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The memory of the Holocaust lives on


The memory of the Holocaust lives on On April 18, together with the Holocaust Museum, we commemorate the Central Act for Yom Hashoah at the CCK. An occasion in which, together with the survivors of Nazism and the entire Argentine society, we remember the impact of that terrible experience that the Jewish people suffered. It is also an opportunity to notice the current signs of hatred and contempt that always constitute the prelude t

On April 18, together with the Holocaust Museum, we commemorate the Central Act for Yom Hashoah at the CCK.

An occasion in which, together with the survivors of Nazism and the entire Argentine society, we remember the impact of that terrible experience that the Jewish people suffered.

It is also an opportunity to notice the current signs of hatred and contempt that always constitute the prelude to traumatic experiences.

Argentina has important tools to warn and deal with the spread of racist manifestations or protests against Nazism.

The National Constitution contains two norms that refer to the freedom of ideas.

Article 14 provides that all the inhabitants of the Nation enjoy the right "to publish their ideas in the press without prior censorship."

In turn the art.

32 provides that "The Federal Congress shall not enact laws that restrict the freedom of the press or establish federal jurisdiction over it."

Also, our country adhered to the Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, which is imprescriptible.

There, the actions that model it are described: "Acts perpetrated with the intention of totally or partially destroying a national, ethnic, racial or religious group as such."

From these constitutional and international norms, we can highlight that, if the crimes of genocide committed during the Second World War against the Jews are not prescribed, the signatory States themselves cannot be allowed to tolerate the breath of Nazi ideology apologetically.

The aforementioned Convention emphasizes another aspect to be especially taken into account and that is the concept of incitement.

No genocide is possible without a prior escalation of marking and the construction of negative otherness.

The annihilation of six million Jews in the Shoah could have happened due to strategic ideological conditioning.

It would be to make the material from which the executioners and executors of sinister plans feed freely.

The clear example is Mein Kampf, the book written by Adolf Hitler long before accessing absolute power in Germany.

For all this, the essentials of the protection of human rights must be taken into account, a worldview inspired by the experience of the Holocaust and the means of prevention that we must articulate.

Hence, all the literature, propaganda, ideas, videos, messages, cartoons that instigate the acts described in the terms of the Genocide Convention, must be exposed to prevent their viralization.

Not only the Law is capable of hindering discrimination.

Education, the mass media and social ties in general must be devices for raising awareness and empathy.

Let's strengthen democracy and appeal to equality as a horizon.

“Mir zainen do”

"Here we are".

Jorge Knoblovits is president of the DAIA

Source: clarin

All news articles on 2023-04-16

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