued a joint statement stating: "The negotiating teams of the state camp and Yesh Atid have now concluded a meeting under the auspices of the President's House with the negotiating team from the coalition. The teams emphasized the need to reach broad agreements while maintaining all the principles of democracy on which we will not compromise We will continue to do everything we can to reach founding legislation that will strengthen Israeli democracy and the State of Israel."

More in Walla!

The talks at the president's house are renewed;

Rothman hinted: ready to give up on the coalition appointing judges

To the full article

Conversations about the legal revolution.

March 28, 2023 (photo: official website, Kobi Gideon/L.A.M.)

This is the third meeting of the political teams on behalf of the parties - and the first time they gather after Passover.

A professional meeting, without politicians, of lawyers representing the political parties was also held on the day of the festival, to prepare the topics and issues for discussion.

Until now, the talks have only dealt with framing and the framework of the negotiations, and the substantive discussions on the core issues at hand - such as the Judiciary Basic Law, the Committee for the Selection of Judges, the Legislation Basic Law, the reason for reasonableness and more - began today.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of the Constitution Committee, MK Simcha Rothman, hinted that he would be willing to give up the possibility of the coalition appointing judges, at all.

In an interview with the British "Guardian" Rothman said that if the composition of the committee for the selection of judges is determined in such a way that there will be no veto possibility, and "the voice of the people will be heard" regarding the elections of the judges, and also that a certain political party's takeover of the Supreme Court is prevented - this "can pass as far as I'm concerned ", as he said.

We do not rule out a scenario in which he would be willing to give up the possibility that the coalition would appoint judges.

Chairman of the Rotman Constitution Committee (Photo: Flash 90, Yonatan Zindel)

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At the same time as the direct negotiations between the Lish Atid coalition and the state camp, the Labor Party announced yesterday to the President's House that they are withdrawing from the negotiation process because they were not invited to participate in the main negotiation route.

The Labor Party initially stated that they were opposed to the talks at the President's residence, but a few days later they retracted and asked to participate in the process.

A team from the Labor Party led by MK Efrat Raiten and Gilad Karib even held several meetings at the President's residence with Herzog's people, but on a separate channel from the main channel between the coalition and the two major parties in the opposition. After they were not invited to participate in the professional meetings and the meetings that will be held this week, the Labor Party decided to withdraw from the entire process

The political negotiation teams on the legal revolution include ministers Ron Dermer and Yoav Kish on behalf of the government, as well as government secretary Yossi Fox, legal experts Aviad Bakshi from the Kehalat Forum and Prof. Talia Einhorn, Knesset members Keti Shtrit and Hanoch Milbitsky


Yesh Atid's team includes MKs Orna Barbiei and Karin Elharer; former Prime Minister's Office CEO Naama Shultz, and attorney Oded Gazit.

The staff of the state camp includes former Minister of Justice Gideon Sa'ar, MK Hili Trooper, Orit Farkash HaCohen and attorney Ronan Aviani.

  • news

  • Political-political


  • The legal revolution

  • The state camp

  • There is a future

  • coalition

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