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Labor informed the President's House that they are withdrawing from the negotiations on the legal revolution - voila! news


Labor informed the President's House that they are withdrawing from the negotiations on the legal revolution - voila! news

In the video: Herzog responds to criticism of the outline: "I suggest that everyone study it in depth" (Roni Knafo)

The Labor Party announced this morning (Sunday) to the President's House that they are withdrawing from the talks on the legal revolution.

The letter sent by the negotiation team to the representatives of the President's House reads: "Despite the great doubts we expressed all along about the willingness of the government and the coalition to formulate broad national agreements, we chose to join the negotiation process at the President's House, out of deep concern, a sense of national responsibility and a desire to find agreed solutions to the approaching constitutional crisis that may change the democratic regime in Israel.

"Despite all of this, we are learning about conversations that are made in the dark and even about agreements between the parties far from the public eye, without our involvement, which raises the fear of harming the negotiation process and even Israeli democracy.

These things are not consistent with the clear positions we have demonstrated all along regarding the red lines that should not be crossed and the principled positions on which it is not possible to compromise."

  • news

  • Political-political


  • The legal revolution

  • the job

  • Yitzhak Herzog

Source: walla

All news articles on 2023-04-16

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